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Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
1. 21-4043 (CD-1) 713 Navidad N
2. 21-4044 (CD-1) 318 Trinity N
3. 21-4045 (CD-5) 719 W Theo Ave
4. 21-4046 (CD-5) 1410 19th St SW
5. 21-4047 (CD-2) 111 Ranger
6. 21-4048 (CD-2) 1314 Commerce St E (accessory structure)
7. 21-4049 (CD-5) 516 Nueces S
Jun 03, 2021 Building Standards Board on 2021-06-03 9:00 AM
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Full agenda
Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
1. 21-4043 (CD-1) 713 Navidad N
2. 21-4044 (CD-1) 318 Trinity N
3. 21-4045 (CD-5) 719 W Theo Ave
4. 21-4046 (CD-5) 1410 19th St SW
5. 21-4047 (CD-2) 111 Ranger
6. 21-4048 (CD-2) 1314 Commerce St E (accessory structure)
7. 21-4049 (CD-5) 516 Nueces S
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