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1:45 p.m. - Work Session
2:00 P.M. - Call to Order
Consent Agenda
13. 21-4173 21-12000001: Request by Leo Gomez, Brooks Development Authority, for approval of a three (3) year time extension in accordance with Section 35-430(f)(2) of the City of San Antonio’s Unified Development code (UDC) for Plat # 170481 – BCB – Inner Circle Dr., Unit 4, generally located west of the intersection of South New Braunfels Avenue and Research Plaza. Staff recommends Approval. (Joshua T. Orton, Planner, (210) 207-8050,, Development Services Department)
18. 21-4042 A request by the Center City Development Office for approval of a resolution for 1) the transfer of use and control from City of San Antonio to CPS Energy of a 0.100 acre (4,374 square feet) tract of land and 2) the transfer of use and control from CPS Energy to the City of San Antonio of a 0.042 acre (1,842 square feet) tract of land, generally located at 401 Villita Street. (Erika Ragsdale, Special Projects Manager, 210-207-0108,
15. 21-4288 TPV 21-082: Request by Mr. Richard Mott, P.E., for approval of a tree preservation variance request from Unified Development Code 35-523 (h), “significant trees shall be preserved at eighty (80) percent and heritage trees at one hundred (100) percent preservation within both the 100-year floodplains and environmentally sensitive areas”, general located Southwest of Old Pearsall Rd and Loop 410 intersection. Staff recommends approval. (Herminio Griego, (210) 207-6042,, Development Services Department)
20. 21-2416 Consideration and Action on the Minutes from May 26, 2021.
Jun 09, 2021 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Full agenda
1:45 p.m. - Work Session
2:00 P.M. - Call to Order
Consent Agenda
13. 21-4173 21-12000001: Request by Leo Gomez, Brooks Development Authority, for approval of a three (3) year time extension in accordance with Section 35-430(f)(2) of the City of San Antonio’s Unified Development code (UDC) for Plat # 170481 – BCB – Inner Circle Dr., Unit 4, generally located west of the intersection of South New Braunfels Avenue and Research Plaza. Staff recommends Approval. (Joshua T. Orton, Planner, (210) 207-8050,, Development Services Department)
18. 21-4042 A request by the Center City Development Office for approval of a resolution for 1) the transfer of use and control from City of San Antonio to CPS Energy of a 0.100 acre (4,374 square feet) tract of land and 2) the transfer of use and control from CPS Energy to the City of San Antonio of a 0.042 acre (1,842 square feet) tract of land, generally located at 401 Villita Street. (Erika Ragsdale, Special Projects Manager, 210-207-0108,
15. 21-4288 TPV 21-082: Request by Mr. Richard Mott, P.E., for approval of a tree preservation variance request from Unified Development Code 35-523 (h), “significant trees shall be preserved at eighty (80) percent and heritage trees at one hundred (100) percent preservation within both the 100-year floodplains and environmentally sensitive areas”, general located Southwest of Old Pearsall Rd and Loop 410 intersection. Staff recommends approval. (Herminio Griego, (210) 207-6042,, Development Services Department)
20. 21-2416 Consideration and Action on the Minutes from May 26, 2021.
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