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1. Discussion and possible action on SEPHCP application for the Valero 52Acre Wiseman Road Site (SEP 21004), generally located off of Wiseman Blvd and Verde Circle, in San Antonio, within western Bexar County. Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, Development Services Department, (210) 2078691,; Jenny Blair, Blair Wildlife Consulting.
2. Approval of the minutes from the Southern Edwards Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan Coordinating Committee meeting on October 12, 2021.
Oct 26, 2021 Southern Edwards Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan
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Roll Call
1. Discussion and possible action on SEPHCP application for the Valero 52Acre Wiseman Road Site (SEP 21004), generally located off of Wiseman Blvd and Verde Circle, in San Antonio, within western Bexar County. Logan Sparrow, Policy Administrator, Development Services Department, (210) 2078691,; Jenny Blair, Blair Wildlife Consulting.
2. Approval of the minutes from the Southern Edwards Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan Coordinating Committee meeting on October 12, 2021.
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