Video index
1. Approval of minutes from the Audit and Accountability Committee meeting from November 1, 2021
6. Briefing on the release of a solicitation for one or more contracts with qualified land trusts or governmental entities to assist the Edwards Aquifer Protection Program with acquisition of properties and conservation easements for aquifer protection in the estimated total value of $1,750,000.00 for 3 years with 2, 1year options to renew. [David W. McCary, Assistant City Manager; Homer Garcia III, Director, Parks and Recreation]
7. Approval to proceed with scheduling two homeownership housing development agreements and five rental housing development funding agreements, in the estimated total value of $9,000,000.00 for a period of 520 years. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; Veronica R. Soto, Director, Neighborhood and Housing Services Department]
5. Approval to proceed with scheduling one contract for City Council consideration to provide the Public Works Department with construction services for the Park Police Headquarters, in the estimated total value not to exceed $3,540,320.00. Project completion is estimated for March 2023. [Roderick Sanchez, Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works Department]
Next Scheduled Meeting Date: January 26, 2022
Dec 06, 2021 Audit and Accountability Committee on 2021-12-06 2:00 PM
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Approval of minutes from the Audit and Accountability Committee meeting from November 1, 2021
6. Briefing on the release of a solicitation for one or more contracts with qualified land trusts or governmental entities to assist the Edwards Aquifer Protection Program with acquisition of properties and conservation easements for aquifer protection in the estimated total value of $1,750,000.00 for 3 years with 2, 1year options to renew. [David W. McCary, Assistant City Manager; Homer Garcia III, Director, Parks and Recreation]
7. Approval to proceed with scheduling two homeownership housing development agreements and five rental housing development funding agreements, in the estimated total value of $9,000,000.00 for a period of 520 years. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; Veronica R. Soto, Director, Neighborhood and Housing Services Department]
5. Approval to proceed with scheduling one contract for City Council consideration to provide the Public Works Department with construction services for the Park Police Headquarters, in the estimated total value not to exceed $3,540,320.00. Project completion is estimated for March 2023. [Roderick Sanchez, Assistant City Manager; Razi Hosseini, Director, Public Works Department]
Next Scheduled Meeting Date: January 26, 2022
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