1. 19-8355 Discussion and possible action amending the Unified Development
Code (UDC), Chapter 35 of the City Code of San Antonio, Texas,
with changes to Section 35-801 relating to the composition of the
Board of Adjustment (BOA) and authorizing a change to the BOA
Rules and Procedures Document in order to modify the BOA
Composition. (Catherine Hernandez, Development Services
Administrator, (210) 207-5085, catherine.hernandez@sanantonio.gov,
Development Services Department)
6. 19-7990 (Continued from 10/15/19) ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700193 S
(Council District 1):A request for a change in zoning from "C-3NA
NCD-5 AHOD" General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Beacon Hill
Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District to
"C-3NA S NCD-5 AHOD" General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales
Beacon Hill Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay
District with Specific Use Authorization for a Construction Contractor
Facility on Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 19, NCB 6418, located at 738 West
Hildebrand Avenue. Staff recommends Approval. (Dominic Silva,
Senior Planner, (210) 207-0120, dominic.silva@sanantonio.gov,
Development Services Department)
7. 19-8118 (Continued from 10/01/19) ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700203
(Council District 7): A request for a change in zoning from "C-2
AHOD" Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District, "C-3R AHOD"
General Commercial Restrictive Alcoholic Sales Airport Hazard
Overlay District and "O-2 AHOD" High-Rise Office Airport Hazard
Overlay District to "MF-40 AHOD" Multi-Family Airport Hazard
Overlay District on Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 2, NCB 13301 and Lot 1
and Lot 2, Block 3, NCB 13302, generally located northeast of the
intersection of West Loop 410 and Pin Oak Drive. Staff recommends
Approval. (Michael Pepe, Planner, (210) 207-8208,
Michael.Pepe@SanAntonio.gov, Development Services Department)
10. 19-7534 (Continued from 10/01/19) ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700222 S
(Council District 2): A request for a change in zoning from "C-2
MLOD-3 MLR-1 AHOD" Commercial Martindale Army Airfield
Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard
Overlay District to "C-2 S MLOD-3 MLR-1 AHOD" Commercial
Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting
Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District with Specific Use
Authorization for a Car Wash on 3.64 acres out of NCB 16612,
generally located southwest of the intersection of Summer Fest Drive
and North Foster Road. Staff recommends Approval. (Dominic Silva,
Senior Planner, (210) 207-0120, dominic.silva@sanantonio.gov,
Development Services Department)
16. 19-8123 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700247 CD (Council District 9): A request
for a change in zoning from "R-5 AHOD" Residential Single-Family
Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-5 CD AHOD" Residential
Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use
for a Library (Private) on Lot 35, Block 13, NCB 13162, located at
903 Melissa Drive. Staff recommends Approval. (Associated Zoning
Case Z-2019-10700252) (Lorianne Thennes, Planner 210-207-7945,
lorianne.thennes@sanantonio.gov; Development Services
17. 19-8024 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700248 (Council District 1): A request for a
change in zoning from "C-3NA NCD-5 AHOD" General Commercial
Nonalcoholic Sales Beacon Hill Area Neighborhood Conservation
Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-3 NCD-5 AHOD" Residential
Single-Family Beacon Hill Area Neighborhood Conservation Airport
Hazard Overlay District on North 37.5 Feet of South 75 Feet of Lot
1-4, Block 5, NCB 1783, located at 1019 Capitol Avenue. Staff
recommends Approval. (Michael Pepe, Planner, 210-207-8208,
Michael.Pepe@sanantonio.gov, Development Services Department)
20. 19-8121 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700252 (Council District 2): A request for a
change in zoning from "I-1 AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard
Overlay District and "I-1 HS AHOD" General Industrial Historic
Significant Landmark Airport Hazard Overlay District to "IDZ-3
AHOD" High Intensity Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard
Overlay District with uses permitted in "C-2" Commercial District, an
Extended Stay Hotel, and multi-family dwelling units not to exceed 570
units and "IDZ-3 HL AHOD" High Intensity Infill Development Zone
Historic Significant Landmark Airport Hazard Overlay District with
uses permitted in "C-2" Commercial District, an Extended Stay Hotel,
and multi-family dwelling units not to exceed 570 units on 2.892 acres
out of NCB 656, located at 1008 Hoefgen Avenue, 1010 Hoefgen
Avenue, 1010 Hoefgen Avenue 1, and 509 Delaware Street. Staff
recommends Approval. (Associated Plan Amendment Case
PA2019-11600071) (Lorianne Thennes, Planner 210-207-7945,
lorianne.thennes@sanantonio.gov; Development Services
21. 19-8019 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700254 (Council District 1): A request for a
change in zoning from "C-3 AHOD" General Commercial Airport
Hazard Overlay District to "R-3 AHOD" Residential Single-Family
Airport Hazard Overly District on Lot 66, Block 3, NCB 2159, located
at 241 Rounds Street. Staff recommends Approval. (Patricia Franco,
Planner (210) 207-5876, patricia.franco@sanantonio.gov,
Development Services Department).
14. 19-7779 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700233 HL (Council District 1): A request
for a change in zoning from "R-6 AHOD" Residential Single-Family
Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-6 HL AHOD" Residential
Single-Family Historic Landmark Airport Hazard Overlay District on
Lot 16 and south 92.28 feet of east 5 feet of 15 excluding north 92.28
feet of west 5 feet of Lot 16, NCB 861, located at 434 East Magnolia
Avenue. Staff recommends Approval. (Mirko Maravi, Planner (210)
207-0107, mirko.maravi@sanantonio.gov; Development Services
18. 19-7778 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700249 HL (Council District 1): A request
for a change in zoning from "R-6 AHOD" Residential Single-Family
Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-6 HL AHOD" Residential
Single-Family Historic Landmark Airport Hazard Overlay District on
Lot 15 and north 92.28 feet of west 5 feet of Lot 16, excluding south
92.28 feet of east 5 feet of Lot 15, NCB 861, located at 430 East
Magnolia Avenue. Staff recommends Approval. (Mirko Maravi,
Planner (210) 207-0107, mirko.maravi@sanantonio.gov; Development
Services Department)
1. 19-8355 Discussion and possible action amending the Unified Development
Code (UDC), Chapter 35 of the City Code of San Antonio, Texas,
with changes to Section 35-801 relating to the composition of the
Board of Adjustment (BOA) and authorizing a change to the BOA
Rules and Procedures Document in order to modify the BOA
Composition. (Catherine Hernandez, Development Services
Administrator, (210) 207-5085, catherine.hernandez@sanantonio.gov,
Development Services Department)
6. 19-7990 (Continued from 10/15/19) ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700193 S
(Council District 1):A request for a change in zoning from "C-3NA
NCD-5 AHOD" General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Beacon Hill
Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District to
"C-3NA S NCD-5 AHOD" General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales
Beacon Hill Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay
District with Specific Use Authorization for a Construction Contractor
Facility on Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 19, NCB 6418, located at 738 West
Hildebrand Avenue. Staff recommends Approval. (Dominic Silva,
Senior Planner, (210) 207-0120, dominic.silva@sanantonio.gov,
Development Services Department)
7. 19-8118 (Continued from 10/01/19) ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700203
(Council District 7): A request for a change in zoning from "C-2
AHOD" Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District, "C-3R AHOD"
General Commercial Restrictive Alcoholic Sales Airport Hazard
Overlay District and "O-2 AHOD" High-Rise Office Airport Hazard
Overlay District to "MF-40 AHOD" Multi-Family Airport Hazard
Overlay District on Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 2, NCB 13301 and Lot 1
and Lot 2, Block 3, NCB 13302, generally located northeast of the
intersection of West Loop 410 and Pin Oak Drive. Staff recommends
Approval. (Michael Pepe, Planner, (210) 207-8208,
Michael.Pepe@SanAntonio.gov, Development Services Department)
10. 19-7534 (Continued from 10/01/19) ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700222 S
(Council District 2): A request for a change in zoning from "C-2
MLOD-3 MLR-1 AHOD" Commercial Martindale Army Airfield
Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard
Overlay District to "C-2 S MLOD-3 MLR-1 AHOD" Commercial
Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting
Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District with Specific Use
Authorization for a Car Wash on 3.64 acres out of NCB 16612,
generally located southwest of the intersection of Summer Fest Drive
and North Foster Road. Staff recommends Approval. (Dominic Silva,
Senior Planner, (210) 207-0120, dominic.silva@sanantonio.gov,
Development Services Department)
16. 19-8123 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700247 CD (Council District 9): A request
for a change in zoning from "R-5 AHOD" Residential Single-Family
Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-5 CD AHOD" Residential
Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use
for a Library (Private) on Lot 35, Block 13, NCB 13162, located at
903 Melissa Drive. Staff recommends Approval. (Associated Zoning
Case Z-2019-10700252) (Lorianne Thennes, Planner 210-207-7945,
lorianne.thennes@sanantonio.gov; Development Services
17. 19-8024 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700248 (Council District 1): A request for a
change in zoning from "C-3NA NCD-5 AHOD" General Commercial
Nonalcoholic Sales Beacon Hill Area Neighborhood Conservation
Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-3 NCD-5 AHOD" Residential
Single-Family Beacon Hill Area Neighborhood Conservation Airport
Hazard Overlay District on North 37.5 Feet of South 75 Feet of Lot
1-4, Block 5, NCB 1783, located at 1019 Capitol Avenue. Staff
recommends Approval. (Michael Pepe, Planner, 210-207-8208,
Michael.Pepe@sanantonio.gov, Development Services Department)
20. 19-8121 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700252 (Council District 2): A request for a
change in zoning from "I-1 AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard
Overlay District and "I-1 HS AHOD" General Industrial Historic
Significant Landmark Airport Hazard Overlay District to "IDZ-3
AHOD" High Intensity Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard
Overlay District with uses permitted in "C-2" Commercial District, an
Extended Stay Hotel, and multi-family dwelling units not to exceed 570
units and "IDZ-3 HL AHOD" High Intensity Infill Development Zone
Historic Significant Landmark Airport Hazard Overlay District with
uses permitted in "C-2" Commercial District, an Extended Stay Hotel,
and multi-family dwelling units not to exceed 570 units on 2.892 acres
out of NCB 656, located at 1008 Hoefgen Avenue, 1010 Hoefgen
Avenue, 1010 Hoefgen Avenue 1, and 509 Delaware Street. Staff
recommends Approval. (Associated Plan Amendment Case
PA2019-11600071) (Lorianne Thennes, Planner 210-207-7945,
lorianne.thennes@sanantonio.gov; Development Services
21. 19-8019 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700254 (Council District 1): A request for a
change in zoning from "C-3 AHOD" General Commercial Airport
Hazard Overlay District to "R-3 AHOD" Residential Single-Family
Airport Hazard Overly District on Lot 66, Block 3, NCB 2159, located
at 241 Rounds Street. Staff recommends Approval. (Patricia Franco,
Planner (210) 207-5876, patricia.franco@sanantonio.gov,
Development Services Department).
14. 19-7779 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700233 HL (Council District 1): A request
for a change in zoning from "R-6 AHOD" Residential Single-Family
Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-6 HL AHOD" Residential
Single-Family Historic Landmark Airport Hazard Overlay District on
Lot 16 and south 92.28 feet of east 5 feet of 15 excluding north 92.28
feet of west 5 feet of Lot 16, NCB 861, located at 434 East Magnolia
Avenue. Staff recommends Approval. (Mirko Maravi, Planner (210)
207-0107, mirko.maravi@sanantonio.gov; Development Services
18. 19-7778 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700249 HL (Council District 1): A request
for a change in zoning from "R-6 AHOD" Residential Single-Family
Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-6 HL AHOD" Residential
Single-Family Historic Landmark Airport Hazard Overlay District on
Lot 15 and north 92.28 feet of west 5 feet of Lot 16, excluding south
92.28 feet of east 5 feet of Lot 15, NCB 861, located at 430 East
Magnolia Avenue. Staff recommends Approval. (Mirko Maravi,
Planner (210) 207-0107, mirko.maravi@sanantonio.gov; Development
Services Department)