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Consent Agenda
5. 20-1060 180474: Request by Gordon Hartman, Scooby Investments, LLC, for approval to subdivide a tract of land to establish Republic Creek, Unit 2 Subdivision, generally located southeast of the intersection of Southeast Loop 410 and South WW White Road. Staff recommends Approval. (Nicole Salinas, Planner, (210) 207-8264,, Development Services Department).
8. 19-9135 180551: Request by Brian Barron, Lennar Homes of Texas Land and Construction, LTD., for approval to subdivide a tract of land to establish Waterwheel Collector Crossing Subdivision, generally located north of the intersection of Culebra Road and Landa Falls. Staff recommends Approval. (Victoria Castro, Planner, (210) 207-2736, Victoria., Development Services Department).
10. 20-1032 180614: Request by Leslie Ostrander, CHTEX of Texas, LP., for approval to replat and subdivide a tract of land to establish Solana Ridge Subdivision Unit 15, generally located southwest of the intersection of Quantum Loop and Loop 410. Staff recommends Approval. (Martha Bernal, Senior Planner, (210) 207-0210,, Development Services Department)
18. 19-9402 160295: Request by Efraim Varga, S. Presa Development, LLC, for approval of a three (3) year time extension in accordance with Section 35-430(f)(2) of the City of San Antonio’s Unified Development code (UDC), for the Lotus Urban Townhomes East, IDZ, generally located southeast of the intersection of West Carolina Street and South Presa Street. Staff recommends Approval. (Nicole Salinas, Planner, (210) 207-8264,, Development Services Department)
19. 19-9404 160296: Request by Efraim Varga, S. Presa Development, LLC, for approval of a three (3) year time extension in accordance with Section 35-430(f)(2) of the City of San Antonio’s Unified Development code (UDC), for the Lotus Urban Townhomes West, IDZ, generally located southeast of the intersection of West Carolina Street and South Presa Street. Staff recommends Approval. (Nicole Salinas, Planner, (210) 207-8264,, Development Services Department)
20. 20-1062 (Continued from 12/11/19); PLAN AMENDMENT CASE PA-2019-11600089 (Council District 8): A request by Jean Latsha, applicant, for approval of a Resolution to amend the North Sector Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use from “Suburban Tier" to "General Urban Tier" on 9.708 acres out of NCB 16109 and NCB 16455 and 0.231 acres out of NCB 16455, located at 6460 Babcock Road. Staff recommends Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z-2019-10700305) (Mirko Maravi, Senior Planner (210) 207-0107,; Development Services Department)
22. 20-1037 PLAN AMENDMENT CASE PA-2019-11600091 (Council District 3): A request by GFR Development, Applicant, for approval of a Resolution to amend the Brooks Area Regional Center Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use from “Urban Mixed-Use” to “Regional Mixed-Use” on 0.71 acres out of NCB 10939, located at 1003 Avondale Avenue. Staff recommends Denial. (Associated Zoning Case Z-2019-10700302) (Lorianne Thennes, Planner (210) 207-7945, lorianne.thennes, Development Services Department)
24. 20-1035 PLAN AMENDMENT CASE PA-2019-11600096 (Council District 5): A request by Joseph Lopez, Jr, representative, for approval of a Resolution to amend the Nogalitos / South Zarzamora Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use from “Neighborhood Commercial" to "Regional Commercial” on Lot 1 and 2, Block 13, NCB 7050, located at 3401, 3403, 3405, and 3407 Nogalitos Street. Staff recommends Denial. (Associated Zoning Case Z-2019-10700328) (Michael Pepe, Planner, (210) 207-8208,, Development Services)
25. 20-1036 PLAN AMENDMENT CASE PA-2019-11600102 (Council District 2): A request by O'Raye Adkins, Applicant, for approval of a Resolution to amend the Eastern Triangle Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use from “Community Commercial" to "High Density Residential" on Lot 8, Block 6, NCB 12633, located in the 4000 block of Interstate 10 East. Staff recommends Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z-2019-10700317) (Michael Pepe, Planner, (210) 207-8208,, Development Services)
26. 20-1015 Consideration and Action on the Minutes from December 11, 2019.
Jan 08, 2020 Planning Commission
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Consent Agenda
5. 20-1060 180474: Request by Gordon Hartman, Scooby Investments, LLC, for approval to subdivide a tract of land to establish Republic Creek, Unit 2 Subdivision, generally located southeast of the intersection of Southeast Loop 410 and South WW White Road. Staff recommends Approval. (Nicole Salinas, Planner, (210) 207-8264,, Development Services Department).
8. 19-9135 180551: Request by Brian Barron, Lennar Homes of Texas Land and Construction, LTD., for approval to subdivide a tract of land to establish Waterwheel Collector Crossing Subdivision, generally located north of the intersection of Culebra Road and Landa Falls. Staff recommends Approval. (Victoria Castro, Planner, (210) 207-2736, Victoria., Development Services Department).
10. 20-1032 180614: Request by Leslie Ostrander, CHTEX of Texas, LP., for approval to replat and subdivide a tract of land to establish Solana Ridge Subdivision Unit 15, generally located southwest of the intersection of Quantum Loop and Loop 410. Staff recommends Approval. (Martha Bernal, Senior Planner, (210) 207-0210,, Development Services Department)
18. 19-9402 160295: Request by Efraim Varga, S. Presa Development, LLC, for approval of a three (3) year time extension in accordance with Section 35-430(f)(2) of the City of San Antonio’s Unified Development code (UDC), for the Lotus Urban Townhomes East, IDZ, generally located southeast of the intersection of West Carolina Street and South Presa Street. Staff recommends Approval. (Nicole Salinas, Planner, (210) 207-8264,, Development Services Department)
19. 19-9404 160296: Request by Efraim Varga, S. Presa Development, LLC, for approval of a three (3) year time extension in accordance with Section 35-430(f)(2) of the City of San Antonio’s Unified Development code (UDC), for the Lotus Urban Townhomes West, IDZ, generally located southeast of the intersection of West Carolina Street and South Presa Street. Staff recommends Approval. (Nicole Salinas, Planner, (210) 207-8264,, Development Services Department)
20. 20-1062 (Continued from 12/11/19); PLAN AMENDMENT CASE PA-2019-11600089 (Council District 8): A request by Jean Latsha, applicant, for approval of a Resolution to amend the North Sector Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use from “Suburban Tier" to "General Urban Tier" on 9.708 acres out of NCB 16109 and NCB 16455 and 0.231 acres out of NCB 16455, located at 6460 Babcock Road. Staff recommends Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z-2019-10700305) (Mirko Maravi, Senior Planner (210) 207-0107,; Development Services Department)
22. 20-1037 PLAN AMENDMENT CASE PA-2019-11600091 (Council District 3): A request by GFR Development, Applicant, for approval of a Resolution to amend the Brooks Area Regional Center Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use from “Urban Mixed-Use” to “Regional Mixed-Use” on 0.71 acres out of NCB 10939, located at 1003 Avondale Avenue. Staff recommends Denial. (Associated Zoning Case Z-2019-10700302) (Lorianne Thennes, Planner (210) 207-7945, lorianne.thennes, Development Services Department)
24. 20-1035 PLAN AMENDMENT CASE PA-2019-11600096 (Council District 5): A request by Joseph Lopez, Jr, representative, for approval of a Resolution to amend the Nogalitos / South Zarzamora Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use from “Neighborhood Commercial" to "Regional Commercial” on Lot 1 and 2, Block 13, NCB 7050, located at 3401, 3403, 3405, and 3407 Nogalitos Street. Staff recommends Denial. (Associated Zoning Case Z-2019-10700328) (Michael Pepe, Planner, (210) 207-8208,, Development Services)
25. 20-1036 PLAN AMENDMENT CASE PA-2019-11600102 (Council District 2): A request by O'Raye Adkins, Applicant, for approval of a Resolution to amend the Eastern Triangle Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use from “Community Commercial" to "High Density Residential" on Lot 8, Block 6, NCB 12633, located in the 4000 block of Interstate 10 East. Staff recommends Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z-2019-10700317) (Michael Pepe, Planner, (210) 207-8208,, Development Services)
26. 20-1015 Consideration and Action on the Minutes from December 11, 2019.
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