6. 20-1053 (Continued from 12/03/19) ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700282 (Council District 4): A request for a change in zoning from "NP-10 MLOD-2 MLR-1 AHOD" Neighborhood Preservation Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District to "L MLOD-2 MLR-1 AHOD" Light Industrial Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot P-51A, NCB 14567, generally located in the 9600 Block of IH 35 South. Staff recommends Approval. (Patricia Franco, Planner (210) 207-5876, patricia.franco@sanantonio.gov, Development Services Department).
7. 20-1414 (Continued from 12/17/19) ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700275 (Council District 2): A request for a change in zoning from "MF-33 H AHOD" Multi-Family Dignowity Hill Historic Airport Hazard Overlay District to "IDZ-2 H AHOD" Medium Intensity Infill Development Zone Dignowity Hill Historic Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted in "C-2" Commercial District and for a Party House, Reception Hall, Meeting Facility on the south 104.22 feet of Lot 11, Lot 12, and Lot 13, Block 8, NCB 562, located at 707 Dawson Street. Staff reccomends Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment PA-2019-11600079) (Michael Pepe, Planner, (210) 207-8208, Michael.Pepe@sanantonio.gov, Development Services)
14. 20-1093 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700312 (Council District 1): A request for a change in zoning from "MF-33 AHOD" Multi-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-1 AHOD" Residential Single Family Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 13A excluding northeast triangular 14 feet, Block 2, NCB 2177, located at 802 Arbor Place. Staff recommends Approval. (Mirko Maravi, Senior Planner (210) 207-0107, mirko.maravi@sanantonio.gov; Development Services Department)
16. 20-9407 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700314 CD (Council District 5): A request for a change in zoning from "R-4 CD MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use for a Noncommercial Parking Lot to "C-2 CD MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Commercial Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use for Motor Vehicle Sales on Lots 43-50, Block 7, NCB 8258, located at 202 North General McMullen. Staff recommends Approval with Conditions. (Lorianne Thennes, Planner (210) 207-7945, lorianne.thennes, Development Services Department)
17. 20-1094 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700316 CD (Council District 5): A request for a change in zoning from "R-5 MLOD-2 MLR-1 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-5 CD MLOD-2 MLR-1 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District with Conditional Use for two (2) dwelling units on Lot 48 and Lot 49, Block 4, NCB 7490, located at 129 Dolores Avenue. Staff recommends Approval. (Mirko Maravi, Senior Planner (210) 207-0107, mirko.maravi@sanantonio.gov; Development Services Department)
18. 20-1349 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700317 (Council District 2): A request for a change in zoning from "C-3 MLOD-3 MLR-1" General Commercial Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 District to "MF-33 MLOD-3 MLR-1" Multi-Family Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 District on Lot 8, Block 6, NCB 12633, located in the 4000 Block of Interstate 10 East. Staff recommends Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment PA-2019-11600102) (Michael Pepe, Planner, (210) 207-8208, Michael.Pepe@sanantonio.gov, Development Services)
19. 19-9408 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700318 (Council District 2): A request for a change in zoning from "NP-10 MLOD-3 MLR-1 AHOD" Neighborhood Preservation Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District and "C-2 MLOD-3 MLR-1 AHOD" Commercial Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District to "MHC MLOD-3 MLR-1 AHOD" Manufactured Housing Conventional Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District on 8.781 acres out of NCB 17990, located at 7975 Interstate 10 East. Staff recommends Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment PA-2019-11600092) (Lorianne Thennes, Planner (210) 207-7945, lorianne.thennes, Development Services Department)
21. 20-1095 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700320 (Council District 10): A request for a change in zoning from "I-1 S IH-1 AHOD" General Industrial Northeast Gateway Corridor Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Specific Use Authorization for a University, "I-1 S AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Specific Use Authorization for a University, “R-6 AHOD” Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District and “R-6 IH-1 AHOD” Residential Single-Family Northeast Gateway Corridor Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-2 IH-1 AHOD" Commercial Northeast Gateway Corridor Airport Hazard Overlay District and "C-2 AHOD" Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lots TR-19, 19A, 19C, 19D, 20A and 21A, NCB 14952, and Lot 1, Block 2, NCB 14952, located at 11104 and 11542 Wayland Way, and 6153 Randolph Boulevard. Staff recommends Approval. (Mirko Maravi, Senior Planner (210) 207-0107, mirko.maravi@sanantonio.gov; Development Services Department)
22. 20-1096 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700326 (Council District 6): A request for a change in zoning from "R-6" Residential Single-Family District to "C-2" Commercial District on Lot P-4C, NCB 34400, located at 2790 West Loop 1604 North. Staff recommends Approval. (Mirko Maravi, Senior Planner (210) 207-0107, mirko.maravi@sanantonio.gov; Development Services Department)
25. 19-9377 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700329 (Council District 2): A request for a change in zoning from "C-2 RIO-1 UC-2 NCD-9 AHOD" Commercial River Improvement Overlay Broadway Urban Corridor Westfort Alliance Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District and "C-2 RIO-1 NCD-9 AHOD" Commercial River Improvement Overlay Westfort Alliance Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-2 IDZ RIO-1 UC-2 NCD-9 AHOD" Commercial Infill Development Zone River Improvement Overlay Broadway Urban Corridor Westfort Alliance Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District and "C-2 IDZ RIO-1 NCD-9 AHOD" Commercial Infill Development Zone River Improvement Overlay Westfort Alliance Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District on the south 45 feet of Lot 10, Lot 11 and Lot 12, Block 27, NCB 1764, located at 519 East Josephine Street. Staff recommends Approval. (Patricia Franco, Planner (210) 207-5876, patricia.franco@sanantonio.gov, Development Services Department).
6. 20-1053 (Continued from 12/03/19) ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700282 (Council District 4): A request for a change in zoning from "NP-10 MLOD-2 MLR-1 AHOD" Neighborhood Preservation Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District to "L MLOD-2 MLR-1 AHOD" Light Industrial Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot P-51A, NCB 14567, generally located in the 9600 Block of IH 35 South. Staff recommends Approval. (Patricia Franco, Planner (210) 207-5876, patricia.franco@sanantonio.gov, Development Services Department).
7. 20-1414 (Continued from 12/17/19) ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700275 (Council District 2): A request for a change in zoning from "MF-33 H AHOD" Multi-Family Dignowity Hill Historic Airport Hazard Overlay District to "IDZ-2 H AHOD" Medium Intensity Infill Development Zone Dignowity Hill Historic Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted in "C-2" Commercial District and for a Party House, Reception Hall, Meeting Facility on the south 104.22 feet of Lot 11, Lot 12, and Lot 13, Block 8, NCB 562, located at 707 Dawson Street. Staff reccomends Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment PA-2019-11600079) (Michael Pepe, Planner, (210) 207-8208, Michael.Pepe@sanantonio.gov, Development Services)
14. 20-1093 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700312 (Council District 1): A request for a change in zoning from "MF-33 AHOD" Multi-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-1 AHOD" Residential Single Family Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 13A excluding northeast triangular 14 feet, Block 2, NCB 2177, located at 802 Arbor Place. Staff recommends Approval. (Mirko Maravi, Senior Planner (210) 207-0107, mirko.maravi@sanantonio.gov; Development Services Department)
16. 20-9407 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700314 CD (Council District 5): A request for a change in zoning from "R-4 CD MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use for a Noncommercial Parking Lot to "C-2 CD MLOD-2 MLR-2 AHOD" Commercial Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Conditional Use for Motor Vehicle Sales on Lots 43-50, Block 7, NCB 8258, located at 202 North General McMullen. Staff recommends Approval with Conditions. (Lorianne Thennes, Planner (210) 207-7945, lorianne.thennes, Development Services Department)
17. 20-1094 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700316 CD (Council District 5): A request for a change in zoning from "R-5 MLOD-2 MLR-1 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-5 CD MLOD-2 MLR-1 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Lackland Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District with Conditional Use for two (2) dwelling units on Lot 48 and Lot 49, Block 4, NCB 7490, located at 129 Dolores Avenue. Staff recommends Approval. (Mirko Maravi, Senior Planner (210) 207-0107, mirko.maravi@sanantonio.gov; Development Services Department)
18. 20-1349 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700317 (Council District 2): A request for a change in zoning from "C-3 MLOD-3 MLR-1" General Commercial Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 District to "MF-33 MLOD-3 MLR-1" Multi-Family Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 2 District on Lot 8, Block 6, NCB 12633, located in the 4000 Block of Interstate 10 East. Staff recommends Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment PA-2019-11600102) (Michael Pepe, Planner, (210) 207-8208, Michael.Pepe@sanantonio.gov, Development Services)
19. 19-9408 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700318 (Council District 2): A request for a change in zoning from "NP-10 MLOD-3 MLR-1 AHOD" Neighborhood Preservation Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District and "C-2 MLOD-3 MLR-1 AHOD" Commercial Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District to "MHC MLOD-3 MLR-1 AHOD" Manufactured Housing Conventional Martindale Army Airfield Military Lighting Overlay Military Lighting Region 1 Airport Hazard Overlay District on 8.781 acres out of NCB 17990, located at 7975 Interstate 10 East. Staff recommends Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment PA-2019-11600092) (Lorianne Thennes, Planner (210) 207-7945, lorianne.thennes, Development Services Department)
21. 20-1095 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700320 (Council District 10): A request for a change in zoning from "I-1 S IH-1 AHOD" General Industrial Northeast Gateway Corridor Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Specific Use Authorization for a University, "I-1 S AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Specific Use Authorization for a University, “R-6 AHOD” Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District and “R-6 IH-1 AHOD” Residential Single-Family Northeast Gateway Corridor Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-2 IH-1 AHOD" Commercial Northeast Gateway Corridor Airport Hazard Overlay District and "C-2 AHOD" Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lots TR-19, 19A, 19C, 19D, 20A and 21A, NCB 14952, and Lot 1, Block 2, NCB 14952, located at 11104 and 11542 Wayland Way, and 6153 Randolph Boulevard. Staff recommends Approval. (Mirko Maravi, Senior Planner (210) 207-0107, mirko.maravi@sanantonio.gov; Development Services Department)
22. 20-1096 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700326 (Council District 6): A request for a change in zoning from "R-6" Residential Single-Family District to "C-2" Commercial District on Lot P-4C, NCB 34400, located at 2790 West Loop 1604 North. Staff recommends Approval. (Mirko Maravi, Senior Planner (210) 207-0107, mirko.maravi@sanantonio.gov; Development Services Department)
25. 19-9377 ZONING CASE Z-2019-10700329 (Council District 2): A request for a change in zoning from "C-2 RIO-1 UC-2 NCD-9 AHOD" Commercial River Improvement Overlay Broadway Urban Corridor Westfort Alliance Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District and "C-2 RIO-1 NCD-9 AHOD" Commercial River Improvement Overlay Westfort Alliance Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-2 IDZ RIO-1 UC-2 NCD-9 AHOD" Commercial Infill Development Zone River Improvement Overlay Broadway Urban Corridor Westfort Alliance Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District and "C-2 IDZ RIO-1 NCD-9 AHOD" Commercial Infill Development Zone River Improvement Overlay Westfort Alliance Neighborhood Conservation Airport Hazard Overlay District on the south 45 feet of Lot 10, Lot 11 and Lot 12, Block 27, NCB 1764, located at 519 East Josephine Street. Staff recommends Approval. (Patricia Franco, Planner (210) 207-5876, patricia.franco@sanantonio.gov, Development Services Department).