Video index
Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
Selection of Panel A Vice Chair
Hold Harmless Agreements
(CD-2) 4802 Billy
(CD-3) 910 Fair Ave (accessory structure)
(CD-3) 918 Fair Ave (accessory structure)
Dilapidated Structures
1. 20-1610 (CD-2) 1532 Commerce St E (rehearing)
2. 20-1611 (CD-2) 1703 Peck Ave
3. 20-1612 (CD-5) 1705 Delgado St (accessory structure)
4. 20-1613 (CD-5) 2020 Cesar Chavez W
5. 20-1614 (CD-4) 112 Yvonne Ave - Item Pulled
6. 20-1615 (CD-2) 115 Vhoories
BSB Guidelines, Policies, and Procedures
Feb 06, 2020 Building Standards Board on 2020-02-06 9:00 AM
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
Selection of Panel A Vice Chair
Hold Harmless Agreements
(CD-2) 4802 Billy
(CD-3) 910 Fair Ave (accessory structure)
(CD-3) 918 Fair Ave (accessory structure)
Dilapidated Structures
1. 20-1610 (CD-2) 1532 Commerce St E (rehearing)
2. 20-1611 (CD-2) 1703 Peck Ave
3. 20-1612 (CD-5) 1705 Delgado St (accessory structure)
4. 20-1613 (CD-5) 2020 Cesar Chavez W
5. 20-1614 (CD-4) 112 Yvonne Ave - Item Pulled
6. 20-1615 (CD-2) 115 Vhoories
BSB Guidelines, Policies, and Procedures
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