1. 13-1070 Invocation by Reverend David Brockhouse, Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, guest of Councilmember Rey Saldaña, District 4.
Legislation Text
2. 13-1071 Pledge of Allegiance
Legislation Text
3. 13-1072 Approval of Minutes for the September 11 - 12, 2013 City Council Meetings.
Legislation Text
Regular City Council Meetings of September 11-12 2013
4. 13-986 An Ordinance authorizing the adjustment of the Water, Water Supply and Waste Water rates of the San Antonio Water System (SAWS), to be effective January 1, 2014. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliot, Director, Finance]
Legislation Text
Report on Proposed Adjustments to SAWS Rates & Rate Structure
Draft Ordinance
5. 13-808 An Ordinance authorizing execution of a contract with Ready Snacks of San Antonio, LLC to provide healthy snack vending services in City-owned and leased facilities with anticipated revenue of $3,500.00 annually, which will be deposited into the appropriate General Fund, Special Revenue Fund or Enterprise Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Director, Finance]
Legislation Text
SCORE Summary Matrix_Healthy Snack Vending Services - Final
Disclosure Form
Ready Snacks Draft Contract
6. 13-853 An Ordinance authorizing the following contracts establishing unit prices for goods and services for an estimated annual cost of $892,000.00: (A) Municipal Emergency Services, Inc. for fire hoses, (B) Saeco Electric & Utility for drilling wood & steel pole foundations, (C) GlaxoSmithKline, LLC, Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics, Regimed Medical and Sanofi Pasteur, Inc. for vaccines and biologicals, (D) WebQA, Inc. for open records module support for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and (E) Frio Nevada Corporation d/b/a Go Professional Environmental Mgt. for Janitorial, Supplemental Conversion/Labor, and Rigging Services at the Alamodome. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Director, Finance]
Legislation Text
11-21-13 TOC.pdf
6100003265 Fire Hoses CSS.pdf
6100003265 Fire Hoses Bid Tab.pdf
6100003471 Drilling Wood CSS.pdf
6100003471 Drilling Wood Bid Tab.pdf
6100003236 Vaccines CSS.pdf
6100003236 Vaccines Bid Tab.pdf
6100003122 FOIA CSS.pdf
6100003122 FOIA Bid Tab.pdf
6100003122 - FOIA COE.pdf
A1188-07 Change Order CSS.pdf
Draft Ordinance
7. 13-942 An Ordinance ratifying an Amendment and Extension for the Personal Protective Clothing contract for Firefighters with Morning Pride Manufacturing, LLC, beginning October 1, 2013 and ending January 31, 2014, for an amount up to $110,000.00 utilizing the FY 2014 General Fund. [Erik J. Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Charles N. Hood, Fire Chief]
Legislation Text
Morning Pride Manufacturing Amendment and Extension
Draft Ordinance
8. 13-673 An Ordinance authorizing an amendment in the increased amount of $821,323.00 to the $216,785.00 professional services agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc. for additional design services for Belford Area Drainage, a 2007 Bond Savings and 2012-2017 General Obligation Bond funded Project, located in Council District 3. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Capital Improvements Management Services]
Legislation Text
Project Map
Discretionary Contracts Form
Draft Ordinance
9. 13-794 An Ordinance approving a change order in the increased amount of $232,438.15 to upgrade existing traffic signals and supporting infrastructure at Burr and Broadway and authorizing payment to Texas Sterling Construction Company, for the Broadway Corridor Phase IIIA (Broadway-Hildebrand), an authorized 2007-2012 Bond and FY 2014 Traffic Signal funded project, located in Council District 2. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Capital Improvements Management Services]
Legislation Text
BH Map
Draft Ordinance
10. 13-827 Consideration of the following actions related to improvements for the Stinson Park 5 Diamond Little League Complex, a 2012-2017 Bond Program-funded Project, located in Council District 3. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Capital Improvements Management Services]
A) An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a Job Order Contract in an amount not to exceed $135,991.00, payable to Alpha Building Corporation, to provide renovation work for the restroom facility as part of the Stinson Park 5 Diamond Little League Complex project.
Legislation Text
Stinson Park Improvements_Proposal.pdf
FI Stinson Park 11-21-13.xls
Alpha-ContractDisclosureForm_Stinson Park.pdf
Draft Ordinance
13-1098 B) An Ordinance authorizing the purchase, fabrication, delivery and installation of a new 1,100 square-foot modular concession and restroom building from Restroom Facilities, Ltd. for a total cost of $377,000.00 from 2012-2017 Bond Program funds, available in the FY 2012 - 2017 Capital Improvement Budget.
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
11. 13-968 An Ordinance authorizing the acceptance of approximately 2.0 acres of land adjacent to the Phil Hardberger Park from the Phil Hardberger Park Conservancy and authorizing a reciprocal easement agreement with Henrietta Partners for access to the newly acquired land located in Council District 8. [Gloria Hurtado, Assistant City Manager; Xavier Urrutia, Director, Parks & Recreation]
Legislation Text
Map of Hardberger Park Property Donation
Reciprocal Easement Agreement with Henrietta Investments Partners in connection with Phil Hardberger Park
Draft Ordinance
12. 13-982 An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of approximately 23.2 acres of land adjacent to Friedrich Wilderness Park located in Council District 8 for $750,000.00, and authorizing $5,000.00 for associated closing costs, all payable from the Parks Development and Expansion Venue Projects fund approved by the voters in 2000 and 2005. [Gloria Hurtado, Assistant City Manager; Xavier Urrutia, Director, Parks & Recreation]
Legislation Text
Map of land adjacent to Friedrich Wilderness Park
13. 13-826 An Ordinance authorizing an amendment and restatement of the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center Lease Agreement with Texas Badger Developments-1, LLC (d/b/a The UPS Store) to extend the term through December 31, 2017, provide for a five-year renewal option, incorporate terms and conditions related to the finish-out of the future business center space in the current Convention Center expansion, and modify and update other terms and conditions of the agreement. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Michael J. Sawaya, Director, Convention & Sports Facilities]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
14. 13-870 An Ordinance authorizing an amendment to a lease agreement with Atherton Properties, Inc. dba HH Aviation to exercise the option to extend the term for five years with an option of an additional five years at the San Antonio International Airport, expected to generate $73,502.53 in revenue annually. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
signed lease agreement
Discretionary Disclosure Form
Draft Ordinance
15. 13-987 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of the 2nd Renewal and Extension of Lease Agreement for four years between the City of San Antonio and USAA Real Estate Company for approximately 1,219 square feet of office space located at 9830 Colonnade Boulevard, Suite 165, in Council District 8 for the continued operation of a Constituent Field Office. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Jorge Perez, Director, Building and Equipment Services]
Legislation Text
Site Map
Draft Ordinance
16. 13-988 Consideration of the following Ordinances related to the Linear Creekway Development Project [Gloria Hurtado, Assistant City Manager; Xavier Urrutia, Director, Parks & Recreation]
A. An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition through condemnation of approximately 13.0 acres in NCB 14747 and approximately 4.0 acres of land in NCB 14854 located along Leon Creek in Council District 8 for the Linear Creekway Development Project, a 2010 Proposition 2 Sales Tax Initiative funded project; property being in the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas; declaring the Linear Creekway Development Project on aforementioned waterway to be a public project for public use; declaring public necessity for the acquisition of privately owned real property; and authorizing the City Attorney and/or designated special counsel to file eminent domain proceedings.
B. An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition through donation and/or good faith negotiations of approximately 40.0 acres of land located in NCB 10845, 13485 and13486 along Salado Creek in Council District 3 and NCB 18820 along Culebra Creek in Council District 6 for the Linear Creekway Development Project, a 2010 Proposition 2 Sales Tax Initiative funded project.
Legislation Text
Creekway Acquisitions-Property Descriptions and Map Exhibits for 11-21-2013
Draft Ordinance
13-1099 B) An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition through donation and/or good faith negotiations of approximately 40.0 acres of land located in NCB 10845, 13485 and 13486 along Salado Creek in Council District 3 and NCB 18820 along Culebra Creek in Council District 6 for the Linear Creekway Development Project, a 2010 Proposition 2 Sales Tax Initiative funded project.
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
17. 13-833 Consideration of the following Ordinances associated with 10 conservation easements totaling 6,790 acres over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge and Contributing Zones for a total of $7,058,524.93. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Capital Improvements Management Services]
A) An Ordinance authorizing payment of $752,150.23 for land, due diligence, and closing costs for an aquifer-protection conservation easement over a 792-acre tract known as the McNair Ranch in Uvalde County, Texas.
B) An Ordinance authorizing payment of $2,398,755.55 for land, due diligence, and closing costs for an aquifer-protection conservation easement over a 2,057-acre tract known as the Dehnisch Ranch in Uvalde County, Texas.
C) An Ordinance authorizing payment of $1,544,267.31 for land, due diligence, and closing costs for an aquifer-protection conservation easement over a 2,015-acre tract known as the Concan Ranch in Uvalde County, Texas.
D) An Ordinance authorizing payment of $2,363,351.84 for land, due diligence, and closing costs for an aquifer-protection conservation easement over 1,923 acres, known as the Story Ranch parcels, in Uvalde County, Texas.
Legislation Text
Blanco Creek Properties_Overview Map (2) - 10.1.2013
Blanco Creek Properties_Close-up Map - 10.1.2013
McNair - Legal Description
Dehnisch - legal description
Concan Ranch - Legal Description
2013 9 27 CE McNair-clean
2013 10 10 Dehnisch CE - clean
2013 8 20 Concan Easement (v 8)-clean
2013 10 1 CE Allison's starting template Story Ranches (2)
Story Ranch parcel - Legal Descriptions - 7 tracts
Draft Ordinance - Concan Ranch
Draft Ordinance - Dehnisch Ranch
Draft Ordinance - McNair Ranch
Draft Ordinance - Story Ranch
13-1100 B) An Ordinance authorizing payment of $2,398,755.55 for land, due diligence, and closing costs for an aquifer-protection conservation easement over a 2,057-acre tract known as the Dehnisch Ranch in Uvalde County, Texas.
Legislation Text
13-1101 C) An Ordinance authorizing payment of $1,544,267.31 for land, due diligence, and closing costs for an aquifer-protection conservation easement over a 2,015-acre tract known as the Concan Ranch in Uvalde County, Texas.
Legislation Text
13-1102 D) An Ordinance authorizing payment of $2,363,351.84 for land, due diligence, and closing costs for an aquifer-protection conservation easement over 1,923 acres, known as the Story Ranch parcels, in Uvalde County, Texas.
Legislation Text
18. 13-945 An Ordinance authorizing submittal of four projects for funding consideration through the FY 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program by the San Antonio-Bexar County Metropolitan Planning Organization. [David Ellison, Assistant City Manager; John Dugan, Director, Planning and Community Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
19. 13-959 An Ordinance approving the submission of a grant application to the Humane Society of the United States and authorizing the acceptance of funds in an amount up to $50,000.00 from the HSUS Pets for Life Grant for a one year term. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Kathy Davis, Director, Animal Care Services]
Legislation Text
A. San Antonio Pets for Life Grant Agreement
Draft Ordinance
20. 13-1087 An Ordinance approving the submission of grant application to Best Friends and authorizing the acceptance of funds in an amount up to $10,000.00 from the Best Friends Feral Cats Spay/Neuter Grant for a one year term. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Kathy Davis, Director, Animal Care Services]
Legislation Text
Proposed Budget Feral Cat Spay Neuter Grant
Proposed Budget Feral Cat Spay Neuter Grant
Draft Ordinance
21. 13-1088 An Ordinance authorizing the acceptance of cash grant funds and in-kind services for a total value in the amount of up to $721,000.00 from Best Friends Animal Society for the expansion of the City's Trap, Neuter and Return efforts for the period of April 16, 2013 through April 15, 2015. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Kathy Davis, Director, Animal Care Services]
Legislation Text
C. Partner for Cats Project Initiative Renewal MOU
Draft Ordinance (C)
22. 13-1089 An Ordinance authorizing an Agreement with Sea World for in-kind donations to Animal Care Services that will provide two free amusement park tickets to each person adopting a dog or cat from ACS for term of October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014 with the option to renew for three additional one year terms. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Kathy Davis, Director, Animal Care Services]
Legislation Text
D. Happy Tails Program Agreement
Draft Ordinance
23. 13-924 An Ordinance amending the Traffic Control Devices Schedules for the City of San Antonio, established in Chapter 19, Section 68 of the City Code, to add locations where new installations of traffic control devices have occurred, and remove locations where devices have been altered or removed ; providing for criminal and civil penalties for violations. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Anthony Chukwudolue, Director, Public Works]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
24. 13-964 An Ordinance amending Chapter 5 of the City Code to require the sterilization of reclaimed dogs and cats following the first impoundment; providing for criminal penalties and publication. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Kathy Davis, Director, Animal Care Services]
Legislation Text
Code Changes_Chapter 20 Civil Citations
Draft Ordinance (A)
25. 13-1091 An Ordinance amending Chapter 5 and Chapter 20 of the City Code to adopt the administrative adjudication hearing procedures set out in Chapter 20 for animal care and control ordinance violations; providing for penalties and publication. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Kathy Davis, Director, Animal Care Services]
Legislation Text
Code Changes_Chapter 20 Civil Citations
Draft Ordinance (B)
26. 13-957 Consideration of the following Board, Commission and Committee appointments for the remainder of unexpired terms of office to expire May 31, 2015, to be effective immediately upon the receipt of eight affirmative votes, or, in the event eight affirmative votes are not received, ten days after appointment; or for terms and effectiveness as otherwise indicated below: [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
A) Appointing Guadalupe G. Ochoa (District 5) and reappointing Paul C. Stahl (District 7) to the San Antonio Public Library Board of Trustees.
B) Reappointing Anne C. Larme (District 1) and Donna Jean McBee (District 3) to the Disability Access Advisory Committee.
C) Appointing Michael (Alex) Nava (Mayoral), Dan Weingart (District 8) and Glenn MacTaggart (District 10) to the Port Authority of San Antonio effective December 1, 2013.
D) Appointing Adriel Alvarez (District 5) to the San Antonio Youth Commission.
E) Appointing Virginia M. Brown (District 6) to the Animal Care Services Advisory Board.
F) Appointing Kristin N. Sramek (District 2) and Elizabeth Riojas (District 5) to the Citizens' Environmental Advisory Committee.
G) Reappointing Christopher R. Martinez (District 6) to the Zoning Commission.
H) Appointing Linda M. Jackson (District 6) to the Ethics Review Board.
I) Appointing Mark Potter (District 5) to the Building Standards Board.
J) Reappointing Andrew M. Anguiano (District 3) to the Port Authority of San Antonio.
K) Appointing John W. Salmons, Jr. (District 6) to the San Antonio Housing Trust.
L) Appointing Lester Bryant to the Goal Setting Committees.
M) Consideration of applicants for two (2) At-Large slots to the Building Standards Board.
N) Consideration of Appointments to the Planning Commission (4 slots).
O) Consideration of Applicants to the Building-Related and Fire Codes Appeals Advisory Board - 16 Primary At-Large Positions
Legislation Text
Appointment Memo for Gualupe Ochoa
Appointment Memo for Paul Stahl
Appointment Memo for Anne Larme
Appointment Memo for Donna McBee
Appointment Memo for Michael (Alex) Nava
Appointment Memo for Dan Weingart
Appointment Memo for Glenn MacTaggart
Appointment Memo of Adriel Alvarez
Appointment Memo for Virginia Brown
Appointment Memo for Kristin Sramek
Appointment Memo for Elizabeth Riojas
Appointment Memo for Christopher Martinez
Appointment Memo for LInda Jackson
Appointment Memo for Mark Potter
Appointment Memo for Andrew Anguiano
Appointment Memo for John Salmons
ECDC Memo_GSC_2013.11.05.pdf
QOL Memo_BSB_2013.11.19.pdf
27. 13-806 An Ordinance authorizing an amendment to a professional services contract with BQR Advertising and Public Relations, Inc. to increase the contract value $963,000.00 as approved in the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
BQR Amendment 2013 for Council
Extension Letter
BQR Disclosure Form
Draft Ordinance
28. 13-811 An Ordinance authorizing the selection or Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for negotiation and execution of a Professional Services Agreement to design a new Storm Water Utility Fee methodology and rate structure based on impervious cover, in a contract amount not to exceed $590,000.00. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Anthony Chukwudolue, Interim Director, Public Works]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
29. 13-859 An Ordinance authorizing the selection of Poznecki-Camarillo, Inc., and Lockwood, Andrews & Newman, Inc., for negotiation and execution of Professional Services Agreements for Program Management Services for Annual Sidewalk Projects, each in an amount not to exceed $750,000.00 per contract period of one year, for as-needed professional services to assist Public Works Department staff in designing and managing the construction of sidewalk projects that are programmed in the annual Infrastructure Management Program (IMP). [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Anthony Chukwudolue, Interim Director, Public Works]
Legislation Text
Contract Disclosures for L A N - Sidewalks RFQ.pdf
Draft Ordinance
30. 13-900 An Ordinance authorizing a professional service agreement with Telos Identity Management Solutions LLC dba Telos ID in the amount of $125,400.00 per year, for a total contract amount of $627,000.00, for Designated Aviation Channeling services for the San Antonio Airport System. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Bid Matrix
DAC Contract - Vendor signed
Draft Ordinance
31. 13-941 An Ordinance authorizing a second one-year extension of the contract with Dearborn National Life Insurance Company to provide Group Basic Term Life, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Voluntary Term Life Insurance and Dependent Life Insurance coverage under the City's Self-Funded Health Benefits Program. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Joe Angelo, Chief Human Resources Officer]
Legislation Text
Dearborn National Renewal and Extenision Agreement.pdf
Draft Ordinance
32. 13-992 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a contraband forfeiture agreement and the execution of a contraband forfeiture agreement for gambling property and proceeds, both with five-year terms commencing April 1, 2014, with the Bexar County District Attorney's Office to share proceeds from asset forfeiture cases pursuant to Chapters 18 and 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; William McManus, Police Chief]
Legislation Text
Contraband Forfeiture ILA
Gambling Forfeiture ILA
Draft Ordinance
33. 13-554 An Ordinance authorizing the extension of Line of Duty Leave for Fire Engineer Van Jones for an on the job injury, which occured while on duty on November 2, 2010. [Erik J. Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Charles N. Hood, Fire Chief]
Legislation Text
Signed Decision Paper
Draft Ordinance
34. 13-577 An Ordinance authorizing Amendment No. 2 to the Softball Lease and Management Agreement with San Antonio Amateur Softball Association to incorporate food and beverage concessions and implement other minor contract changes. [Gloria Hurtado, Assistant City Manager; Xavier Urrutia, Director, Parks & Recreation]
Legislation Text
Amendment #2 to Softball Lease and Management Agreement
Discretionary Contracts Disclosure Form - Cruz G Olivarri - SAASA
Draft Ordinance
35. 13-825 An Ordinance authorizing an extension and third amendment of the Alamodome Advertising License Agreement for pouring and advertising rights with Bottling Group, LLC d/b/a Pepsi Beverages Company to extend the term for ninety days through February 22, 2014, with up to three additional ninety-day extensions, as a transition period for the City to determine the provision of these services in the future. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Michael J. Sawaya, Director, Convention and Sports Facilities]
Legislation Text
Discretionary Contracts Disclosure Form
Pepsi Third Amd & Ext
Draft Ordinance
36. 13-834 An Ordinance authorizing an extension and second amendment of the Alamodome Automated Teller Machine (ATM) License Agreement with CardTronics USA, Inc. for the placement of 10 ATMs at the Alamodome for a renewal period of one year through September 30, 2014, with four additional one-year renewal periods. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Michael J. Sawaya, Director, Convention and Sports Facilities]
Legislation Text
CardTronics Second Amd & Ext
Discretionary Contracts Disclosure Form
Draft Ordinance
37. 13-915 An Ordinance approving a Chapter 380 Economic Development Grant Agreement in the amount of $200,000.00 with the San Antonio Economic Development Corporation to help fund the retention and continued growth of local bioscience start-up company StemBioSys, Inc. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager, Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
38. 13-916 An Ordinance approving a Chapter 380 Economic Development Program Grant Agreement with the San Antonio Economic Development Corporation to provide $500,000.00 in funding for the establishment of an SAEDC Investment Fund, and authorizing the SAEDC Board to approve projects at $50,000 or less from the Fund. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager, Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Fiscal Impact Form (2)
SAEDC Investment Guidelines Nov 6 2013 -DRAFT
Draft Ordinance
39. 13-926 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a 15-year Chapter 380 Tax Reimbursement with Microsoft Corporation at a minimum of 40% of City property taxes on real and personal property investment of $250 million and the creation of 20 high paying jobs starting in 2016. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager, Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
40. 13-946 An Ordinance acknowledging and accepting the actuarial review of audits of the San Antonio Fire and Police Pension Fund and the Fund's response to the review. [Ben Gorzell, Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Finance Director]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
41. 13-989 An Ordinance authorizing an agreement with the Witte Museum for collaboration in assessing childhood health behavior and bio-metric data through the Witte's "H-E-B Body Adventure" interactive exhibit for a total amount not to exceed $250,000.00, beginning upon execution of the agreement and continuing through the life of the Exhibit, and authorizing an amendment to increase compensation to the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio contract for health provider education and outreach to an amount not to exceed $382,170.00 for the remainder of the agreement ending on September 30, 2016. [Gloria Hurtado, Assistant City Manager; Dr. Thomas L. Schlenker, Director of Public Health]
Legislation Text
Witte Agreement - 1115 Waiver
Amendment to UTHSCSA 1115 Agreement (AMH)
Draft Ordinance
42. 13-1013 An Ordinance authorizing the submission and subsequent acceptance, if any, of a Promise Zone Designation in Council Districts 2 and 3. [David Ellison, Assistant City Manager; John Dugan, Director, Planning and Community Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
43. 13-1024 An Ordinance approving revisions to the City's Housing Policy Guidelines for Community Development Block Grant and Home Investment Partnership Program. [David Ellison, Assistant City Manager; John Dugan, Director, Planning and Community Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
44. 13-917 A Resolution casting the City's 914 votes for the City's Nominee, Roberto C. Trevino, to the Bexar Appraisal District Board of Directors for a term of office to begin on January 1, 2014, and expire on December 31, 2015. [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
Legislation Text
Bexar Appraisal District Document
Draft Resolution
45. 13-875 A Resolution approving the refinancing of $39,900,000.00 in tax-exempt Empowerment Zone Bonds for the Drury Southwest Hotel Project. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Tax Agreement - 2013 Drury Hotel Ref Bonds-4cmp3v4
Loan Agreement - 2013 Drury Hotel Ref Bonds-5cmp3v5
Trust Indenture - 2013 Drury Hotel Ref Bonds-4cmp3v4
Closing Docs - 2013 Drury Ref Bonds-2
Letter from Drury re redemption of 2005 and 2007 Bonds-1
Bond Reso - 2013 Drury Ref Bonds-2cmp1v2
City Reso - 2013 Drury Ref Bonds-3cmp1v3
Trust Indenture - 2013 Drury Hotel Ref Bonds-4
City Reso - 2013 Drury Ref Bonds-3
Loan Agreement - 2013 Drury Hotel Ref Bonds-5
Tax Agreement - 2013 Drury Hotel Ref Bonds-4
Bond Reso - 2013 Drury Ref Bonds-2
Purchase Contract-2013 Drury Hotel Ref Bonds-1
Map Federal Empowerment Zone
Draft Resolution
46. 13-1092 A Resolution approving the refinancing of $39,900,000.00 in tax-exempt Empowerment Zone Bonds for the Drury Southwest Hotel Project. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Resolution
47. 13-1085 A Resolution approving the refinancing of up to $50,000,000.00 in Higher Education Revenue Bonds by the City of San Antonio, Texas Education Facilities Corporation for Trinity University. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
48. 13-993 A Resolution approving the refinancing of up to $50,000,000.00 in Higher Education Revenue Bonds by the City of San Antonio, Texas Education Facilities Corporation for Trinity University. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
POS - 2013 Trinity University Rev Improvement Bonds-5
Bond Opinion-2013 Trinity University-1
Index and Miscellaneous Closing Docs-2013 Trinity University-1
University Closing Docs-2013 Trinity University-1
City Reso and Closing Docs-2013 Trinity University-1
Issuer Reso and Closing Docs-2013 Trinity University-1
POS - 2013 Trinity University Rev Improvement Bonds-4
Indenture - Trinity University 2013 Bonds-5cmp2v5
Indenture - Trinity University 2013 Bonds-5
Loan Agreement - Trinity University 2013 Bonds-4cmp2v4
Loan Agreement - Trinity University 2013 Bonds-4
POS - 2013 Trinity University Rev Improvement Bonds-4cmp2v4
City Reso - 2013 Trinity University Financing-1
Issuer Reso - 2013 Trinity University Financing-1
Higher Education Facilities Corporation Letter Raymond James 02.01.2013
JP Morgan-SAHEFC Trinity Underwirter Lttr.
Draft Resolution
49. 13-858 A Resolution authorizing initiation of incorporation proceedings by the "Committee for the Incorporation of Sandy Oaks" for approximately four (4) square miles of land located within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of San Antonio (COSA). Staff recommends denial of the request as submitted by the "Committee for the Incorporation of Sandy Oaks" with an alternate recommendation of Approval of authorization to initiate incorporation proceedings for the portion of the requested area on the east side of I.H.-37 South that totals approximately 2.4 square miles. Planning Commission recommends approval of the request as submitted by the "Committee for the Incorporation of Sandy Oaks."
Legislation Text
Sandy Oaks: Applicant's Request
Sandy Oaks: Staff Recommendation
P-1. 13-898 PLAN AMENDMENT #13051 (District 1): An Ordinance amending the future land use plan contained in the Near Northwest Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of a 2.0131 acre tract of land located at 244 and 250 Sherwood Drive from Urban Low Density Residential land use to Community Commercial land use. Staff recommends denial and Planning Commission recommends approval. (Associated Zoning Case # Z2013211)
Legislation Text
Adopted and Proposed LU Maps PA13051
PA13051 Signed Resolution
Z-1. 13-851 ZONING CASE # Z2013211 (District 1): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-5 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-2NA AHOD" Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lots 51, 52 and the east 12 feet of Lot 9, Block 2, NCB 8417 located at 244 and 250 Sherwood Drive. Staff recommends denial. Zoning Commission recommends approval, pending the plan amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment Case # 13051)
Legislation Text
P-2. 13-927 PLAN AMENDMENT #13052 (District 1): An Ordinance amending the future land use plan contained in the Near Northwest Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of a 0.8368 acre tract of land located at 256 Sherwood Drive from Urban Low Density Residential land use to Community Commercial land use. Staff recommends denial and Planning Commission recommends approval.
Legislation Text
Adopted and Proposed LU Maps PA13052
Signed Resolution
Z-2. 13-940 ZONING CASE # Z2013206 (District 2): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "I-2 EP-1" Heavy Industrial Facility Parking/Traffic Control Overlay District to "R-6 EP-1" Residential Single-Family Facility Parking/Traffic Control Overlay District on Lots 11 and 12, Block 44, NCB 1234 located at 515 and 519 Rotary. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend approval.
Legislation Text
Z-3. 13-849 ZONING CASE # Z2013140 CD (District 3): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-5" Residential Single-Family District to "R-5 CD" Residential Single-Family District with a Conditional Use for a Boarding Home with No More than 16 Residents on Lot 6, Block 7, NCB 12914 located at 2522 Hollyhill Drive. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend denial.
Legislation Text
Z2013-140 CD
Z2013140 CD_Site Plan
Z2013140 CD
P-3. 13-856 PLAN AMENDMENT #13049 (District 4): An Ordinance amending the future land use plan contained in the United Southwest Communities Plan , a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of a 1.528 acre tract of land located at the southeast corner of New Valley Hi Road and Ray Ellison Drive from Low Density Residential to Community Commercial. Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval. (Associated Zoning Case # Z2013205)
Legislation Text
PA13049 Attachment 1 - Adopted and Proposed LU Maps
PA 13049 Signed PC Resolution
Z-4. 13-899 ZONING CASE #Z2013205 (District 4): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-6 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-2 AHOD" Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District on 1.528 acres out of Parcel 24, NCB 15148 located on a portion of the 8600 Block of Ray Ellison Boulevard. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend approval pending the plan amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment Case #13049)
Legislation Text
Location Map
Z-5. 13-850 ZONING CASE # Z2013216 (District 5): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "I-1 AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-3NA AHOD" General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Airport Hazard Overlay District on 1.106 acres out of NCB 8114 and NCB 12771 located at 1334 South General McMullen Drive. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend approval.
Legislation Text
Z-6. 13-852 ZONING CASE # Z2013215 (District 5): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-4 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District and "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted in "R-4" Residential Single-Family District and "NC" Neighborhood Commercial District to "RM-4 AHOD" Residential Mixed Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, NCB 2569 located at 246 East Cevallos Street and 323 Clay Street. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend approval.
Legislation Text
Z-7. 13-901 ZONING CASE #Z2013207 (District 6): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-6" Residential Single-Family District to "O-1" Office District on Lot 14, Block 3, NCB 17637 located at 5524 Rogers Road. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend approval.
Legislation Text
Location Map
P-4. 13-1029 PLAN AMENDMENT #14001 (District 8): An Ordinance amending the future land use plan contained in the North Sector Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of a 2.19-acre tract of land located on Texas Elm west of the intersection of Huebner Road and Lockhill-Selma Road from Suburban Tier to General Urban Tier. Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommendation pending the November 13, 2013 public hearing. (Associated Zoning Case: Z2014009)
Legislation Text
PA14001 Adopted and Proposed Land Use Maps
PA 14001 PC Resolution - Draft
Z-8. 13-994 ZONING CASE #Z2014009 ERZD (District 8): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "C-3R ERZD MLOD-1" General Commercial Restrictive Alcoholic Sales Edwards Recharge Zone Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District to "MF-25 ERZD MLOD-1" Low Density Multi-Family Edwards Recharge Zone Camp Bullis Military Overlay District on Lot 7, Block 7, NCB 17627 located on a portion of 3838 Lockhill-Selma Road and the 4100 Block of Texas Elm. Staff recommends approval pending the plan amendment. Zoning Commission recommendation pending the November 19, 2013 public hearing. (Associated Plan Amendment Case #14001)
Legislation Text
Location Map
Z-9. 13-821 ZONING CASE # Z2013132 ERZD (District 9): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-6 MSAO-1 MLOD-1 ERZD" Residential Single-Family Camp Bullis Military Sound Attenuation Overlay Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay Edwards Recharge Zone District to "C-2NA MSAO-1 MLOD-1 ERZD" Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Camp Bullis Military Sound Attenuation Overlay Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay Edwards Recharge Zone District on Lot 28, Block 31, NCB 19215 located on a portion of the 22000 Block of Wilderness Oak. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend approval. (Continued from November 7, 2013)
Legislation Text
Z2013132 ERZD
Z2013132 ERZD_SAWS
Draft Ordinance
Nov 20, 2013 City Council A Session November 21, 2013
1. 13-1070 Invocation by Reverend David Brockhouse, Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, guest of Councilmember Rey Saldaña, District 4.
Legislation Text
2. 13-1071 Pledge of Allegiance
Legislation Text
3. 13-1072 Approval of Minutes for the September 11 - 12, 2013 City Council Meetings.
Legislation Text
Regular City Council Meetings of September 11-12 2013
4. 13-986 An Ordinance authorizing the adjustment of the Water, Water Supply and Waste Water rates of the San Antonio Water System (SAWS), to be effective January 1, 2014. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliot, Director, Finance]
Legislation Text
Report on Proposed Adjustments to SAWS Rates & Rate Structure
Draft Ordinance
5. 13-808 An Ordinance authorizing execution of a contract with Ready Snacks of San Antonio, LLC to provide healthy snack vending services in City-owned and leased facilities with anticipated revenue of $3,500.00 annually, which will be deposited into the appropriate General Fund, Special Revenue Fund or Enterprise Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Director, Finance]
Legislation Text
SCORE Summary Matrix_Healthy Snack Vending Services - Final
Disclosure Form
Ready Snacks Draft Contract
6. 13-853 An Ordinance authorizing the following contracts establishing unit prices for goods and services for an estimated annual cost of $892,000.00: (A) Municipal Emergency Services, Inc. for fire hoses, (B) Saeco Electric & Utility for drilling wood & steel pole foundations, (C) GlaxoSmithKline, LLC, Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics, Regimed Medical and Sanofi Pasteur, Inc. for vaccines and biologicals, (D) WebQA, Inc. for open records module support for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and (E) Frio Nevada Corporation d/b/a Go Professional Environmental Mgt. for Janitorial, Supplemental Conversion/Labor, and Rigging Services at the Alamodome. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Director, Finance]
Legislation Text
11-21-13 TOC.pdf
6100003265 Fire Hoses CSS.pdf
6100003265 Fire Hoses Bid Tab.pdf
6100003471 Drilling Wood CSS.pdf
6100003471 Drilling Wood Bid Tab.pdf
6100003236 Vaccines CSS.pdf
6100003236 Vaccines Bid Tab.pdf
6100003122 FOIA CSS.pdf
6100003122 FOIA Bid Tab.pdf
6100003122 - FOIA COE.pdf
A1188-07 Change Order CSS.pdf
Draft Ordinance
7. 13-942 An Ordinance ratifying an Amendment and Extension for the Personal Protective Clothing contract for Firefighters with Morning Pride Manufacturing, LLC, beginning October 1, 2013 and ending January 31, 2014, for an amount up to $110,000.00 utilizing the FY 2014 General Fund. [Erik J. Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Charles N. Hood, Fire Chief]
Legislation Text
Morning Pride Manufacturing Amendment and Extension
Draft Ordinance
8. 13-673 An Ordinance authorizing an amendment in the increased amount of $821,323.00 to the $216,785.00 professional services agreement with Freese and Nichols, Inc. for additional design services for Belford Area Drainage, a 2007 Bond Savings and 2012-2017 General Obligation Bond funded Project, located in Council District 3. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Capital Improvements Management Services]
Legislation Text
Project Map
Discretionary Contracts Form
Draft Ordinance
9. 13-794 An Ordinance approving a change order in the increased amount of $232,438.15 to upgrade existing traffic signals and supporting infrastructure at Burr and Broadway and authorizing payment to Texas Sterling Construction Company, for the Broadway Corridor Phase IIIA (Broadway-Hildebrand), an authorized 2007-2012 Bond and FY 2014 Traffic Signal funded project, located in Council District 2. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Capital Improvements Management Services]
Legislation Text
BH Map
Draft Ordinance
10. 13-827 Consideration of the following actions related to improvements for the Stinson Park 5 Diamond Little League Complex, a 2012-2017 Bond Program-funded Project, located in Council District 3. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Capital Improvements Management Services]
A) An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a Job Order Contract in an amount not to exceed $135,991.00, payable to Alpha Building Corporation, to provide renovation work for the restroom facility as part of the Stinson Park 5 Diamond Little League Complex project.
Legislation Text
Stinson Park Improvements_Proposal.pdf
FI Stinson Park 11-21-13.xls
Alpha-ContractDisclosureForm_Stinson Park.pdf
Draft Ordinance
13-1098 B) An Ordinance authorizing the purchase, fabrication, delivery and installation of a new 1,100 square-foot modular concession and restroom building from Restroom Facilities, Ltd. for a total cost of $377,000.00 from 2012-2017 Bond Program funds, available in the FY 2012 - 2017 Capital Improvement Budget.
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
11. 13-968 An Ordinance authorizing the acceptance of approximately 2.0 acres of land adjacent to the Phil Hardberger Park from the Phil Hardberger Park Conservancy and authorizing a reciprocal easement agreement with Henrietta Partners for access to the newly acquired land located in Council District 8. [Gloria Hurtado, Assistant City Manager; Xavier Urrutia, Director, Parks & Recreation]
Legislation Text
Map of Hardberger Park Property Donation
Reciprocal Easement Agreement with Henrietta Investments Partners in connection with Phil Hardberger Park
Draft Ordinance
12. 13-982 An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of approximately 23.2 acres of land adjacent to Friedrich Wilderness Park located in Council District 8 for $750,000.00, and authorizing $5,000.00 for associated closing costs, all payable from the Parks Development and Expansion Venue Projects fund approved by the voters in 2000 and 2005. [Gloria Hurtado, Assistant City Manager; Xavier Urrutia, Director, Parks & Recreation]
Legislation Text
Map of land adjacent to Friedrich Wilderness Park
13. 13-826 An Ordinance authorizing an amendment and restatement of the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center Lease Agreement with Texas Badger Developments-1, LLC (d/b/a The UPS Store) to extend the term through December 31, 2017, provide for a five-year renewal option, incorporate terms and conditions related to the finish-out of the future business center space in the current Convention Center expansion, and modify and update other terms and conditions of the agreement. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Michael J. Sawaya, Director, Convention & Sports Facilities]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
14. 13-870 An Ordinance authorizing an amendment to a lease agreement with Atherton Properties, Inc. dba HH Aviation to exercise the option to extend the term for five years with an option of an additional five years at the San Antonio International Airport, expected to generate $73,502.53 in revenue annually. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
signed lease agreement
Discretionary Disclosure Form
Draft Ordinance
15. 13-987 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of the 2nd Renewal and Extension of Lease Agreement for four years between the City of San Antonio and USAA Real Estate Company for approximately 1,219 square feet of office space located at 9830 Colonnade Boulevard, Suite 165, in Council District 8 for the continued operation of a Constituent Field Office. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Jorge Perez, Director, Building and Equipment Services]
Legislation Text
Site Map
Draft Ordinance
16. 13-988 Consideration of the following Ordinances related to the Linear Creekway Development Project [Gloria Hurtado, Assistant City Manager; Xavier Urrutia, Director, Parks & Recreation]
A. An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition through condemnation of approximately 13.0 acres in NCB 14747 and approximately 4.0 acres of land in NCB 14854 located along Leon Creek in Council District 8 for the Linear Creekway Development Project, a 2010 Proposition 2 Sales Tax Initiative funded project; property being in the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas; declaring the Linear Creekway Development Project on aforementioned waterway to be a public project for public use; declaring public necessity for the acquisition of privately owned real property; and authorizing the City Attorney and/or designated special counsel to file eminent domain proceedings.
B. An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition through donation and/or good faith negotiations of approximately 40.0 acres of land located in NCB 10845, 13485 and13486 along Salado Creek in Council District 3 and NCB 18820 along Culebra Creek in Council District 6 for the Linear Creekway Development Project, a 2010 Proposition 2 Sales Tax Initiative funded project.
Legislation Text
Creekway Acquisitions-Property Descriptions and Map Exhibits for 11-21-2013
Draft Ordinance
13-1099 B) An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition through donation and/or good faith negotiations of approximately 40.0 acres of land located in NCB 10845, 13485 and 13486 along Salado Creek in Council District 3 and NCB 18820 along Culebra Creek in Council District 6 for the Linear Creekway Development Project, a 2010 Proposition 2 Sales Tax Initiative funded project.
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
17. 13-833 Consideration of the following Ordinances associated with 10 conservation easements totaling 6,790 acres over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge and Contributing Zones for a total of $7,058,524.93. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Capital Improvements Management Services]
A) An Ordinance authorizing payment of $752,150.23 for land, due diligence, and closing costs for an aquifer-protection conservation easement over a 792-acre tract known as the McNair Ranch in Uvalde County, Texas.
B) An Ordinance authorizing payment of $2,398,755.55 for land, due diligence, and closing costs for an aquifer-protection conservation easement over a 2,057-acre tract known as the Dehnisch Ranch in Uvalde County, Texas.
C) An Ordinance authorizing payment of $1,544,267.31 for land, due diligence, and closing costs for an aquifer-protection conservation easement over a 2,015-acre tract known as the Concan Ranch in Uvalde County, Texas.
D) An Ordinance authorizing payment of $2,363,351.84 for land, due diligence, and closing costs for an aquifer-protection conservation easement over 1,923 acres, known as the Story Ranch parcels, in Uvalde County, Texas.
Legislation Text
Blanco Creek Properties_Overview Map (2) - 10.1.2013
Blanco Creek Properties_Close-up Map - 10.1.2013
McNair - Legal Description
Dehnisch - legal description
Concan Ranch - Legal Description
2013 9 27 CE McNair-clean
2013 10 10 Dehnisch CE - clean
2013 8 20 Concan Easement (v 8)-clean
2013 10 1 CE Allison's starting template Story Ranches (2)
Story Ranch parcel - Legal Descriptions - 7 tracts
Draft Ordinance - Concan Ranch
Draft Ordinance - Dehnisch Ranch
Draft Ordinance - McNair Ranch
Draft Ordinance - Story Ranch
13-1100 B) An Ordinance authorizing payment of $2,398,755.55 for land, due diligence, and closing costs for an aquifer-protection conservation easement over a 2,057-acre tract known as the Dehnisch Ranch in Uvalde County, Texas.
Legislation Text
13-1101 C) An Ordinance authorizing payment of $1,544,267.31 for land, due diligence, and closing costs for an aquifer-protection conservation easement over a 2,015-acre tract known as the Concan Ranch in Uvalde County, Texas.
Legislation Text
13-1102 D) An Ordinance authorizing payment of $2,363,351.84 for land, due diligence, and closing costs for an aquifer-protection conservation easement over 1,923 acres, known as the Story Ranch parcels, in Uvalde County, Texas.
Legislation Text
18. 13-945 An Ordinance authorizing submittal of four projects for funding consideration through the FY 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program by the San Antonio-Bexar County Metropolitan Planning Organization. [David Ellison, Assistant City Manager; John Dugan, Director, Planning and Community Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
19. 13-959 An Ordinance approving the submission of a grant application to the Humane Society of the United States and authorizing the acceptance of funds in an amount up to $50,000.00 from the HSUS Pets for Life Grant for a one year term. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Kathy Davis, Director, Animal Care Services]
Legislation Text
A. San Antonio Pets for Life Grant Agreement
Draft Ordinance
20. 13-1087 An Ordinance approving the submission of grant application to Best Friends and authorizing the acceptance of funds in an amount up to $10,000.00 from the Best Friends Feral Cats Spay/Neuter Grant for a one year term. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Kathy Davis, Director, Animal Care Services]
Legislation Text
Proposed Budget Feral Cat Spay Neuter Grant
Proposed Budget Feral Cat Spay Neuter Grant
Draft Ordinance
21. 13-1088 An Ordinance authorizing the acceptance of cash grant funds and in-kind services for a total value in the amount of up to $721,000.00 from Best Friends Animal Society for the expansion of the City's Trap, Neuter and Return efforts for the period of April 16, 2013 through April 15, 2015. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Kathy Davis, Director, Animal Care Services]
Legislation Text
C. Partner for Cats Project Initiative Renewal MOU
Draft Ordinance (C)
22. 13-1089 An Ordinance authorizing an Agreement with Sea World for in-kind donations to Animal Care Services that will provide two free amusement park tickets to each person adopting a dog or cat from ACS for term of October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014 with the option to renew for three additional one year terms. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Kathy Davis, Director, Animal Care Services]
Legislation Text
D. Happy Tails Program Agreement
Draft Ordinance
23. 13-924 An Ordinance amending the Traffic Control Devices Schedules for the City of San Antonio, established in Chapter 19, Section 68 of the City Code, to add locations where new installations of traffic control devices have occurred, and remove locations where devices have been altered or removed ; providing for criminal and civil penalties for violations. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Anthony Chukwudolue, Director, Public Works]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
24. 13-964 An Ordinance amending Chapter 5 of the City Code to require the sterilization of reclaimed dogs and cats following the first impoundment; providing for criminal penalties and publication. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Kathy Davis, Director, Animal Care Services]
Legislation Text
Code Changes_Chapter 20 Civil Citations
Draft Ordinance (A)
25. 13-1091 An Ordinance amending Chapter 5 and Chapter 20 of the City Code to adopt the administrative adjudication hearing procedures set out in Chapter 20 for animal care and control ordinance violations; providing for penalties and publication. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Kathy Davis, Director, Animal Care Services]
Legislation Text
Code Changes_Chapter 20 Civil Citations
Draft Ordinance (B)
26. 13-957 Consideration of the following Board, Commission and Committee appointments for the remainder of unexpired terms of office to expire May 31, 2015, to be effective immediately upon the receipt of eight affirmative votes, or, in the event eight affirmative votes are not received, ten days after appointment; or for terms and effectiveness as otherwise indicated below: [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
A) Appointing Guadalupe G. Ochoa (District 5) and reappointing Paul C. Stahl (District 7) to the San Antonio Public Library Board of Trustees.
B) Reappointing Anne C. Larme (District 1) and Donna Jean McBee (District 3) to the Disability Access Advisory Committee.
C) Appointing Michael (Alex) Nava (Mayoral), Dan Weingart (District 8) and Glenn MacTaggart (District 10) to the Port Authority of San Antonio effective December 1, 2013.
D) Appointing Adriel Alvarez (District 5) to the San Antonio Youth Commission.
E) Appointing Virginia M. Brown (District 6) to the Animal Care Services Advisory Board.
F) Appointing Kristin N. Sramek (District 2) and Elizabeth Riojas (District 5) to the Citizens' Environmental Advisory Committee.
G) Reappointing Christopher R. Martinez (District 6) to the Zoning Commission.
H) Appointing Linda M. Jackson (District 6) to the Ethics Review Board.
I) Appointing Mark Potter (District 5) to the Building Standards Board.
J) Reappointing Andrew M. Anguiano (District 3) to the Port Authority of San Antonio.
K) Appointing John W. Salmons, Jr. (District 6) to the San Antonio Housing Trust.
L) Appointing Lester Bryant to the Goal Setting Committees.
M) Consideration of applicants for two (2) At-Large slots to the Building Standards Board.
N) Consideration of Appointments to the Planning Commission (4 slots).
O) Consideration of Applicants to the Building-Related and Fire Codes Appeals Advisory Board - 16 Primary At-Large Positions
Legislation Text
Appointment Memo for Gualupe Ochoa
Appointment Memo for Paul Stahl
Appointment Memo for Anne Larme
Appointment Memo for Donna McBee
Appointment Memo for Michael (Alex) Nava
Appointment Memo for Dan Weingart
Appointment Memo for Glenn MacTaggart
Appointment Memo of Adriel Alvarez
Appointment Memo for Virginia Brown
Appointment Memo for Kristin Sramek
Appointment Memo for Elizabeth Riojas
Appointment Memo for Christopher Martinez
Appointment Memo for LInda Jackson
Appointment Memo for Mark Potter
Appointment Memo for Andrew Anguiano
Appointment Memo for John Salmons
ECDC Memo_GSC_2013.11.05.pdf
QOL Memo_BSB_2013.11.19.pdf
27. 13-806 An Ordinance authorizing an amendment to a professional services contract with BQR Advertising and Public Relations, Inc. to increase the contract value $963,000.00 as approved in the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
BQR Amendment 2013 for Council
Extension Letter
BQR Disclosure Form
Draft Ordinance
28. 13-811 An Ordinance authorizing the selection or Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for negotiation and execution of a Professional Services Agreement to design a new Storm Water Utility Fee methodology and rate structure based on impervious cover, in a contract amount not to exceed $590,000.00. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Anthony Chukwudolue, Interim Director, Public Works]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
29. 13-859 An Ordinance authorizing the selection of Poznecki-Camarillo, Inc., and Lockwood, Andrews & Newman, Inc., for negotiation and execution of Professional Services Agreements for Program Management Services for Annual Sidewalk Projects, each in an amount not to exceed $750,000.00 per contract period of one year, for as-needed professional services to assist Public Works Department staff in designing and managing the construction of sidewalk projects that are programmed in the annual Infrastructure Management Program (IMP). [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Anthony Chukwudolue, Interim Director, Public Works]
Legislation Text
Contract Disclosures for L A N - Sidewalks RFQ.pdf
Draft Ordinance
30. 13-900 An Ordinance authorizing a professional service agreement with Telos Identity Management Solutions LLC dba Telos ID in the amount of $125,400.00 per year, for a total contract amount of $627,000.00, for Designated Aviation Channeling services for the San Antonio Airport System. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Bid Matrix
DAC Contract - Vendor signed
Draft Ordinance
31. 13-941 An Ordinance authorizing a second one-year extension of the contract with Dearborn National Life Insurance Company to provide Group Basic Term Life, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Voluntary Term Life Insurance and Dependent Life Insurance coverage under the City's Self-Funded Health Benefits Program. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Joe Angelo, Chief Human Resources Officer]
Legislation Text
Dearborn National Renewal and Extenision Agreement.pdf
Draft Ordinance
32. 13-992 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a contraband forfeiture agreement and the execution of a contraband forfeiture agreement for gambling property and proceeds, both with five-year terms commencing April 1, 2014, with the Bexar County District Attorney's Office to share proceeds from asset forfeiture cases pursuant to Chapters 18 and 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; William McManus, Police Chief]
Legislation Text
Contraband Forfeiture ILA
Gambling Forfeiture ILA
Draft Ordinance
33. 13-554 An Ordinance authorizing the extension of Line of Duty Leave for Fire Engineer Van Jones for an on the job injury, which occured while on duty on November 2, 2010. [Erik J. Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Charles N. Hood, Fire Chief]
Legislation Text
Signed Decision Paper
Draft Ordinance
34. 13-577 An Ordinance authorizing Amendment No. 2 to the Softball Lease and Management Agreement with San Antonio Amateur Softball Association to incorporate food and beverage concessions and implement other minor contract changes. [Gloria Hurtado, Assistant City Manager; Xavier Urrutia, Director, Parks & Recreation]
Legislation Text
Amendment #2 to Softball Lease and Management Agreement
Discretionary Contracts Disclosure Form - Cruz G Olivarri - SAASA
Draft Ordinance
35. 13-825 An Ordinance authorizing an extension and third amendment of the Alamodome Advertising License Agreement for pouring and advertising rights with Bottling Group, LLC d/b/a Pepsi Beverages Company to extend the term for ninety days through February 22, 2014, with up to three additional ninety-day extensions, as a transition period for the City to determine the provision of these services in the future. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Michael J. Sawaya, Director, Convention and Sports Facilities]
Legislation Text
Discretionary Contracts Disclosure Form
Pepsi Third Amd & Ext
Draft Ordinance
36. 13-834 An Ordinance authorizing an extension and second amendment of the Alamodome Automated Teller Machine (ATM) License Agreement with CardTronics USA, Inc. for the placement of 10 ATMs at the Alamodome for a renewal period of one year through September 30, 2014, with four additional one-year renewal periods. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Michael J. Sawaya, Director, Convention and Sports Facilities]
Legislation Text
CardTronics Second Amd & Ext
Discretionary Contracts Disclosure Form
Draft Ordinance
37. 13-915 An Ordinance approving a Chapter 380 Economic Development Grant Agreement in the amount of $200,000.00 with the San Antonio Economic Development Corporation to help fund the retention and continued growth of local bioscience start-up company StemBioSys, Inc. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager, Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
38. 13-916 An Ordinance approving a Chapter 380 Economic Development Program Grant Agreement with the San Antonio Economic Development Corporation to provide $500,000.00 in funding for the establishment of an SAEDC Investment Fund, and authorizing the SAEDC Board to approve projects at $50,000 or less from the Fund. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager, Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Fiscal Impact Form (2)
SAEDC Investment Guidelines Nov 6 2013 -DRAFT
Draft Ordinance
39. 13-926 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a 15-year Chapter 380 Tax Reimbursement with Microsoft Corporation at a minimum of 40% of City property taxes on real and personal property investment of $250 million and the creation of 20 high paying jobs starting in 2016. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager, Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
40. 13-946 An Ordinance acknowledging and accepting the actuarial review of audits of the San Antonio Fire and Police Pension Fund and the Fund's response to the review. [Ben Gorzell, Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Finance Director]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
41. 13-989 An Ordinance authorizing an agreement with the Witte Museum for collaboration in assessing childhood health behavior and bio-metric data through the Witte's "H-E-B Body Adventure" interactive exhibit for a total amount not to exceed $250,000.00, beginning upon execution of the agreement and continuing through the life of the Exhibit, and authorizing an amendment to increase compensation to the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio contract for health provider education and outreach to an amount not to exceed $382,170.00 for the remainder of the agreement ending on September 30, 2016. [Gloria Hurtado, Assistant City Manager; Dr. Thomas L. Schlenker, Director of Public Health]
Legislation Text
Witte Agreement - 1115 Waiver
Amendment to UTHSCSA 1115 Agreement (AMH)
Draft Ordinance
42. 13-1013 An Ordinance authorizing the submission and subsequent acceptance, if any, of a Promise Zone Designation in Council Districts 2 and 3. [David Ellison, Assistant City Manager; John Dugan, Director, Planning and Community Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
43. 13-1024 An Ordinance approving revisions to the City's Housing Policy Guidelines for Community Development Block Grant and Home Investment Partnership Program. [David Ellison, Assistant City Manager; John Dugan, Director, Planning and Community Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
44. 13-917 A Resolution casting the City's 914 votes for the City's Nominee, Roberto C. Trevino, to the Bexar Appraisal District Board of Directors for a term of office to begin on January 1, 2014, and expire on December 31, 2015. [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
Legislation Text
Bexar Appraisal District Document
Draft Resolution
45. 13-875 A Resolution approving the refinancing of $39,900,000.00 in tax-exempt Empowerment Zone Bonds for the Drury Southwest Hotel Project. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Tax Agreement - 2013 Drury Hotel Ref Bonds-4cmp3v4
Loan Agreement - 2013 Drury Hotel Ref Bonds-5cmp3v5
Trust Indenture - 2013 Drury Hotel Ref Bonds-4cmp3v4
Closing Docs - 2013 Drury Ref Bonds-2
Letter from Drury re redemption of 2005 and 2007 Bonds-1
Bond Reso - 2013 Drury Ref Bonds-2cmp1v2
City Reso - 2013 Drury Ref Bonds-3cmp1v3
Trust Indenture - 2013 Drury Hotel Ref Bonds-4
City Reso - 2013 Drury Ref Bonds-3
Loan Agreement - 2013 Drury Hotel Ref Bonds-5
Tax Agreement - 2013 Drury Hotel Ref Bonds-4
Bond Reso - 2013 Drury Ref Bonds-2
Purchase Contract-2013 Drury Hotel Ref Bonds-1
Map Federal Empowerment Zone
Draft Resolution
46. 13-1092 A Resolution approving the refinancing of $39,900,000.00 in tax-exempt Empowerment Zone Bonds for the Drury Southwest Hotel Project. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Resolution
47. 13-1085 A Resolution approving the refinancing of up to $50,000,000.00 in Higher Education Revenue Bonds by the City of San Antonio, Texas Education Facilities Corporation for Trinity University. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
48. 13-993 A Resolution approving the refinancing of up to $50,000,000.00 in Higher Education Revenue Bonds by the City of San Antonio, Texas Education Facilities Corporation for Trinity University. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
POS - 2013 Trinity University Rev Improvement Bonds-5
Bond Opinion-2013 Trinity University-1
Index and Miscellaneous Closing Docs-2013 Trinity University-1
University Closing Docs-2013 Trinity University-1
City Reso and Closing Docs-2013 Trinity University-1
Issuer Reso and Closing Docs-2013 Trinity University-1
POS - 2013 Trinity University Rev Improvement Bonds-4
Indenture - Trinity University 2013 Bonds-5cmp2v5
Indenture - Trinity University 2013 Bonds-5
Loan Agreement - Trinity University 2013 Bonds-4cmp2v4
Loan Agreement - Trinity University 2013 Bonds-4
POS - 2013 Trinity University Rev Improvement Bonds-4cmp2v4
City Reso - 2013 Trinity University Financing-1
Issuer Reso - 2013 Trinity University Financing-1
Higher Education Facilities Corporation Letter Raymond James 02.01.2013
JP Morgan-SAHEFC Trinity Underwirter Lttr.
Draft Resolution
49. 13-858 A Resolution authorizing initiation of incorporation proceedings by the "Committee for the Incorporation of Sandy Oaks" for approximately four (4) square miles of land located within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of San Antonio (COSA). Staff recommends denial of the request as submitted by the "Committee for the Incorporation of Sandy Oaks" with an alternate recommendation of Approval of authorization to initiate incorporation proceedings for the portion of the requested area on the east side of I.H.-37 South that totals approximately 2.4 square miles. Planning Commission recommends approval of the request as submitted by the "Committee for the Incorporation of Sandy Oaks."
Legislation Text
Sandy Oaks: Applicant's Request
Sandy Oaks: Staff Recommendation
P-1. 13-898 PLAN AMENDMENT #13051 (District 1): An Ordinance amending the future land use plan contained in the Near Northwest Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of a 2.0131 acre tract of land located at 244 and 250 Sherwood Drive from Urban Low Density Residential land use to Community Commercial land use. Staff recommends denial and Planning Commission recommends approval. (Associated Zoning Case # Z2013211)
Legislation Text
Adopted and Proposed LU Maps PA13051
PA13051 Signed Resolution
Z-1. 13-851 ZONING CASE # Z2013211 (District 1): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-5 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-2NA AHOD" Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lots 51, 52 and the east 12 feet of Lot 9, Block 2, NCB 8417 located at 244 and 250 Sherwood Drive. Staff recommends denial. Zoning Commission recommends approval, pending the plan amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment Case # 13051)
Legislation Text
P-2. 13-927 PLAN AMENDMENT #13052 (District 1): An Ordinance amending the future land use plan contained in the Near Northwest Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of a 0.8368 acre tract of land located at 256 Sherwood Drive from Urban Low Density Residential land use to Community Commercial land use. Staff recommends denial and Planning Commission recommends approval.
Legislation Text
Adopted and Proposed LU Maps PA13052
Signed Resolution
Z-2. 13-940 ZONING CASE # Z2013206 (District 2): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "I-2 EP-1" Heavy Industrial Facility Parking/Traffic Control Overlay District to "R-6 EP-1" Residential Single-Family Facility Parking/Traffic Control Overlay District on Lots 11 and 12, Block 44, NCB 1234 located at 515 and 519 Rotary. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend approval.
Legislation Text
Z-3. 13-849 ZONING CASE # Z2013140 CD (District 3): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-5" Residential Single-Family District to "R-5 CD" Residential Single-Family District with a Conditional Use for a Boarding Home with No More than 16 Residents on Lot 6, Block 7, NCB 12914 located at 2522 Hollyhill Drive. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend denial.
Legislation Text
Z2013-140 CD
Z2013140 CD_Site Plan
Z2013140 CD
P-3. 13-856 PLAN AMENDMENT #13049 (District 4): An Ordinance amending the future land use plan contained in the United Southwest Communities Plan , a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of a 1.528 acre tract of land located at the southeast corner of New Valley Hi Road and Ray Ellison Drive from Low Density Residential to Community Commercial. Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval. (Associated Zoning Case # Z2013205)
Legislation Text
PA13049 Attachment 1 - Adopted and Proposed LU Maps
PA 13049 Signed PC Resolution
Z-4. 13-899 ZONING CASE #Z2013205 (District 4): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-6 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-2 AHOD" Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District on 1.528 acres out of Parcel 24, NCB 15148 located on a portion of the 8600 Block of Ray Ellison Boulevard. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend approval pending the plan amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment Case #13049)
Legislation Text
Location Map
Z-5. 13-850 ZONING CASE # Z2013216 (District 5): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "I-1 AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-3NA AHOD" General Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Airport Hazard Overlay District on 1.106 acres out of NCB 8114 and NCB 12771 located at 1334 South General McMullen Drive. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend approval.
Legislation Text
Z-6. 13-852 ZONING CASE # Z2013215 (District 5): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-4 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District and "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted in "R-4" Residential Single-Family District and "NC" Neighborhood Commercial District to "RM-4 AHOD" Residential Mixed Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, NCB 2569 located at 246 East Cevallos Street and 323 Clay Street. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend approval.
Legislation Text
Z-7. 13-901 ZONING CASE #Z2013207 (District 6): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-6" Residential Single-Family District to "O-1" Office District on Lot 14, Block 3, NCB 17637 located at 5524 Rogers Road. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend approval.
Legislation Text
Location Map
P-4. 13-1029 PLAN AMENDMENT #14001 (District 8): An Ordinance amending the future land use plan contained in the North Sector Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of a 2.19-acre tract of land located on Texas Elm west of the intersection of Huebner Road and Lockhill-Selma Road from Suburban Tier to General Urban Tier. Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommendation pending the November 13, 2013 public hearing. (Associated Zoning Case: Z2014009)
Legislation Text
PA14001 Adopted and Proposed Land Use Maps
PA 14001 PC Resolution - Draft
Z-8. 13-994 ZONING CASE #Z2014009 ERZD (District 8): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "C-3R ERZD MLOD-1" General Commercial Restrictive Alcoholic Sales Edwards Recharge Zone Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District to "MF-25 ERZD MLOD-1" Low Density Multi-Family Edwards Recharge Zone Camp Bullis Military Overlay District on Lot 7, Block 7, NCB 17627 located on a portion of 3838 Lockhill-Selma Road and the 4100 Block of Texas Elm. Staff recommends approval pending the plan amendment. Zoning Commission recommendation pending the November 19, 2013 public hearing. (Associated Plan Amendment Case #14001)
Legislation Text
Location Map
Z-9. 13-821 ZONING CASE # Z2013132 ERZD (District 9): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-6 MSAO-1 MLOD-1 ERZD" Residential Single-Family Camp Bullis Military Sound Attenuation Overlay Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay Edwards Recharge Zone District to "C-2NA MSAO-1 MLOD-1 ERZD" Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Camp Bullis Military Sound Attenuation Overlay Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay Edwards Recharge Zone District on Lot 28, Block 31, NCB 19215 located on a portion of the 22000 Block of Wilderness Oak. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend approval. (Continued from November 7, 2013)