1. 14-2815 Invocation by Chaplain Colonel (Retired) Edward K. Maney, Fort Sam Houston, guest of Councilmember Keith A. Toney, District 2.
Legislation Text
2. 14-2816 Pledge of Allegiance
Legislation Text
3. 14-2817 Approval of Minutes for the Regular Meetings of September 17 - 18, 2014
Legislation Text
4. 14-2478 An Ordinance canvassing the election returns for the District 2 Special Election held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 and ordering a Run-off Election for Tuesday, December 9, 2014. [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
Legislation Text
EV Calendar for Run-off.pdf
Run-off Election Day Polling Sites.pdf
5. 14-2357 An Ordinance authorizing a professional services agreement for common use planning services with Barich, Inc. at the San Antonio International Airport in an amount not to exceed $487,107.00. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Barich - CD Form
FINAL Score Summary
Draft Ordinance
6. 14-2606 An Ordinance authorizing a professional services agreement with Rocket Red, Ltd. for on-call advertising and marketing services for the San Antonio Airport System in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000.00. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Contracts Disclosure
Advertising Marketing - Final Score Matrix
Adv Marketing PSA - Rocket Red signed
Draft Ordinance
7. 14-2636 An Ordinance authorizing a professional services agreement with Foster CM Group, Inc. for design review, inspection and testing services for the Residential Acoustical Treatment Program for the San Antonio International Airport in an amount not to exceed $2,500,000.00. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
DRIT_Contract Disclosure_Foster
Draft Ordinance
8. 14-2647 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a professional services contract with Mighty Studio Group, LLC for website maintenance, hosting, and marketing services for the Head Start Program for a one year period commencing November 1, 2014, with three one-year renewal options, for a total amount not to exceed $100,000.00. [Gloria Hurtado, Assistant City Manager; Melody Woosley, Director, Human Services]
Legislation Text
TMG PSC - FINAL 102114
Draft Ordinance
9. 14-2586 An Ordinance authorizing the following contracts establishing unit prices for goods and services for an estimated annual cost of $251,293.00: (A) Butler Animal Health Supply, LLC doing business as Henry Schein Animal Health, MWI Veterinary Supply, Patterson Veterinary Supply, and Pethealth Services USA, Inc. for veterinary supplies, and (B) NEC Corporation of America for an amendment to the SAPD automated fingerprint identification contract. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Director, Finance]
Legislation Text
11-13-14 TOC
61-4850 Veterinary CSS
61-4850 Vet Bid Tab
A1554-11 AFIS CSS
Draft Ordinance
10. 14-2116 An Ordinance related to the HemisFair Park Project, a 2012-2017 General Obligation Bond funded Project, amending the $3,981,450.00 Construction Manager at Risk contract with Joeris General Contractors, Ltd. by the addition of Phase 2 of the HemisFair Park Play Escape (Yanaguana Garden) project, increasing the contract amount by $2,018,550.00 and transferring funds currently dedicated to Hemisfair Park Civic Park Project, located in Council District 1. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation and Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Map_Hemisfair Historic Homes Location
11. 14-2455 An Ordinance authorizing a task order to a Job Order Contract for the Central Library Teen Center Renovation Project, a 2012-2017 General Obligation Bond-funded Project, in the amount of $663,544.31, payable to Con-Cor, Inc., and accepting donations in the total amount of $150,000.00, located in Council District 1. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation and Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Proposal_Central Library Teen Renovation
DCD Form_Central Library Teen Renovation
Map_Central Library Teen Renovation
Draft Ordinance
12. 14-2497 An Ordinance for construction improvements for Mario Farias Park authorizing the execution of a task order to a Job Order Contract in an amount not to exceed $118,200.52 payable to Alpha Building Corporation, a 2012-2017 General Obligation Parks Improvement bond funded Project, located in Council District 1. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation and Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Fiscal Impact Form_Mario Farias
Proposal_Mario Farias Park
Discretionary Disclosure Form_Mario Farias
Map-Mario Farias Park
Draft Ordinance
13. 14-2540 An Ordinance for the construction of Higgins Road and Classen Road Intersection accepting the lowest responsive bid and awarding a construction contract in the amount of $1,761,731.00 to Pronto Sandblasting & Coating & Oil Field Services Co., Inc., a 2012-2017 Bond funded Project, located in Council District 10; of this amount $23,270.00 will be reimbursed by SAWS. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation and Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Bid Tabulation
Draft Ordinance
14. 14-2542 An Ordinance for construction Olmos Basin Park Improvements, accepting the lowest responsive bid and awarding a construction contract in the amount of $350,000.00, authorized payable to Consolidated Installation Support, LLC., a 2012-2017 Bond funded Project, located in Council District 1. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation and Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Map_Olmos Basin
Draft Ordinance
15. 14-2587 Consideration of the following two items related to District 4 Park Improvements for Golden Community Park, a 2012-2017 General Obligation Bond-funded Project: [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation and Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Discretionary Disclosure Form_Golden Community Park
Map_D4 Golden Community Park
San Antonio document package RFL
Draft Ordinance - A
Draft Ordinance - B
15A. 14-2818 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a task order to a Job Order Contract, for construction improvements to Golden Community Park, in an amount not to exceed $155,638.00, payable to Alpha Building Corporation; and
Legislation Text
Discretionary Disclosure Form_Golden Community Park
Map_D4 Golden Community Park
San Antonio document package RFL
Draft Ordinance - A
Draft Ordinance - B
15B. 14-2819 An Ordinance for the Golden Community Park project authorizing the purchase of a pre-fabricated restroom from CorWorth-RFL, Inc. in the amount of $97,365.00.
Legislation Text
Discretionary Disclosure Form_Golden Community Park
Map_D4 Golden Community Park
San Antonio document package RFL
Draft Ordinance - A
Draft Ordinance - B
16. 14-2449 An Ordinance authorizing an extension of an existing lease to April 30, 2018 for 1,775 square feet of office space at the monthly rate of $468.00 with Brooks Development Authority located at 3319 Sidney Brooks Drive in Council District 3 to serve as that District's field office. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Etienne, Director, EastPoint & Real Estate Services Office]
Legislation Text
3319 C D 3 Field Office site map
Draft Ordinance
17. 14-2638 An Ordinance consenting to the assignment and assumption of a lease agreement from Zachry Industrial, Inc. to Atherton Properties, Inc. doing business as HH Aviation at the San Antonio International Airport. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
18. 14-2682 An Ordinance authorizing an amendment to the lease agreement with M7 Aerospace to recapture a building and 36,316 square feet of ground space at San Antonio International Airport. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Exhibit Highlighting AICC
Proposed Lease Exhibit for M7
Draft Ordinance
19. 14-2588 Consideration of the following two items associated with two conservation easements totaling 2,872 acres over the Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Etienne, Director, EastPoint & Real Estate Services Office]
Legislation Text
Domino Ranch Map - revised2
Hilsher-Darnell Ranch Map - revised
Domino Ranch legal description
Hilsher-Darnell Ranch Legal Description
Domino Ranch-CE - 10.15.2014 - FINAL clean
Darnell -Hilsher Ranch CE DRAFT- FINAL CE - clean 10.17.2014
Draft Ordinance - Domino Ranch
Draft Ordinance - Darnell Ranch
19A. 14-2820 An Ordinance authorizing payment for real estate interests, due diligence and closing costs on a 2,636-acre tract of land known as the Domino Ranch located in Medina County, Texas, in the amount of $3,036,264.33 to Mission Title Company, as escrow agent for title on a conservation easement.
Legislation Text
Domino Ranch Map - revised2
Hilsher-Darnell Ranch Map - revised
Domino Ranch legal description
Hilsher-Darnell Ranch Legal Description
Domino Ranch-CE - 10.15.2014 - FINAL clean
Darnell -Hilsher Ranch CE DRAFT- FINAL CE - clean 10.17.2014
Draft Ordinance - Domino Ranch
Draft Ordinance - Darnell Ranch
19B. 14-2821 An Ordinance authorizing payment for real estate interests, due diligence and closing costs on a 236-acre tract of land known as the Hilsher-Darnell Ranch located in Medina County, Texas, in the amount of $261,003.42 to Mission Title Company, as escrow agent for title on a conservation easement.
Legislation Text
Domino Ranch Map - revised2
Hilsher-Darnell Ranch Map - revised
Domino Ranch legal description
Hilsher-Darnell Ranch Legal Description
Domino Ranch-CE - 10.15.2014 - FINAL clean
Darnell -Hilsher Ranch CE DRAFT- FINAL CE - clean 10.17.2014
Draft Ordinance - Domino Ranch
Draft Ordinance - Darnell Ranch
20. 14-2524 Consideration of the following two items relating to the sale of City owned properties formerly known as the St. Mary's Learning Center In Council District 7: [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Etienne, Director, EastPoint & Real Estate Services Office]
Legislation Text
Lease Termination Agreement
Bill of Sale
20A. 14-2822 An Ordinance to declare as surplus City owned property located at 3141 Culebra Road, formerly known as the St. Mary's Learning Center, in Council District 7 and authorizing its sale, including furniture and equipment, to St. Mary's University for $315,000.00.
Legislation Text
Lease Termination Agreement
Bill of Sale
20B. 14-2823 An Ordinance terminating a 40 year ground lease agreement with St. Mary's University, in Council District 7, for the use of an approximately 42,000 square foot tract of land which is the location of the former St. Mary's Learning Center at 3141 Culebra Road.
Legislation Text
Lease Termination Agreement
Bill of Sale
21. 14-2178 An Ordinance authorizing the closure, vacation, and abandonment of an approximately 0.084-acre unimproved portion of Overlook Loop located at the southwest corner of Bulverde Road and Overlook Loop, in Council District 10, as requested by HEB Grocery Company, LP. and waiving fees in exchange for the dedication of four parcels of land with a higher value to the City of San Antonio for the 2007-2012 Bulverde Road Bond Project. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Etienne, Director, EastPoint & Real Estate Services Office]
Legislation Text
Exhibit A
Map of Closure and Dedications
22. 14-2462 An Ordinance authorizing the closure, vacation, and abandonment of a 0.386 acre improved portion of Colima Street, in Council District 5, as requested by Peanut Factory Lofts Ltd. with conditions. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Etienne, Director, EastPoint & Real Estate Services Office]
Legislation Text
Exhibit A
Site Plan
23. 14-2608 An Ordinance authorizing the acceptance of a Senior Nutrition Program grant in an amount up to $1,967,590.00 from the Alamo Area Council of Governments and a total program budget up to $5,631,101.00, which includes the grant funds, $3,517,616.00 in matching funds from the FY 2015 General Fund, an estimated $65,000.00 in client donations, and an appropriation of $80,895.00 redirected from the Supportive Services for the Elderly Program; authorizing a personnel complement of 52 grant-funded positions; and authorizing agreements with local higher education institutions to provide internships in the City's Senior Centers for students working toward a degree in social services or public health. [Gloria Hurtado, Assistant City Manager; Melody Woosley, Director, Human Services]
Legislation Text
personnel complement
Senior Center list by cat - council district 5 13 14
Senior Nutrition Program Agreement
FY15 SNP Budget
Draft Ordinance
24. 14-2648 An Ordinance authorizing the participation of the City of San Antonio in the National Explosives Detection Canine Team Program of the Transportation Security Administration at the San Antonio International Airport, and accepting the reimbursement of up to $1,515,000.00 during the five-year period. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
25. 14-2726 An Ordinance authorizing the submission of a grant application in an amount up to $517,820.00 to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration for a Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks Enforcement Program grant; authorizing an in-kind matching contribution in amount up to $91,962.00; and authorizing the acceptance of the grant funds, upon award. [Erik J. Walsh, Deputy City Manager; William P. McManus, Chief of Police]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
26. 14-2700 A Resolution appointing CPS Energy Board of Trustees Ex-Officio Member Mayor Ivy R. Taylor to the SA Energy Acquisition Public Facilities Corporation [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
Legislation Text
Mayor Taylor Appointment Memo
27. 14-2659 An Ordinance approving one-year Interlocal Agreements with San Antonio Housing Authority and Lackland Independent School District for Fleet Maintenance and Repair Services and Fuel with four one-year extensions and ratifying month-to-month extensions of the existing Interlocal Agreements with SAHA and LISD. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Jorge A. Perez, Director, Building and Equipment Services]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
28. 14-2811 An Ordinance authorizing a settlement of a lawsuit styled L. Payne Constructors and Valemas, Inc. v. City of San Antonio, Cause Number 2010-CI-21011, pending in the 288th Judicial District Court for the amount of $295,000.00 from the Self-Insurance Liability Fund. [Robert F. Greenblum, City Attorney]
Legislation Text
29. 14-2506 An Ordinance authorizing a License Agreement with the San Antonio Bowl Association to host the Alamo Bowl games at the Alamodome following the 2014 through 2019 regular college football seasons. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Michael J. Sawaya, Director, Convention and Sports Facilities]
Legislation Text
2014-11-13-XXX Fiscal Impact Form- Alamo Bowl
Alamo Bowl 2015-2019 Revised 10.17.14
Alamobowl Exhibit A
30. 14-2664 An Ordinance approving a local contribution in the amount of $128,800.00 to the Events Trust Fund to qualify for reimbursement of eligible expenses in an amount up to $920,000.00 related to the American Dental Association 2014 Annual Session event held at the Alamodome and Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center from October 9 - 14, 2014. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Michael Sawaya, Director, Convention and Sports Facilities]
Legislation Text
Fiscal Impact Form ADA Local Contribution
31. 14-2683 An Ordinance authorizing a Chilled Water Contract with San Antonio Water Systems to provide chilled water service to the Convention Center for a period of twenty years. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Michael J. Sawaya, Director, Convention and Sports Facilities]
Legislation Text
2014-11-13-XXX Fiscal Impact Form- SAWS CW
32. 14-2688 An Ordinance approving a Chapter 380 Economic Development Grant Agreement in the amount of $1,750,000 with the San Antonio Economic Development Corporation to help fund the establishment of a new medical device development and manufacturing company, Covalor Medical, LLC. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Covalor Term Sheet Oct 21 - JIB 11 3 2014
Draft Ordinance
33. 14-2662 An Ordinance authorizing an agreement with the Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council to provide funding in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 in support of a multiagency funded license for Visual Dx Software from Logical Images Inc. for Bexar County. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Dr. Thomas L. Schlenker, Public Health Director]
Legislation Text
STRAC Agreement - Use of Funds - Visual DX (2014-2015)
Draft Ordinance
34. 14-2690 An Ordinance authorizing CPS Energy Rider E20 creating a senior citizen late payment fee waiver. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Director, Finance]
Legislation Text
Rider E 20 - Senior Late Payment Waiver
35. 14-2325 An Ordinance authorizing the negotiation and execution of Advanced Funding Agreements with Texas Department of Transportation to enter, design, construct and maintain street lighting improvements in the TxDOT right of way. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director Transportation and Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Advanced Funding Agreement - Draft
Draft Ordinance
36. 14-2803 Consideration of the following two items related to the Local Preference and Veteran Owned Small Business Preference programs: [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Director, Finance]
Legislation Text
Local Preference Program Amendment Draft Item A
First Amendment to Veteran Owned Small Business Preference Program Ordinance
36A. 14-2829 An Ordinance amending a program granting local preferences to clarify application of the program with regard to joint ventures and principal places of business.
Legislation Text
36B. 14-2830 An Ordinance amending the veteran-owned small business preference program to clarify application of the program with regard to joint ventures.
Legislation Text
37. 14-2651 Consideration of the following five items related to the General Aviation Federal Inspection Station at San Antonio International Airport: [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Bid Tab
SAT GA FIS Twy and Apron Improv_Recommend for Award
Draft Ordinance - E
37A. 14-2824 An Ordinance authorizing an amendment to the lease agreement with Smart Traveling, Inc. to add 17 acres, relinquish three acres for the GA FIS project and extend the lease for an additional 25 years.
Legislation Text
Bid Tab
SAT GA FIS Twy and Apron Improv_Recommend for Award
37B. 14-2825 An Ordinance authorizing a 25-year lease agreement with San Antonio Sky Place Real Estate Ventures, LLC, a subsidiary of STI, for 0.46 acres of land for a GA FIS facility.
Legislation Text
Bid Tab
SAT GA FIS Twy and Apron Improv_Recommend for Award
37C. 14-2826 An Ordinance authorizing a 25-year sublease of the proposed lease agreement with Sky Place between Sky Place and the City of San Antonio to authorize the City to take possession of the GA FIS upon completion of its construction.
Legislation Text
Bid Tab
SAT GA FIS Twy and Apron Improv_Recommend for Award
37D. 14-2827 An Ordinance authorizing a Marshalling Permit for non-exclusive marshalling services for GA aircraft at the Airport.
Legislation Text
Bid Tab
SAT GA FIS Twy and Apron Improv_Recommend for Award
37E. 14-2828 An Ordinance authorizing a construction contract with J3 Company, LLC for taxilane and apron improvements for the GA FIS facility in an amount of $3,162,885.00.
Legislation Text
Bid Tab
SAT GA FIS Twy and Apron Improv_Recommend for Award
Draft Ordinance
38. 14-2834 City Manager's Report
A. Library Update
Legislation Text
Nov 13, 2014 City Council A Session on 2014-11-13 9:00 AM
1. 14-2815 Invocation by Chaplain Colonel (Retired) Edward K. Maney, Fort Sam Houston, guest of Councilmember Keith A. Toney, District 2.
Legislation Text
2. 14-2816 Pledge of Allegiance
Legislation Text
3. 14-2817 Approval of Minutes for the Regular Meetings of September 17 - 18, 2014
Legislation Text
4. 14-2478 An Ordinance canvassing the election returns for the District 2 Special Election held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 and ordering a Run-off Election for Tuesday, December 9, 2014. [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
Legislation Text
EV Calendar for Run-off.pdf
Run-off Election Day Polling Sites.pdf
5. 14-2357 An Ordinance authorizing a professional services agreement for common use planning services with Barich, Inc. at the San Antonio International Airport in an amount not to exceed $487,107.00. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Barich - CD Form
FINAL Score Summary
Draft Ordinance
6. 14-2606 An Ordinance authorizing a professional services agreement with Rocket Red, Ltd. for on-call advertising and marketing services for the San Antonio Airport System in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000.00. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Contracts Disclosure
Advertising Marketing - Final Score Matrix
Adv Marketing PSA - Rocket Red signed
Draft Ordinance
7. 14-2636 An Ordinance authorizing a professional services agreement with Foster CM Group, Inc. for design review, inspection and testing services for the Residential Acoustical Treatment Program for the San Antonio International Airport in an amount not to exceed $2,500,000.00. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
DRIT_Contract Disclosure_Foster
Draft Ordinance
8. 14-2647 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a professional services contract with Mighty Studio Group, LLC for website maintenance, hosting, and marketing services for the Head Start Program for a one year period commencing November 1, 2014, with three one-year renewal options, for a total amount not to exceed $100,000.00. [Gloria Hurtado, Assistant City Manager; Melody Woosley, Director, Human Services]
Legislation Text
TMG PSC - FINAL 102114
Draft Ordinance
9. 14-2586 An Ordinance authorizing the following contracts establishing unit prices for goods and services for an estimated annual cost of $251,293.00: (A) Butler Animal Health Supply, LLC doing business as Henry Schein Animal Health, MWI Veterinary Supply, Patterson Veterinary Supply, and Pethealth Services USA, Inc. for veterinary supplies, and (B) NEC Corporation of America for an amendment to the SAPD automated fingerprint identification contract. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Director, Finance]
Legislation Text
11-13-14 TOC
61-4850 Veterinary CSS
61-4850 Vet Bid Tab
A1554-11 AFIS CSS
Draft Ordinance
10. 14-2116 An Ordinance related to the HemisFair Park Project, a 2012-2017 General Obligation Bond funded Project, amending the $3,981,450.00 Construction Manager at Risk contract with Joeris General Contractors, Ltd. by the addition of Phase 2 of the HemisFair Park Play Escape (Yanaguana Garden) project, increasing the contract amount by $2,018,550.00 and transferring funds currently dedicated to Hemisfair Park Civic Park Project, located in Council District 1. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation and Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Map_Hemisfair Historic Homes Location
11. 14-2455 An Ordinance authorizing a task order to a Job Order Contract for the Central Library Teen Center Renovation Project, a 2012-2017 General Obligation Bond-funded Project, in the amount of $663,544.31, payable to Con-Cor, Inc., and accepting donations in the total amount of $150,000.00, located in Council District 1. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation and Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Proposal_Central Library Teen Renovation
DCD Form_Central Library Teen Renovation
Map_Central Library Teen Renovation
Draft Ordinance
12. 14-2497 An Ordinance for construction improvements for Mario Farias Park authorizing the execution of a task order to a Job Order Contract in an amount not to exceed $118,200.52 payable to Alpha Building Corporation, a 2012-2017 General Obligation Parks Improvement bond funded Project, located in Council District 1. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation and Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Fiscal Impact Form_Mario Farias
Proposal_Mario Farias Park
Discretionary Disclosure Form_Mario Farias
Map-Mario Farias Park
Draft Ordinance
13. 14-2540 An Ordinance for the construction of Higgins Road and Classen Road Intersection accepting the lowest responsive bid and awarding a construction contract in the amount of $1,761,731.00 to Pronto Sandblasting & Coating & Oil Field Services Co., Inc., a 2012-2017 Bond funded Project, located in Council District 10; of this amount $23,270.00 will be reimbursed by SAWS. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation and Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Bid Tabulation
Draft Ordinance
14. 14-2542 An Ordinance for construction Olmos Basin Park Improvements, accepting the lowest responsive bid and awarding a construction contract in the amount of $350,000.00, authorized payable to Consolidated Installation Support, LLC., a 2012-2017 Bond funded Project, located in Council District 1. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation and Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Map_Olmos Basin
Draft Ordinance
15. 14-2587 Consideration of the following two items related to District 4 Park Improvements for Golden Community Park, a 2012-2017 General Obligation Bond-funded Project: [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation and Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Discretionary Disclosure Form_Golden Community Park
Map_D4 Golden Community Park
San Antonio document package RFL
Draft Ordinance - A
Draft Ordinance - B
15A. 14-2818 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a task order to a Job Order Contract, for construction improvements to Golden Community Park, in an amount not to exceed $155,638.00, payable to Alpha Building Corporation; and
Legislation Text
Discretionary Disclosure Form_Golden Community Park
Map_D4 Golden Community Park
San Antonio document package RFL
Draft Ordinance - A
Draft Ordinance - B
15B. 14-2819 An Ordinance for the Golden Community Park project authorizing the purchase of a pre-fabricated restroom from CorWorth-RFL, Inc. in the amount of $97,365.00.
Legislation Text
Discretionary Disclosure Form_Golden Community Park
Map_D4 Golden Community Park
San Antonio document package RFL
Draft Ordinance - A
Draft Ordinance - B
16. 14-2449 An Ordinance authorizing an extension of an existing lease to April 30, 2018 for 1,775 square feet of office space at the monthly rate of $468.00 with Brooks Development Authority located at 3319 Sidney Brooks Drive in Council District 3 to serve as that District's field office. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Etienne, Director, EastPoint & Real Estate Services Office]
Legislation Text
3319 C D 3 Field Office site map
Draft Ordinance
17. 14-2638 An Ordinance consenting to the assignment and assumption of a lease agreement from Zachry Industrial, Inc. to Atherton Properties, Inc. doing business as HH Aviation at the San Antonio International Airport. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
18. 14-2682 An Ordinance authorizing an amendment to the lease agreement with M7 Aerospace to recapture a building and 36,316 square feet of ground space at San Antonio International Airport. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Exhibit Highlighting AICC
Proposed Lease Exhibit for M7
Draft Ordinance
19. 14-2588 Consideration of the following two items associated with two conservation easements totaling 2,872 acres over the Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Etienne, Director, EastPoint & Real Estate Services Office]
Legislation Text
Domino Ranch Map - revised2
Hilsher-Darnell Ranch Map - revised
Domino Ranch legal description
Hilsher-Darnell Ranch Legal Description
Domino Ranch-CE - 10.15.2014 - FINAL clean
Darnell -Hilsher Ranch CE DRAFT- FINAL CE - clean 10.17.2014
Draft Ordinance - Domino Ranch
Draft Ordinance - Darnell Ranch
19A. 14-2820 An Ordinance authorizing payment for real estate interests, due diligence and closing costs on a 2,636-acre tract of land known as the Domino Ranch located in Medina County, Texas, in the amount of $3,036,264.33 to Mission Title Company, as escrow agent for title on a conservation easement.
Legislation Text
Domino Ranch Map - revised2
Hilsher-Darnell Ranch Map - revised
Domino Ranch legal description
Hilsher-Darnell Ranch Legal Description
Domino Ranch-CE - 10.15.2014 - FINAL clean
Darnell -Hilsher Ranch CE DRAFT- FINAL CE - clean 10.17.2014
Draft Ordinance - Domino Ranch
Draft Ordinance - Darnell Ranch
19B. 14-2821 An Ordinance authorizing payment for real estate interests, due diligence and closing costs on a 236-acre tract of land known as the Hilsher-Darnell Ranch located in Medina County, Texas, in the amount of $261,003.42 to Mission Title Company, as escrow agent for title on a conservation easement.
Legislation Text
Domino Ranch Map - revised2
Hilsher-Darnell Ranch Map - revised
Domino Ranch legal description
Hilsher-Darnell Ranch Legal Description
Domino Ranch-CE - 10.15.2014 - FINAL clean
Darnell -Hilsher Ranch CE DRAFT- FINAL CE - clean 10.17.2014
Draft Ordinance - Domino Ranch
Draft Ordinance - Darnell Ranch
20. 14-2524 Consideration of the following two items relating to the sale of City owned properties formerly known as the St. Mary's Learning Center In Council District 7: [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Etienne, Director, EastPoint & Real Estate Services Office]
Legislation Text
Lease Termination Agreement
Bill of Sale
20A. 14-2822 An Ordinance to declare as surplus City owned property located at 3141 Culebra Road, formerly known as the St. Mary's Learning Center, in Council District 7 and authorizing its sale, including furniture and equipment, to St. Mary's University for $315,000.00.
Legislation Text
Lease Termination Agreement
Bill of Sale
20B. 14-2823 An Ordinance terminating a 40 year ground lease agreement with St. Mary's University, in Council District 7, for the use of an approximately 42,000 square foot tract of land which is the location of the former St. Mary's Learning Center at 3141 Culebra Road.
Legislation Text
Lease Termination Agreement
Bill of Sale
21. 14-2178 An Ordinance authorizing the closure, vacation, and abandonment of an approximately 0.084-acre unimproved portion of Overlook Loop located at the southwest corner of Bulverde Road and Overlook Loop, in Council District 10, as requested by HEB Grocery Company, LP. and waiving fees in exchange for the dedication of four parcels of land with a higher value to the City of San Antonio for the 2007-2012 Bulverde Road Bond Project. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Etienne, Director, EastPoint & Real Estate Services Office]
Legislation Text
Exhibit A
Map of Closure and Dedications
22. 14-2462 An Ordinance authorizing the closure, vacation, and abandonment of a 0.386 acre improved portion of Colima Street, in Council District 5, as requested by Peanut Factory Lofts Ltd. with conditions. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Etienne, Director, EastPoint & Real Estate Services Office]
Legislation Text
Exhibit A
Site Plan
23. 14-2608 An Ordinance authorizing the acceptance of a Senior Nutrition Program grant in an amount up to $1,967,590.00 from the Alamo Area Council of Governments and a total program budget up to $5,631,101.00, which includes the grant funds, $3,517,616.00 in matching funds from the FY 2015 General Fund, an estimated $65,000.00 in client donations, and an appropriation of $80,895.00 redirected from the Supportive Services for the Elderly Program; authorizing a personnel complement of 52 grant-funded positions; and authorizing agreements with local higher education institutions to provide internships in the City's Senior Centers for students working toward a degree in social services or public health. [Gloria Hurtado, Assistant City Manager; Melody Woosley, Director, Human Services]
Legislation Text
personnel complement
Senior Center list by cat - council district 5 13 14
Senior Nutrition Program Agreement
FY15 SNP Budget
Draft Ordinance
24. 14-2648 An Ordinance authorizing the participation of the City of San Antonio in the National Explosives Detection Canine Team Program of the Transportation Security Administration at the San Antonio International Airport, and accepting the reimbursement of up to $1,515,000.00 during the five-year period. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
25. 14-2726 An Ordinance authorizing the submission of a grant application in an amount up to $517,820.00 to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration for a Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks Enforcement Program grant; authorizing an in-kind matching contribution in amount up to $91,962.00; and authorizing the acceptance of the grant funds, upon award. [Erik J. Walsh, Deputy City Manager; William P. McManus, Chief of Police]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
26. 14-2700 A Resolution appointing CPS Energy Board of Trustees Ex-Officio Member Mayor Ivy R. Taylor to the SA Energy Acquisition Public Facilities Corporation [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
Legislation Text
Mayor Taylor Appointment Memo
27. 14-2659 An Ordinance approving one-year Interlocal Agreements with San Antonio Housing Authority and Lackland Independent School District for Fleet Maintenance and Repair Services and Fuel with four one-year extensions and ratifying month-to-month extensions of the existing Interlocal Agreements with SAHA and LISD. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Jorge A. Perez, Director, Building and Equipment Services]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
28. 14-2811 An Ordinance authorizing a settlement of a lawsuit styled L. Payne Constructors and Valemas, Inc. v. City of San Antonio, Cause Number 2010-CI-21011, pending in the 288th Judicial District Court for the amount of $295,000.00 from the Self-Insurance Liability Fund. [Robert F. Greenblum, City Attorney]
Legislation Text
29. 14-2506 An Ordinance authorizing a License Agreement with the San Antonio Bowl Association to host the Alamo Bowl games at the Alamodome following the 2014 through 2019 regular college football seasons. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Michael J. Sawaya, Director, Convention and Sports Facilities]
Legislation Text
2014-11-13-XXX Fiscal Impact Form- Alamo Bowl
Alamo Bowl 2015-2019 Revised 10.17.14
Alamobowl Exhibit A
30. 14-2664 An Ordinance approving a local contribution in the amount of $128,800.00 to the Events Trust Fund to qualify for reimbursement of eligible expenses in an amount up to $920,000.00 related to the American Dental Association 2014 Annual Session event held at the Alamodome and Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center from October 9 - 14, 2014. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Michael Sawaya, Director, Convention and Sports Facilities]
Legislation Text
Fiscal Impact Form ADA Local Contribution
31. 14-2683 An Ordinance authorizing a Chilled Water Contract with San Antonio Water Systems to provide chilled water service to the Convention Center for a period of twenty years. [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Michael J. Sawaya, Director, Convention and Sports Facilities]
Legislation Text
2014-11-13-XXX Fiscal Impact Form- SAWS CW
32. 14-2688 An Ordinance approving a Chapter 380 Economic Development Grant Agreement in the amount of $1,750,000 with the San Antonio Economic Development Corporation to help fund the establishment of a new medical device development and manufacturing company, Covalor Medical, LLC. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Covalor Term Sheet Oct 21 - JIB 11 3 2014
Draft Ordinance
33. 14-2662 An Ordinance authorizing an agreement with the Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council to provide funding in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 in support of a multiagency funded license for Visual Dx Software from Logical Images Inc. for Bexar County. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Dr. Thomas L. Schlenker, Public Health Director]
Legislation Text
STRAC Agreement - Use of Funds - Visual DX (2014-2015)
Draft Ordinance
34. 14-2690 An Ordinance authorizing CPS Energy Rider E20 creating a senior citizen late payment fee waiver. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Director, Finance]
Legislation Text
Rider E 20 - Senior Late Payment Waiver
35. 14-2325 An Ordinance authorizing the negotiation and execution of Advanced Funding Agreements with Texas Department of Transportation to enter, design, construct and maintain street lighting improvements in the TxDOT right of way. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director Transportation and Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Advanced Funding Agreement - Draft
Draft Ordinance
36. 14-2803 Consideration of the following two items related to the Local Preference and Veteran Owned Small Business Preference programs: [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Director, Finance]
Legislation Text
Local Preference Program Amendment Draft Item A
First Amendment to Veteran Owned Small Business Preference Program Ordinance
36A. 14-2829 An Ordinance amending a program granting local preferences to clarify application of the program with regard to joint ventures and principal places of business.
Legislation Text
36B. 14-2830 An Ordinance amending the veteran-owned small business preference program to clarify application of the program with regard to joint ventures.
Legislation Text
37. 14-2651 Consideration of the following five items related to the General Aviation Federal Inspection Station at San Antonio International Airport: [Ed Belmares, Assistant City Manager; Frank Miller, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Bid Tab
SAT GA FIS Twy and Apron Improv_Recommend for Award
Draft Ordinance - E
37A. 14-2824 An Ordinance authorizing an amendment to the lease agreement with Smart Traveling, Inc. to add 17 acres, relinquish three acres for the GA FIS project and extend the lease for an additional 25 years.
Legislation Text
Bid Tab
SAT GA FIS Twy and Apron Improv_Recommend for Award
37B. 14-2825 An Ordinance authorizing a 25-year lease agreement with San Antonio Sky Place Real Estate Ventures, LLC, a subsidiary of STI, for 0.46 acres of land for a GA FIS facility.
Legislation Text
Bid Tab
SAT GA FIS Twy and Apron Improv_Recommend for Award
37C. 14-2826 An Ordinance authorizing a 25-year sublease of the proposed lease agreement with Sky Place between Sky Place and the City of San Antonio to authorize the City to take possession of the GA FIS upon completion of its construction.
Legislation Text
Bid Tab
SAT GA FIS Twy and Apron Improv_Recommend for Award
37D. 14-2827 An Ordinance authorizing a Marshalling Permit for non-exclusive marshalling services for GA aircraft at the Airport.
Legislation Text
Bid Tab
SAT GA FIS Twy and Apron Improv_Recommend for Award
37E. 14-2828 An Ordinance authorizing a construction contract with J3 Company, LLC for taxilane and apron improvements for the GA FIS facility in an amount of $3,162,885.00.
Legislation Text
Bid Tab
SAT GA FIS Twy and Apron Improv_Recommend for Award
Draft Ordinance
38. 14-2834 City Manager's Report
A. Library Update