1. 16-5198 Invocation by Dr. James Wilcox, Jr., Director, San Antonio Mass Choir, guest of Mayor Ivy R. Taylor.
Legislation Text
2. 16-5199 Pledge of Allegiance
Legislation Text
3. 16-5200 Approval of Minutes for the Regular City Council Meetings of August 31, 2016 and September 1, 2016.
Legislation Text
AUGUST 31 2016
4. 16-4724 An Ordinance accepting the bid from Silsbee Ford to provide the San Antonio Fire Department with five additional compact sport utility vehicles for a total cost of $94,650.90, funded from the General Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-7067 Original Bid - Silsbee Ford
Bid Tab
Draft Ordinance
5. 16-4744 An Ordinance accepting the bid from Dreamseat, LLC, to provide the San Antonio Fire Department with fire station furniture for various fire facilities for a total cost of $99,049.14, funded from the General Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-7497 Dreamseat, LLC
Bid Tab
Draft Ordinance
6. 16-4891 An Ordinance accepting the offer from Siddons-Martin Emergency Group to provide nine replacement fire engine trucks to the City's Fire Department for a total cost of $6,275,076.00, funded from the Equipment Renewal and Replacement Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-8026 Siddons-Martin Emergency Group
Bid Tab
Draft Ordinance
7. 16-4913 An Ordinance accepting the offer from Silsbee Ford to provide two replacement 2017 Ford Transit 350 vehicles to the City's Police Department for a total cost of $85,988.50, funded from the Equipment Renewal and Replacement Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-7634 Silsbee Ford
Bid Tab
Draft Ordinance
8. 16-3975 An Ordinance for the Henry B. Convention Center Parking Project awarding a construction contract to AJ Commercial Services Inc. in the amount of $1,444,123.60 to construct three parking lots, and appropriating said funds from the Redemption & Capital Reserve Fund. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Project Map Parking
AJ Commercial Svcs Inc 1295
Summary Bid Tab
Detailed Bid Tab
Draft Ordinance
9. 16-4364 An Ordinance declaring two improved city owned real properties located at 1434 East Commerce Street and 323 Idaho in Council District 2 as surplus and authorizing their sale to Yasaman Azima Living Trust for a combined total of $120,000.00; authorizing the Sales Agreement; and waiving Inner City Reinvestment and Incentive Policy eligible impact fees and up to $84,428 in SAWS impact fees. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; John Jacks, Interim Director, Center City Development and Operations]
Legislation Text
Sterling Property Map and Photos
Draft Ordinance
16-4364 Presentation
10. 16-4901 An Ordinance authorizing the acceptance of additional grant funds in an amount up to $72,015.00 from the Office of National Drug Control Policy for the 2015 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Initiative grant. [Erik J. Walsh, Deputy City Manager; William P. McManus, Chief of Police]
Legislation Text
2015 HIDTA RFCA - Modification #3
2015 HIDTA RFCA - Modification #3
2015 HIDTA Grant Modification #3
Draft Ordinance
11. 16-4926 An Ordinance authorizing a local administrative agreement with the law enforcement agencies participating in the Texas Anti-Gang Program. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; William P. McManus, Chief of Police]
Legislation Text
TAG Local Administrative Agreement (Original Scan)
Draft Ordinance
12. 16-4953 An Ordinance authorizing a municipal boundary agreement to release three tracts of real property from the City of San Antonio to the City of Kirby (approximately 93.1 acres or 0.145 square miles) with certain conditions accepting 15 years of revenue sharing. The subject property consist of 36.4 acres along Springfield Road and Buzz Aldrin Road; 32.6 acres bordered by Gibbs Sprawl Road to the North and Seguin Road to South; and 24.1 acres along Binz Engleman Road east of Ackerman Road in east Bexar County, Texas; accepting 15 years of revenue sharing. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning & Community Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance Attachments KirbyMBA 09_20_ 2016
PC Resolution Kirby MBA 09 20 2016
Kirby MBA CC Presentation
13. 16-5040 An Ordinance authorizing the San Antonio Housing Trust Finance Corporation to issue Multi-Family Housing Revenue Bonds for the Acme Road Apartments in Council District 6 in an amount not to exceed $22 million [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning and Community Development].
Legislation Text
16-5040 Presentation
Acme Road Apartments Map
Draft Ordinance
14. 16-5201 City Manager's Report
Legislation Text
Z-1. 16-4992 ZONING CASE # Z2016216 (Council District 1): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "I-1 AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted in "C-1" Light Commercial District on the N 80.8 feet of Lot 3, Block 3, NCB 2807, located at 110 Carter Street. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016216 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
P-1. 16-4725 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16061 (Council District 2): An Ordinance amending the Eastern Triangle Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use on 7.672 acres out of NCB 35132, located in the 3300 Block of Foster Road from "Agriculture" and "Parks/Open Space" to "Low Density Residential." Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016214)
Legislation Text
Adopted and Proposed LU Maps- PA_16061
PA 16061 Signed Resolution
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-2. 16-4987 ZONING CASE # Z2016214 (Council District 2): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-6" Residential Single-Family District to "R-4 " Residential Single-Family District on 7.672 acres out of NCB 35132, located in the 3300 Block of Foster Road. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment 16061)
Legislation Text
Z2016-214 Location Map
Z2016214 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
P-2. 16-4726 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16062 (Council District 2): An Ordinance amending the Eastern Triangle Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of 7.595 acres of land out of NCB 10675, located at 3860 East IH-10 from "High Density Residential" and "Parks and Open Space" to "Regional Commercial". Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016219)
Legislation Text
Adopted and Proposed LU Maps
Aerial Map
PA 16062 Signed Resolution
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-3. 16-4996 ZONING CASE # Z2016219 (Council District 2): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-5" Residential Single-Family District and "MF-25" Multi-Family District to "C-3" General Commercial District on 7.595 acres out of NCB 10675, located at 3860 East IH-10. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment 16062)
Legislation Text
Z2016219 Location Map
Z2016219 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-4. 16-4995 ZONING CASE # Z2016218 CD (Council District 2): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-6 H AHOD" Residential Single-Family Dignowity Hill Historic Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-6 CD IDZ H AHOD" Residential Single-Family Infill Development Overlay Zone Dignowity Hill Historic Airport Hazard Overlay District with Conditional Use for Professional Office on 0.169 acres out of NCB 537, located at 724 North Cherry Street. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016-218_Site Plan
Z2016218 CD Minutes
Z2016-218 Location Map
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-5. 16-4988 ZONING CASE # Z2016215 (Council District 3): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "C-1 AHOD" Light Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District and "C-3 AHOD" General Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-3 AHOD" General Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District on 1.757 acres out of NCB 8205, located in the 300 Block of SW Military Drive. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016215 Location Map
Z2016215 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-6. 16-4884 ZONING CASE # Z2016073 (Council District 5): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-4 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "NC AHOD" Neighborhood Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 7, Block 41, NCB 3640, located at 2602 Leal Street. Staff recommends Approval. Zoning Commission recommends Denial. (Continued from September 1, 2016)
Legislation Text
Z2016-073 Map
Z2016073 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-7. 16-5008 ZONING CASE # Z2016212 (Council District 5): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "I-1 HS AHOD" General Industrial Historic Significant Airport Hazard Overlay District, "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Overlay District with uses permitted in "MF-50" Multi-Family District and "C-2" Commercial District and "I-2 AHOD" Heavy Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with Uses Permitted in "MF-65" Multi-Family District, "C-2" Commercial District, and a bar and/or tavern, a microbrewery, an extended stay hotel or motel, fitness center with outdoor uses permitted, a bowling alley, convenience store with a Carwash, a party house, reception hall, meeting facility, office warehouse (with flex space), a billiard/pool hall (alcohol included), and a social club and "IDZ HS AHOD" Infill Development Zone Historic Significant Airport Hazard Overlay District with Uses Permitted in "MF-65" Multi-Family District, "C-2" Commercial District, and a bar and/or tavern, a microbrewery, an extended stay hotel or motel, fitness center with outdoor uses permitted, a bowling alley, convenience store with a Carwash, a party house, reception hall, meeting facility, office warehouse (with flex space), a billiard/pool hall (alcohol included), and a social club on Lot 1, Block 2, NCB 2563; Lot 28, Block 4, NCB 2563; Lots 4, 5, 6, 17, 18 and 19, Block 3, NCB 2567; Lot 3, Block 3, NCB 2567; Lot 16, Block 3, NCB 2567; Lots 2 and 15, Block 3, NCB 2567, located at 1334 South Flores Street and 205-223 East Cevallos Street. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016212 Site Plan
Z2016212 Location Map
Z2016212 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-8. 16-4997 ZONING CASE # Z2016220 (Council District 7): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "DR" Development Reserve District to "C-2" Commercial District on 4.698 acres out of NCB 34470 and NCB 34471, located in the 10500 Block of Braun Road. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016220 Location Map
Z2016220 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-9. 16-5010 ZONING CASE # Z2016235 (Council District 7): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-6 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "MF-33 AHOD" Multi-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 5, Block 12, NCB 18102 and Lot 1, Block 13, NCB 18103, located at the intersection of Crystal Run and Wurzbach Road. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016235 Map Location
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z2016235 Minutes
Z-10. 16-5001 ZONING CASE # Z2016176 ERZD (Council District 8): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "C-2 MLOD" Commercial Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District and "C-2 MLOD ERZD" Commercial Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay Edwards Recharge Zone District to "MXD MLOD" Mixed Use Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District and "MXD MLOD ERZD" Mixed Use Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay Edwards Recharge Zone District on 3.979 acres out of NCB 17403 and "PUD MF-18 MLOD" Planned Unit Development Limited Density Multi-Family Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District and "PUD MF-18 MLOD ERZD" Planned Unit Development Limited Density Multi-Family Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay Edwards Recharge Zone District on 3.738 acres out of NCB 17403, located in the 5000 Block of Beckwith Boulevard. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016-176_Location Map
Z2016-176 ERZD Site Plan
Z2016176 ERZD SAWS Report
Z2016176 ERZD Minutes Part 2
Z2016176 Minutes Part 1
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Oct 06, 2016 City Council A Session on 2016-10-06 9:00 AM
1. 16-5198 Invocation by Dr. James Wilcox, Jr., Director, San Antonio Mass Choir, guest of Mayor Ivy R. Taylor.
Legislation Text
2. 16-5199 Pledge of Allegiance
Legislation Text
3. 16-5200 Approval of Minutes for the Regular City Council Meetings of August 31, 2016 and September 1, 2016.
Legislation Text
AUGUST 31 2016
4. 16-4724 An Ordinance accepting the bid from Silsbee Ford to provide the San Antonio Fire Department with five additional compact sport utility vehicles for a total cost of $94,650.90, funded from the General Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-7067 Original Bid - Silsbee Ford
Bid Tab
Draft Ordinance
5. 16-4744 An Ordinance accepting the bid from Dreamseat, LLC, to provide the San Antonio Fire Department with fire station furniture for various fire facilities for a total cost of $99,049.14, funded from the General Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-7497 Dreamseat, LLC
Bid Tab
Draft Ordinance
6. 16-4891 An Ordinance accepting the offer from Siddons-Martin Emergency Group to provide nine replacement fire engine trucks to the City's Fire Department for a total cost of $6,275,076.00, funded from the Equipment Renewal and Replacement Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-8026 Siddons-Martin Emergency Group
Bid Tab
Draft Ordinance
7. 16-4913 An Ordinance accepting the offer from Silsbee Ford to provide two replacement 2017 Ford Transit 350 vehicles to the City's Police Department for a total cost of $85,988.50, funded from the Equipment Renewal and Replacement Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-7634 Silsbee Ford
Bid Tab
Draft Ordinance
8. 16-3975 An Ordinance for the Henry B. Convention Center Parking Project awarding a construction contract to AJ Commercial Services Inc. in the amount of $1,444,123.60 to construct three parking lots, and appropriating said funds from the Redemption & Capital Reserve Fund. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Project Map Parking
AJ Commercial Svcs Inc 1295
Summary Bid Tab
Detailed Bid Tab
Draft Ordinance
9. 16-4364 An Ordinance declaring two improved city owned real properties located at 1434 East Commerce Street and 323 Idaho in Council District 2 as surplus and authorizing their sale to Yasaman Azima Living Trust for a combined total of $120,000.00; authorizing the Sales Agreement; and waiving Inner City Reinvestment and Incentive Policy eligible impact fees and up to $84,428 in SAWS impact fees. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; John Jacks, Interim Director, Center City Development and Operations]
Legislation Text
Sterling Property Map and Photos
Draft Ordinance
16-4364 Presentation
10. 16-4901 An Ordinance authorizing the acceptance of additional grant funds in an amount up to $72,015.00 from the Office of National Drug Control Policy for the 2015 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Initiative grant. [Erik J. Walsh, Deputy City Manager; William P. McManus, Chief of Police]
Legislation Text
2015 HIDTA RFCA - Modification #3
2015 HIDTA RFCA - Modification #3
2015 HIDTA Grant Modification #3
Draft Ordinance
11. 16-4926 An Ordinance authorizing a local administrative agreement with the law enforcement agencies participating in the Texas Anti-Gang Program. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; William P. McManus, Chief of Police]
Legislation Text
TAG Local Administrative Agreement (Original Scan)
Draft Ordinance
12. 16-4953 An Ordinance authorizing a municipal boundary agreement to release three tracts of real property from the City of San Antonio to the City of Kirby (approximately 93.1 acres or 0.145 square miles) with certain conditions accepting 15 years of revenue sharing. The subject property consist of 36.4 acres along Springfield Road and Buzz Aldrin Road; 32.6 acres bordered by Gibbs Sprawl Road to the North and Seguin Road to South; and 24.1 acres along Binz Engleman Road east of Ackerman Road in east Bexar County, Texas; accepting 15 years of revenue sharing. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning & Community Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance Attachments KirbyMBA 09_20_ 2016
PC Resolution Kirby MBA 09 20 2016
Kirby MBA CC Presentation
13. 16-5040 An Ordinance authorizing the San Antonio Housing Trust Finance Corporation to issue Multi-Family Housing Revenue Bonds for the Acme Road Apartments in Council District 6 in an amount not to exceed $22 million [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning and Community Development].
Legislation Text
16-5040 Presentation
Acme Road Apartments Map
Draft Ordinance
14. 16-5201 City Manager's Report
Legislation Text
Z-1. 16-4992 ZONING CASE # Z2016216 (Council District 1): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "I-1 AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with uses permitted in "C-1" Light Commercial District on the N 80.8 feet of Lot 3, Block 3, NCB 2807, located at 110 Carter Street. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016216 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
P-1. 16-4725 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16061 (Council District 2): An Ordinance amending the Eastern Triangle Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use on 7.672 acres out of NCB 35132, located in the 3300 Block of Foster Road from "Agriculture" and "Parks/Open Space" to "Low Density Residential." Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016214)
Legislation Text
Adopted and Proposed LU Maps- PA_16061
PA 16061 Signed Resolution
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-2. 16-4987 ZONING CASE # Z2016214 (Council District 2): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-6" Residential Single-Family District to "R-4 " Residential Single-Family District on 7.672 acres out of NCB 35132, located in the 3300 Block of Foster Road. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment 16061)
Legislation Text
Z2016-214 Location Map
Z2016214 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
P-2. 16-4726 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16062 (Council District 2): An Ordinance amending the Eastern Triangle Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of 7.595 acres of land out of NCB 10675, located at 3860 East IH-10 from "High Density Residential" and "Parks and Open Space" to "Regional Commercial". Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016219)
Legislation Text
Adopted and Proposed LU Maps
Aerial Map
PA 16062 Signed Resolution
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-3. 16-4996 ZONING CASE # Z2016219 (Council District 2): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-5" Residential Single-Family District and "MF-25" Multi-Family District to "C-3" General Commercial District on 7.595 acres out of NCB 10675, located at 3860 East IH-10. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment 16062)
Legislation Text
Z2016219 Location Map
Z2016219 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-4. 16-4995 ZONING CASE # Z2016218 CD (Council District 2): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-6 H AHOD" Residential Single-Family Dignowity Hill Historic Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-6 CD IDZ H AHOD" Residential Single-Family Infill Development Overlay Zone Dignowity Hill Historic Airport Hazard Overlay District with Conditional Use for Professional Office on 0.169 acres out of NCB 537, located at 724 North Cherry Street. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016-218_Site Plan
Z2016218 CD Minutes
Z2016-218 Location Map
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-5. 16-4988 ZONING CASE # Z2016215 (Council District 3): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "C-1 AHOD" Light Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District and "C-3 AHOD" General Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "C-3 AHOD" General Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District on 1.757 acres out of NCB 8205, located in the 300 Block of SW Military Drive. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016215 Location Map
Z2016215 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-6. 16-4884 ZONING CASE # Z2016073 (Council District 5): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-4 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "NC AHOD" Neighborhood Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 7, Block 41, NCB 3640, located at 2602 Leal Street. Staff recommends Approval. Zoning Commission recommends Denial. (Continued from September 1, 2016)
Legislation Text
Z2016-073 Map
Z2016073 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-7. 16-5008 ZONING CASE # Z2016212 (Council District 5): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "I-1 HS AHOD" General Industrial Historic Significant Airport Hazard Overlay District, "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Overlay District with uses permitted in "MF-50" Multi-Family District and "C-2" Commercial District and "I-2 AHOD" Heavy Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with Uses Permitted in "MF-65" Multi-Family District, "C-2" Commercial District, and a bar and/or tavern, a microbrewery, an extended stay hotel or motel, fitness center with outdoor uses permitted, a bowling alley, convenience store with a Carwash, a party house, reception hall, meeting facility, office warehouse (with flex space), a billiard/pool hall (alcohol included), and a social club and "IDZ HS AHOD" Infill Development Zone Historic Significant Airport Hazard Overlay District with Uses Permitted in "MF-65" Multi-Family District, "C-2" Commercial District, and a bar and/or tavern, a microbrewery, an extended stay hotel or motel, fitness center with outdoor uses permitted, a bowling alley, convenience store with a Carwash, a party house, reception hall, meeting facility, office warehouse (with flex space), a billiard/pool hall (alcohol included), and a social club on Lot 1, Block 2, NCB 2563; Lot 28, Block 4, NCB 2563; Lots 4, 5, 6, 17, 18 and 19, Block 3, NCB 2567; Lot 3, Block 3, NCB 2567; Lot 16, Block 3, NCB 2567; Lots 2 and 15, Block 3, NCB 2567, located at 1334 South Flores Street and 205-223 East Cevallos Street. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016212 Site Plan
Z2016212 Location Map
Z2016212 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-8. 16-4997 ZONING CASE # Z2016220 (Council District 7): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "DR" Development Reserve District to "C-2" Commercial District on 4.698 acres out of NCB 34470 and NCB 34471, located in the 10500 Block of Braun Road. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016220 Location Map
Z2016220 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-9. 16-5010 ZONING CASE # Z2016235 (Council District 7): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-6 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "MF-33 AHOD" Multi-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 5, Block 12, NCB 18102 and Lot 1, Block 13, NCB 18103, located at the intersection of Crystal Run and Wurzbach Road. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016235 Map Location
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z2016235 Minutes
Z-10. 16-5001 ZONING CASE # Z2016176 ERZD (Council District 8): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "C-2 MLOD" Commercial Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District and "C-2 MLOD ERZD" Commercial Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay Edwards Recharge Zone District to "MXD MLOD" Mixed Use Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District and "MXD MLOD ERZD" Mixed Use Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay Edwards Recharge Zone District on 3.979 acres out of NCB 17403 and "PUD MF-18 MLOD" Planned Unit Development Limited Density Multi-Family Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District and "PUD MF-18 MLOD ERZD" Planned Unit Development Limited Density Multi-Family Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay Edwards Recharge Zone District on 3.738 acres out of NCB 17403, located in the 5000 Block of Beckwith Boulevard. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.