1. 16-5628 Invocation by Pastor Kevin Nelson, Calvary Baptist Church, guest of Councilmember Alan E. Warrick, II, District 2.
Legislation Text
2. 16-5629 Pledge of Allegiance
Legislation Text
3. 16-5630 Approval of Minutes for the Regular City Council Meetings of September 28 - 29, 2016
Legislation Text
Draft Minutes - SEPTEMBER 28 2016
Draft Minutes - SEPTEMBER 29 2016
4. 16-5283 An Ordinance ratifying a contract with Pearson Education for the purchase of SAPD criminal investigation textbooks for a total cost of $62,677.80, funded from the FY2017 Police Department Operating and Maintenance Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
Pearson Education Quote
Draft Ordinance
5. 16-5274 An Ordinance accepting the offer from Kent Powersports to provide 11 replacement police motorcycles to the City's Police Department for a total cost of $263,989.00, funded from the Equipment Renewal and Replacement Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-8185 Kent Powersports
Draft Ordinance
6. 16-5277 An Ordinance authorizing contracts with Gateway Printing & Office Supply, Inc., OfficeSource, Ltd., Staples Contract & Commercial, Inc., Texas Wilson Office Furniture & Services, and Workplace Resource, LLC to provide the City with office furniture for an estimated cost of $1,650,000.00 annually, funded from the FY2017 Operating Budget. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
Blank RFCSP 6100006733 - Gateway
1295 Gateway
Blank RFCSP ~ 6100006733 - Staples
1295 Staples
Blank RFCSP 6100006733 - Texas Wilson
1295 Texas Wilson
Blank RFCSP 6100006733 - Workplace Resource
1295 WorkPlace Resource
61-8179 RFO - OfficeSource LTD. (Teknion)
Bid Tab -
1295 OfficeSource
61-8201 RFO - Workplace Resource, LLC ( Herman Miller)
Bid Tab
61-8202 RFO - Workplace Resource, LLC (Kimball)
Bid Tab
Score Matrix - Item 1 - ALLSTEEL
Score Matrix - Item 2 - GLOBAL
Score Matrix - Item 3 - HON
Score Matrix - Item 4 - MAYLINE
Score Matrix - Item 5 - NATIONAL
Score Matrix - Item 6 - STEELCASE
Draft Ordinance
7. 16-5196 An Ordinance authorizing an amendment to the contract for the NEOGOV talent management system, establishing annual unit prices for goods and services for an estimated annual cost of $33,325.00. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
Bid Tab
Draft Ordinance
8. 16-4951 An Ordinance, on behalf of SAWS, authorizing the acquisition through negotiation or condemnation, of interest in land sufficient for project purposes, of privately-owned real property located in NCB 17487, 10568, 12175 and 12174, for the E-19: Seguin Road to Nacogdoches Road Sanitary Sewer Project, located in Council District 2; declaring it to be a public use project. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
9. 16-5285 An Ordinance authorizing an one-year lease agreement with the United Services Organization, Incorporated at the San Antonio International Airport with an option to renew for four, one-year extensions. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Noel T. Jones, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Lease Agreement
USO Form 1295
Draft Ordinance
USO Presentation
10. 16-5361 An Ordinance consenting to the assignment and assumption agreement of the lease agreement from Brown Bag Sandwich Shop, Inc. to The Big Bib, LLC at the Stinson Municipal Airport. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Noel T. Jones, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Big Bib DCD
Big Bib Form 1295
Signed Assumption and Assignment
Brown Bag DCD
Brown Bag Form 1295
Draft Ordinance
Big Bib Presentation
11. 16-5371 An Ordinance authorizing a lease agreement with Texas Air Museum, Inc. for 32,964 square feet of office/hangar space and 76,154 square feet of ground space at 1234 99th Street at Stinson Municipal Airport. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Noel T. Jones, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Form 1295
Lease Agreement
Draft Ordinance
Texas Air Museum
12. 16-5389 An Ordinance authorizes a lease agreement with Imperial Aviation, LLC dba Gateone for a leasehold at Stinson Municipal Airport which will replace the two lease agreements approved by City Council on April 30, 2015. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Noel T. Jones, Director, Aviation]
13. 16-5284 Consideration of the following items related to the San Pedro Creek Improvements Project located in Council District 1: [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; John Jacks, Interim Director, Center City Development & Operations]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Attachment I. Fee Simple Exhibit
Attachment II. Subsurface Easements Exhibit
Attachment III. TCE Dolorosa Commerce
Attachment IV. Calder Restriction Street Exhibit
Attachment V. Gatehouse Exhibit
Attachment V. Private Sewer Line Exhibit
Draft Ordinance A
Draft Ordinance B
Draft Resolution C
Draft Ordinance D
13A. 16-5632 An Ordinance authorizing the declaration as surplus and conveyance of four City owned real property interests along or near the existing San Pedro Creek to the San Antonio River Authority; authorizing the execution of three joint use agreements with the San Antonio Water System and three joint use agreements with CPS Energy; and waiving associated fees.
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Attachment I. Fee Simple Exhibit
Attachment II. Subsurface Easements Exhibit
Attachment III. TCE Dolorosa Commerce
Attachment IV. Calder Restriction Street Exhibit
Attachment V. Gatehouse Exhibit
Attachment V. Private Sewer Line Exhibit
16-5284 Fiscal Impact Form (SanPedroCreek)
16-5284 Fiscal Impact Form (SARALease)
Draft Ordinance A
Draft Ordinance B
Draft Resolution C
Draft Ordinance D
13B. 16-5633 An Ordinance restricting Calder Street, located in City Council District 1 between Commerce and Dolorosa Streets, to pedestrian and emergency vehicle use.
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Attachment I. Fee Simple Exhibit
Attachment II. Subsurface Easements Exhibit
Attachment III. TCE Dolorosa Commerce
Attachment IV. Calder Restriction Street Exhibit
Attachment V. Gatehouse Exhibit
Attachment V. Private Sewer Line Exhibit
16-5284 Fiscal Impact Form (SanPedroCreek)
16-5284 Fiscal Impact Form (SARALease)
Draft Ordinance B
Draft Ordinance A
Draft Resolution C
Draft Ordinance D
13C. 16-5634 A Resolution of the City of San Antonio, Texas Municipal Facilities Corporation approving a 20 year lease with the San Antonio River Authority for the property located at 1901 South Alamo Street for improvements related to the San Pedro Creek Improvements Project.
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Attachment I. Fee Simple Exhibit
Attachment II. Subsurface Easements Exhibit
Attachment III. TCE Dolorosa Commerce
Attachment IV. Calder Restriction Street Exhibit
Attachment V. Gatehouse Exhibit
Attachment V. Private Sewer Line Exhibit
16-5284 Fiscal Impact Form (SanPedroCreek)
16-5284 Fiscal Impact Form (SARALease)
Draft Ordinance A
Draft Ordinance B
Draft Resolution C
Draft Ordinance D
13D. 16-5635 An Ordinance approving actions taken by the City of San Antonio, Texas Municipal Facilities Corporation with regard to the approval of a 20 year lease with the San Antonio River Authority for the property located at 1901 South Alamo Street for improvements related to the San Pedro Creek Improvements Project.
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Attachment I. Fee Simple Exhibit
Attachment II. Subsurface Easements Exhibit
Attachment III. TCE Dolorosa Commerce
Attachment IV. Calder Restriction Street Exhibit
Attachment V. Gatehouse Exhibit
Attachment V. Private Sewer Line Exhibit
16-5284 Fiscal Impact Form (SanPedroCreek)
16-5284 Fiscal Impact Form (SARALease)
Draft Ordinance A
Draft Ordinance B
Draft Resolution C
Draft Ordinance D
14. 16-5542 Consideration of the following Board, Commission and Committee appointments for the remainder of unexpired terms of office to expire May 31, 2017, to be effective immediately upon the receipt of eight affirmative votes, or, in the event eight affirmative votes are not received, ten days after appointment; or for terms and effectiveness as otherwise indicated below: [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
A) Appointing Rashadd T. Williams (Mayoral) to the San Antonio Youth Commission.
B) Appointing George G. Davila (Mayoral) to the City Commission on Veterans Affairs.
C) Appointing Oscar Rosalez (District 6) to the Zoning Commission.
D) Appointing Amy Lewis (District 3) to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 28 - Verano.
E) Appointing Susan S. Beldon (District 9) to the Animal Care Services Advisory Board.
Legislation Text
15. 16-5544 Appointing Kacy Cigarroa, Christopher C. Garcia, June R. Kachtik, Andrew M. Ozuna; Reappointing George W. Peck to the Planning Commission for an unexpired term of office to expire October 6, 2018; and appointing Casey J. Whittington for an unexpired term of office to expire October 6, 2017. [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
Legislation Text
Planning Commission Agenda Packet 2016.10.19
16. 16-5553 An Ordinance rescheduling City Council meetings in November and December 2016 and January 2017. [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
17. 16-5624 An Ordinance authorizing and approving publication of notice of intention to issue City of San Antonio, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation in one or more series in a maximum aggregate principal amount not to exceed $52,000,000.00 related to the acquisition of the Frost Bank Tower; and providing for an effective date [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer].
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
18. 16-5086 An Ordinance authorizing agreements with Texas A&M Forest Service to provide fuel reduction services to mitigate wildfire risks to the City of San Antonio. [Erik J. Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Charles N. Hood, Fire Chief]
Legislation Text
Texas Forest Service Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Draft Ordinance
19. 16-5188 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a Sports License Agreement with South Central Cougars Pop Warner Football Association for continued operation, maintenance and use of sports fields located at Stinson Park in Council District 3 for a five year term beginning November 1, 2016, and ending October 31, 2021; no City funds are associated with this action. [MarĆa VillagĆ³mez, Assistant City Manager; Xavier D. Urrutia, Director, Parks & Recreation]
Legislation Text
Sports License Agreement with South Central Cougars Pop Warner Football Association
Contracts Disclosure Form - Anthony Benavides - South Central Cougars Pop Warner Football Association
Certificate of Interested Parties Form - South Central Cougars
PowerPoint for License Agreement with South Central Cougars Pop Warner Football Association
Draft Ordinance
20. 16-5408 An Ordinance establishing a new brush collection schedule regarding a stronger oak wilt suppression program. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; David W. McCary, Director, Solid Waste Management]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Draft Ordinance
21. 16-5631 City Manager's Report
Legislation Text
22. 16-5505 A Resolution to initiate land use and zoning changes to properties within the World Heritage Buffer Zone, an area defined as a result of the designation of the San Antonio Missions as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (Council District 3 and 5)
Legislation Text
World Heritage Land Use Amendments - Location Maps
World Heritage Land Use Amendments - Aerial Maps
Z-1. 16-5463 ZONING CASE # Z2016245 (Council District 2): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-6 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "MHP AHOD" Manufactured Housing Park Airport Hazard Overlay District on 4.189 acres out of NCB 15894, located in the 7000 Block of Woodlake Parkway. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016245 Location Map
Z2016245 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-2. 16-5468 ZONING CASE # Z2016249 (Council District 2): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "I-1 AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-4 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 4, Block 31, NCB 1334, located at 407 Blaine Street. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016249 Location Map
Z2016249 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
P-1. 16-3251 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16035 (Council District 3): An Ordinance amending the Eastern Triangle Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use on Lot 35, NCB 12891, located at 2406 Tyne Drive from "Low Density Residential" to "Community Commercial." Staff recommends Approval. Planning Commission recommends Denial. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016132)
Legislation Text
Adopted and Proposed LU Maps
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-3. 16-3606 ZONING CASE # Z2016132 (Council District 3): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "NP-10" Neighborhood Preservation District to "C-2" Commercial District on Lot 35, NCB 12891, located at 2406 Tyne Drive. Staff recommends Approval, pending Plan Amendment. Zoning Commission recommends Denial. (Associated Plan Amendment 16035)
Legislation Text
Z2016-132 Location Map
Z2016132 ZC Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-4. 16-4986 ZONING CASE # Z2016208 CD (Council District 3): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-4 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-4 CD AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District with Conditional Use for Four (4) Dwelling Units on Lots 27 and 28, Block 82, NCB 3360, located at 455 Bailey Avenue. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016208 Location Map
Site Plan Z2016208 CD
Z2016208 CD Minutes Part 2
Z2016208 Minutes Part 1
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-5. 16-5470 ZONING CASE # Z2016251 S (Council District 3): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-4 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-4 S AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District with Specific Use Authorization for a Manufactured Home on Lot 26, Block 13, NCB 10895, located at 211 San Juan Road. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Location Map
Site Plan
Z2016251 S Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-6. 16-5555 ZONING CASE # Z2016228 (Council District 3): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-4 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "MF-18 AHOD" Limited Density Multi-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District on the North 120 Feet of Lots 19 and 20, Block 44, NCB 9467, located at 1500 Escalon Avenue. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval. (Continued from October 20, 2016)
Legislation Text
Location Map
Z2016228 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
P-2. 16-5282 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16072 (Council District 4): An Ordinance amending the Heritage South Sector Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of 88.719 acres out of NCB 18087, located at 13527 SW Loop 410 from "General Urban Tier" and "Agribusiness/RIMSE Tier" to "Suburban Tier". Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016246)
Legislation Text
Adopted and Proposed LU Maps
Aerial Map
PA 16072 Signed Resolution
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-7. 16-5464 ZONING CASE # Z2016246 (Council District 4): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "FBZ AHOD" Form Base Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District and "MI-1" Mixed Light Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-5 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District on 88.719 out of NCB 18087, located at 13527 Southwest Loop 410. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment 16072)
Legislation Text
Location Map
Z2016246 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-8. 16-5393 ZONING CASE # Z2016073 (Council District 5): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-4 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "NC AHOD" Neighborhood Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 7, Block 41, NCB 3640, located at 2602 Leal Street. Staff recommends Approval. Zoning Commission recommends Denial. (Continued from October 6, 2016)
Legislation Text
Z2016-073 Map
Z2016073 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-9. 16-5465 ZONING CASE # Z2016247 (Council District 5): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "I-2 AHOD" Heavy Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with detached single-family residential uses not to exceed 21 units per acre on Lot 8 and 9, Block 1, NCB A-15, located at 201 Probandt Street and 430 Clay Street. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016247 Location Map
Z2016247 Minutes
Z2016247 Site Plan_Revised
Draft Ordinance.pdf
P-3. 16-5279 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16069 (Council District 6): An Ordinance amending the West/Southwest Sector Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of Lots 3, 4, and 14, Block 1, NCB 17632, located in the 4200 Block of West Loop 1604 from "Rural Estate Tier" to "Suburban Tier". Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016237 CD)
Legislation Text
Adopted and Proposed LU Maps
Aerial Map
PA 16069 Signed Resolution
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-10. 16-5413 ZONING CASE # Z2016237 CD (Council District 6): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "C-3" General Commercial District to "C-2 CD" Commercial District with Conditional Use for an Indoor Gun Range on Lots 3, 4 and 14, Block 1, NCB 17632, located in the 4200 Block of West Loop 1604 North. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment 16069)
Legislation Text
Z2016-237- Location Map
Z2016237 Site Plan
Z2016237 CD Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-11. 16-5467 ZONING CASE # Z2016248 (Council District 6): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "C-2NA AHOD" Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-5 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 2, Block 8, NCB 13959, located at 2142 South Callaghan Road. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016-248 Map
Z2016248 Minutes
P-4. 16-5278 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16067 (Council District 7): An Ordinance amending the Northwest Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of approximately 6.240 acres out of NCB 18309, located in the 7800 Block of Tezel Road from "Neighborhood Commercial" to "Medium Density Residential". Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016232)
Legislation Text
Aerial-PA 16067
Adopted and Proposed LU Maps- PA_16067
PA 16067 Signed Resolution
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-12. 16-5173 ZONING CASE # Z2016232 (Council District 7): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "C-3" General Commercial District to "R-4" Residential Single-Family District on 6.240 acres out of NCB 18309, located in the 7800 Block of Tezel Road. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment 16067)
Legislation Text
Z2016232 Location Map
Z2016232 Minutes
16-5173 Z2016232 Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-13. 16-5469 ZONING CASE # Z2016250 (Council District 8): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-6 MLOD" Residential Single-Family Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District to "C-2NA MLOD" Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District on Lots 33, 34 and 35, Block 1, NCB 14741, located at 6701, 6705 and 6709 Hausman Road. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016250 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
P-5. 16-5336 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16074 (Council District 9): An Ordinance amending the San Antonio International Airport Vicinity Land Use Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of aproximately 22.03 acres out of NCB 13847, NCB 13848, NCB 13197 and NCB 13060, located at multiple addresses along East and West Turbo Drive, Rendezvous Drive, Reverie Drive, and Braniff Drive from "Business Park" to "Light Industrial." Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016255 S)
Legislation Text
PC Resolution PA 16074
PA Adopted LU
PA Proposed LU
CCR Resolution Turbo at Braniff
PA 16074 Signed Resolution
16-5336 PA16074_Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-14. 16-5471 ZONING CASE # Z2016255 S (Council District 9): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-5 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "L AHOD" Light Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District, "I-1 AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District and "I-1 S AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Specific Use Authorization for Metal Products Fabrication on approximately 17.86 acres out of NCB 13847, NCB 13848, and NCB 13060, located at multiple addresses along East and West Turbo Drive, Rendezvous Drive, Reverie Lane, and Braniff Drive. Staff recommends Approval, pending Plan Amendment (Associated Plan Amendment 16074)
Legislation Text
ZC Proposed Zoning Map
CCR Resolution Turbo at Braniff
Resolution 2015-12-17-0070R (1)
Z2016255 S Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
P-6. 16-5482 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16073 (Council District 10): An Ordinance amending the North Sector Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of 18.907 acres out of NCB 16587, located in the 7000 Block of East Loop 1604 from "Suburban Tier" to "Specialized Center". Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016253)
Legislation Text
PA16073 Adopted and Proposed LU Maps
PA16073 Aerial Map
PA 16073 Resolution
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-15. 16-5546 ZONING CASE # Z2016253 (Council District 10): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "C-3 AHOD" General Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "L AHOD" Light Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District on 10.693 acres out of NCB 16587 and "I-1 AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District on 8.214 acres out of NCB 16587, located in the 7000 block of Loop 1604 East. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment 16073)
Legislation Text
Z2016253 Location Map
Z2016253 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Nov 03, 2016 City Council A Session on 2016-11-03 9:00 AM
1. 16-5628 Invocation by Pastor Kevin Nelson, Calvary Baptist Church, guest of Councilmember Alan E. Warrick, II, District 2.
Legislation Text
2. 16-5629 Pledge of Allegiance
Legislation Text
3. 16-5630 Approval of Minutes for the Regular City Council Meetings of September 28 - 29, 2016
Legislation Text
Draft Minutes - SEPTEMBER 28 2016
Draft Minutes - SEPTEMBER 29 2016
4. 16-5283 An Ordinance ratifying a contract with Pearson Education for the purchase of SAPD criminal investigation textbooks for a total cost of $62,677.80, funded from the FY2017 Police Department Operating and Maintenance Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
Pearson Education Quote
Draft Ordinance
5. 16-5274 An Ordinance accepting the offer from Kent Powersports to provide 11 replacement police motorcycles to the City's Police Department for a total cost of $263,989.00, funded from the Equipment Renewal and Replacement Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-8185 Kent Powersports
Draft Ordinance
6. 16-5277 An Ordinance authorizing contracts with Gateway Printing & Office Supply, Inc., OfficeSource, Ltd., Staples Contract & Commercial, Inc., Texas Wilson Office Furniture & Services, and Workplace Resource, LLC to provide the City with office furniture for an estimated cost of $1,650,000.00 annually, funded from the FY2017 Operating Budget. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
Blank RFCSP 6100006733 - Gateway
1295 Gateway
Blank RFCSP ~ 6100006733 - Staples
1295 Staples
Blank RFCSP 6100006733 - Texas Wilson
1295 Texas Wilson
Blank RFCSP 6100006733 - Workplace Resource
1295 WorkPlace Resource
61-8179 RFO - OfficeSource LTD. (Teknion)
Bid Tab -
1295 OfficeSource
61-8201 RFO - Workplace Resource, LLC ( Herman Miller)
Bid Tab
61-8202 RFO - Workplace Resource, LLC (Kimball)
Bid Tab
Score Matrix - Item 1 - ALLSTEEL
Score Matrix - Item 2 - GLOBAL
Score Matrix - Item 3 - HON
Score Matrix - Item 4 - MAYLINE
Score Matrix - Item 5 - NATIONAL
Score Matrix - Item 6 - STEELCASE
Draft Ordinance
7. 16-5196 An Ordinance authorizing an amendment to the contract for the NEOGOV talent management system, establishing annual unit prices for goods and services for an estimated annual cost of $33,325.00. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
Bid Tab
Draft Ordinance
8. 16-4951 An Ordinance, on behalf of SAWS, authorizing the acquisition through negotiation or condemnation, of interest in land sufficient for project purposes, of privately-owned real property located in NCB 17487, 10568, 12175 and 12174, for the E-19: Seguin Road to Nacogdoches Road Sanitary Sewer Project, located in Council District 2; declaring it to be a public use project. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
9. 16-5285 An Ordinance authorizing an one-year lease agreement with the United Services Organization, Incorporated at the San Antonio International Airport with an option to renew for four, one-year extensions. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Noel T. Jones, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Lease Agreement
USO Form 1295
Draft Ordinance
USO Presentation
10. 16-5361 An Ordinance consenting to the assignment and assumption agreement of the lease agreement from Brown Bag Sandwich Shop, Inc. to The Big Bib, LLC at the Stinson Municipal Airport. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Noel T. Jones, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Big Bib DCD
Big Bib Form 1295
Signed Assumption and Assignment
Brown Bag DCD
Brown Bag Form 1295
Draft Ordinance
Big Bib Presentation
11. 16-5371 An Ordinance authorizing a lease agreement with Texas Air Museum, Inc. for 32,964 square feet of office/hangar space and 76,154 square feet of ground space at 1234 99th Street at Stinson Municipal Airport. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Noel T. Jones, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Form 1295
Lease Agreement
Draft Ordinance
Texas Air Museum
12. 16-5389 An Ordinance authorizes a lease agreement with Imperial Aviation, LLC dba Gateone for a leasehold at Stinson Municipal Airport which will replace the two lease agreements approved by City Council on April 30, 2015. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Noel T. Jones, Director, Aviation]
13. 16-5284 Consideration of the following items related to the San Pedro Creek Improvements Project located in Council District 1: [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; John Jacks, Interim Director, Center City Development & Operations]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Attachment I. Fee Simple Exhibit
Attachment II. Subsurface Easements Exhibit
Attachment III. TCE Dolorosa Commerce
Attachment IV. Calder Restriction Street Exhibit
Attachment V. Gatehouse Exhibit
Attachment V. Private Sewer Line Exhibit
Draft Ordinance A
Draft Ordinance B
Draft Resolution C
Draft Ordinance D
13A. 16-5632 An Ordinance authorizing the declaration as surplus and conveyance of four City owned real property interests along or near the existing San Pedro Creek to the San Antonio River Authority; authorizing the execution of three joint use agreements with the San Antonio Water System and three joint use agreements with CPS Energy; and waiving associated fees.
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Attachment I. Fee Simple Exhibit
Attachment II. Subsurface Easements Exhibit
Attachment III. TCE Dolorosa Commerce
Attachment IV. Calder Restriction Street Exhibit
Attachment V. Gatehouse Exhibit
Attachment V. Private Sewer Line Exhibit
16-5284 Fiscal Impact Form (SanPedroCreek)
16-5284 Fiscal Impact Form (SARALease)
Draft Ordinance A
Draft Ordinance B
Draft Resolution C
Draft Ordinance D
13B. 16-5633 An Ordinance restricting Calder Street, located in City Council District 1 between Commerce and Dolorosa Streets, to pedestrian and emergency vehicle use.
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Attachment I. Fee Simple Exhibit
Attachment II. Subsurface Easements Exhibit
Attachment III. TCE Dolorosa Commerce
Attachment IV. Calder Restriction Street Exhibit
Attachment V. Gatehouse Exhibit
Attachment V. Private Sewer Line Exhibit
16-5284 Fiscal Impact Form (SanPedroCreek)
16-5284 Fiscal Impact Form (SARALease)
Draft Ordinance B
Draft Ordinance A
Draft Resolution C
Draft Ordinance D
13C. 16-5634 A Resolution of the City of San Antonio, Texas Municipal Facilities Corporation approving a 20 year lease with the San Antonio River Authority for the property located at 1901 South Alamo Street for improvements related to the San Pedro Creek Improvements Project.
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Attachment I. Fee Simple Exhibit
Attachment II. Subsurface Easements Exhibit
Attachment III. TCE Dolorosa Commerce
Attachment IV. Calder Restriction Street Exhibit
Attachment V. Gatehouse Exhibit
Attachment V. Private Sewer Line Exhibit
16-5284 Fiscal Impact Form (SanPedroCreek)
16-5284 Fiscal Impact Form (SARALease)
Draft Ordinance A
Draft Ordinance B
Draft Resolution C
Draft Ordinance D
13D. 16-5635 An Ordinance approving actions taken by the City of San Antonio, Texas Municipal Facilities Corporation with regard to the approval of a 20 year lease with the San Antonio River Authority for the property located at 1901 South Alamo Street for improvements related to the San Pedro Creek Improvements Project.
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Attachment I. Fee Simple Exhibit
Attachment II. Subsurface Easements Exhibit
Attachment III. TCE Dolorosa Commerce
Attachment IV. Calder Restriction Street Exhibit
Attachment V. Gatehouse Exhibit
Attachment V. Private Sewer Line Exhibit
16-5284 Fiscal Impact Form (SanPedroCreek)
16-5284 Fiscal Impact Form (SARALease)
Draft Ordinance A
Draft Ordinance B
Draft Resolution C
Draft Ordinance D
14. 16-5542 Consideration of the following Board, Commission and Committee appointments for the remainder of unexpired terms of office to expire May 31, 2017, to be effective immediately upon the receipt of eight affirmative votes, or, in the event eight affirmative votes are not received, ten days after appointment; or for terms and effectiveness as otherwise indicated below: [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
A) Appointing Rashadd T. Williams (Mayoral) to the San Antonio Youth Commission.
B) Appointing George G. Davila (Mayoral) to the City Commission on Veterans Affairs.
C) Appointing Oscar Rosalez (District 6) to the Zoning Commission.
D) Appointing Amy Lewis (District 3) to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 28 - Verano.
E) Appointing Susan S. Beldon (District 9) to the Animal Care Services Advisory Board.
Legislation Text
15. 16-5544 Appointing Kacy Cigarroa, Christopher C. Garcia, June R. Kachtik, Andrew M. Ozuna; Reappointing George W. Peck to the Planning Commission for an unexpired term of office to expire October 6, 2018; and appointing Casey J. Whittington for an unexpired term of office to expire October 6, 2017. [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
Legislation Text
Planning Commission Agenda Packet 2016.10.19
16. 16-5553 An Ordinance rescheduling City Council meetings in November and December 2016 and January 2017. [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
17. 16-5624 An Ordinance authorizing and approving publication of notice of intention to issue City of San Antonio, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation in one or more series in a maximum aggregate principal amount not to exceed $52,000,000.00 related to the acquisition of the Frost Bank Tower; and providing for an effective date [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer].
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
18. 16-5086 An Ordinance authorizing agreements with Texas A&M Forest Service to provide fuel reduction services to mitigate wildfire risks to the City of San Antonio. [Erik J. Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Charles N. Hood, Fire Chief]
Legislation Text
Texas Forest Service Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Draft Ordinance
19. 16-5188 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a Sports License Agreement with South Central Cougars Pop Warner Football Association for continued operation, maintenance and use of sports fields located at Stinson Park in Council District 3 for a five year term beginning November 1, 2016, and ending October 31, 2021; no City funds are associated with this action. [MarĆa VillagĆ³mez, Assistant City Manager; Xavier D. Urrutia, Director, Parks & Recreation]
Legislation Text
Sports License Agreement with South Central Cougars Pop Warner Football Association
Contracts Disclosure Form - Anthony Benavides - South Central Cougars Pop Warner Football Association
Certificate of Interested Parties Form - South Central Cougars
PowerPoint for License Agreement with South Central Cougars Pop Warner Football Association
Draft Ordinance
20. 16-5408 An Ordinance establishing a new brush collection schedule regarding a stronger oak wilt suppression program. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; David W. McCary, Director, Solid Waste Management]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Draft Ordinance
21. 16-5631 City Manager's Report
Legislation Text
22. 16-5505 A Resolution to initiate land use and zoning changes to properties within the World Heritage Buffer Zone, an area defined as a result of the designation of the San Antonio Missions as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (Council District 3 and 5)
Legislation Text
World Heritage Land Use Amendments - Location Maps
World Heritage Land Use Amendments - Aerial Maps
Z-1. 16-5463 ZONING CASE # Z2016245 (Council District 2): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-6 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "MHP AHOD" Manufactured Housing Park Airport Hazard Overlay District on 4.189 acres out of NCB 15894, located in the 7000 Block of Woodlake Parkway. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016245 Location Map
Z2016245 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-2. 16-5468 ZONING CASE # Z2016249 (Council District 2): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "I-1 AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-4 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 4, Block 31, NCB 1334, located at 407 Blaine Street. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016249 Location Map
Z2016249 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
P-1. 16-3251 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16035 (Council District 3): An Ordinance amending the Eastern Triangle Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use on Lot 35, NCB 12891, located at 2406 Tyne Drive from "Low Density Residential" to "Community Commercial." Staff recommends Approval. Planning Commission recommends Denial. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016132)
Legislation Text
Adopted and Proposed LU Maps
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-3. 16-3606 ZONING CASE # Z2016132 (Council District 3): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "NP-10" Neighborhood Preservation District to "C-2" Commercial District on Lot 35, NCB 12891, located at 2406 Tyne Drive. Staff recommends Approval, pending Plan Amendment. Zoning Commission recommends Denial. (Associated Plan Amendment 16035)
Legislation Text
Z2016-132 Location Map
Z2016132 ZC Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-4. 16-4986 ZONING CASE # Z2016208 CD (Council District 3): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-4 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-4 CD AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District with Conditional Use for Four (4) Dwelling Units on Lots 27 and 28, Block 82, NCB 3360, located at 455 Bailey Avenue. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016208 Location Map
Site Plan Z2016208 CD
Z2016208 CD Minutes Part 2
Z2016208 Minutes Part 1
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-5. 16-5470 ZONING CASE # Z2016251 S (Council District 3): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-4 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-4 S AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District with Specific Use Authorization for a Manufactured Home on Lot 26, Block 13, NCB 10895, located at 211 San Juan Road. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Location Map
Site Plan
Z2016251 S Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-6. 16-5555 ZONING CASE # Z2016228 (Council District 3): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-4 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "MF-18 AHOD" Limited Density Multi-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District on the North 120 Feet of Lots 19 and 20, Block 44, NCB 9467, located at 1500 Escalon Avenue. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval. (Continued from October 20, 2016)
Legislation Text
Location Map
Z2016228 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
P-2. 16-5282 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16072 (Council District 4): An Ordinance amending the Heritage South Sector Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of 88.719 acres out of NCB 18087, located at 13527 SW Loop 410 from "General Urban Tier" and "Agribusiness/RIMSE Tier" to "Suburban Tier". Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016246)
Legislation Text
Adopted and Proposed LU Maps
Aerial Map
PA 16072 Signed Resolution
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-7. 16-5464 ZONING CASE # Z2016246 (Council District 4): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "FBZ AHOD" Form Base Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District and "MI-1" Mixed Light Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-5 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District on 88.719 out of NCB 18087, located at 13527 Southwest Loop 410. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment 16072)
Legislation Text
Location Map
Z2016246 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-8. 16-5393 ZONING CASE # Z2016073 (Council District 5): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-4 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "NC AHOD" Neighborhood Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 7, Block 41, NCB 3640, located at 2602 Leal Street. Staff recommends Approval. Zoning Commission recommends Denial. (Continued from October 6, 2016)
Legislation Text
Z2016-073 Map
Z2016073 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-9. 16-5465 ZONING CASE # Z2016247 (Council District 5): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "I-2 AHOD" Heavy Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "IDZ AHOD" Infill Development Zone Airport Hazard Overlay District with detached single-family residential uses not to exceed 21 units per acre on Lot 8 and 9, Block 1, NCB A-15, located at 201 Probandt Street and 430 Clay Street. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016247 Location Map
Z2016247 Minutes
Z2016247 Site Plan_Revised
Draft Ordinance.pdf
P-3. 16-5279 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16069 (Council District 6): An Ordinance amending the West/Southwest Sector Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of Lots 3, 4, and 14, Block 1, NCB 17632, located in the 4200 Block of West Loop 1604 from "Rural Estate Tier" to "Suburban Tier". Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016237 CD)
Legislation Text
Adopted and Proposed LU Maps
Aerial Map
PA 16069 Signed Resolution
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-10. 16-5413 ZONING CASE # Z2016237 CD (Council District 6): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "C-3" General Commercial District to "C-2 CD" Commercial District with Conditional Use for an Indoor Gun Range on Lots 3, 4 and 14, Block 1, NCB 17632, located in the 4200 Block of West Loop 1604 North. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment 16069)
Legislation Text
Z2016-237- Location Map
Z2016237 Site Plan
Z2016237 CD Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-11. 16-5467 ZONING CASE # Z2016248 (Council District 6): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "C-2NA AHOD" Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Airport Hazard Overlay District to "R-5 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 2, Block 8, NCB 13959, located at 2142 South Callaghan Road. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016-248 Map
Z2016248 Minutes
P-4. 16-5278 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16067 (Council District 7): An Ordinance amending the Northwest Community Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of approximately 6.240 acres out of NCB 18309, located in the 7800 Block of Tezel Road from "Neighborhood Commercial" to "Medium Density Residential". Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016232)
Legislation Text
Aerial-PA 16067
Adopted and Proposed LU Maps- PA_16067
PA 16067 Signed Resolution
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-12. 16-5173 ZONING CASE # Z2016232 (Council District 7): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "C-3" General Commercial District to "R-4" Residential Single-Family District on 6.240 acres out of NCB 18309, located in the 7800 Block of Tezel Road. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment 16067)
Legislation Text
Z2016232 Location Map
Z2016232 Minutes
16-5173 Z2016232 Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-13. 16-5469 ZONING CASE # Z2016250 (Council District 8): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-6 MLOD" Residential Single-Family Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District to "C-2NA MLOD" Commercial Nonalcoholic Sales Camp Bullis Military Lighting Overlay District on Lots 33, 34 and 35, Block 1, NCB 14741, located at 6701, 6705 and 6709 Hausman Road. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval.
Legislation Text
Z2016250 Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
P-5. 16-5336 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16074 (Council District 9): An Ordinance amending the San Antonio International Airport Vicinity Land Use Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of aproximately 22.03 acres out of NCB 13847, NCB 13848, NCB 13197 and NCB 13060, located at multiple addresses along East and West Turbo Drive, Rendezvous Drive, Reverie Drive, and Braniff Drive from "Business Park" to "Light Industrial." Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016255 S)
Legislation Text
PC Resolution PA 16074
PA Adopted LU
PA Proposed LU
CCR Resolution Turbo at Braniff
PA 16074 Signed Resolution
16-5336 PA16074_Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-14. 16-5471 ZONING CASE # Z2016255 S (Council District 9): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "R-5 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District to "L AHOD" Light Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District, "I-1 AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District and "I-1 S AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Specific Use Authorization for Metal Products Fabrication on approximately 17.86 acres out of NCB 13847, NCB 13848, and NCB 13060, located at multiple addresses along East and West Turbo Drive, Rendezvous Drive, Reverie Lane, and Braniff Drive. Staff recommends Approval, pending Plan Amendment (Associated Plan Amendment 16074)
Legislation Text
ZC Proposed Zoning Map
CCR Resolution Turbo at Braniff
Resolution 2015-12-17-0070R (1)
Z2016255 S Minutes
Draft Ordinance.pdf
P-6. 16-5482 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16073 (Council District 10): An Ordinance amending the North Sector Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of 18.907 acres out of NCB 16587, located in the 7000 Block of East Loop 1604 from "Suburban Tier" to "Specialized Center". Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016253)
Legislation Text
PA16073 Adopted and Proposed LU Maps
PA16073 Aerial Map
PA 16073 Resolution
Draft Ordinance.pdf
Z-15. 16-5546 ZONING CASE # Z2016253 (Council District 10): An Ordinance amending the Zoning District Boundary from "C-3 AHOD" General Commercial Airport Hazard Overlay District to "L AHOD" Light Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District on 10.693 acres out of NCB 16587 and "I-1 AHOD" General Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District on 8.214 acres out of NCB 16587, located in the 7000 block of Loop 1604 East. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment 16073)