1. 16-5663 Invocation by Ramon Vasquez, Head Elder, Native American Church of North America, guest of Councilmember Rebecca J. Viagran, District 3.
Legislation Text
2. 16-5664 Pledge of Allegiance
Legislation Text
3. 16-5665 Approval of Minutes for the Regular City Council Meeting of October 6, 2016
Legislation Text
Draft Minutes - OCTOBER 6 2016
4. 16-5696 A Public hearing and consideration of the following items related to the full purpose annexation of areas within the South San Antonio Area save and except areas designated for development agreements and an industrial district agreement; adopting Service Plans; adopting Plan Amendments; adopting Zoning District boundaries; and approving development agreements, an Industrial District Agreement; and a Basic Fire Services Agreement. 4A - 4G can be voted on individually or as a group.
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
4A. 16-5528 An Ordinance allowing Development Agreements between the City of San Antonio and seven owners of property appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural, wildlife management or timber use and removal from the South San Antonio Limited Purpose Annexation Areas 1 through 4 to guarantee continued extraterritorial status for a period of 7 years. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning and Community Development]
Legislation Text
SSA Ag Agreements DRAFT Ordinance
4B. 16-5524 An Ordinance removing a tract of land located at 4526 S. Loop 1604 from the South San Antonio Area 4 Limited Purpose Annexation Area, designating the site as the Halliburton Industrial District, and approving a 10-year Development Agreement and a Basic Fire Services Agreement with Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
4C. 16-5508 An Ordinance providing for the extension of the City of San Antonio limits by the Full Purpose Annexation of approximately 19.62 square miles of land known as the South San Antonio Annexation Area 1, Area 2, Area 3, and Area 4, generally located south of Loop 410, between Old Pearsall Road and State Highway 181, and establishing an effective date of December 31, 2016, and adopting a Service Plan for the area. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning and Community Development].
Legislation Text
5 FINAL Revised Ordinance SOUTH SA Areas1-4 11_01_2016
4D. 16-5493 An Ordinance extending the City of San Antonio limits by the Full Purpose Annexation of approximately 36.266 acres of land known as the FMC Technologies Tract effective December 31, 2016, and adopting a Service Plan for the area. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning and Community Development]
Legislation Text
Attachment A - FMC Tech Property Map
Attachment B - SSA Service Plan
FMC Technologies Tract Full Purpose Annexation DRAFT Ordinance
4E. 16-5491 An Ordinance extending the City of San Antonio Limits by the Full Purpose Voluntary Annexation of approximately 388.9 acres located within 10 tracts generally located north of Priest Road, South of Loop 410, East of I-35, and west of I-37 in the southern portion of San Antonio's extraterritorial jurisdiction, in accordance with the terms of Development Agreements, effective December 31, 2016, and providing a Municipal Service Plan for the areas. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning and Community Development].
Legislation Text
FINAL Voluntary Ordiance 10_27_2016
4F. 16-5605 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16076 (Council Districts 3 and 4): An Ordinance amending the Heritage South Sector Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of approximately 235.98 acres of land, located at 10954 Espada Road, 10952 Espada Road, 4415 Mickey Road, and 204.2 acres of land on the East side of Somerset Road between Watson Road and Loop I-410 from "Suburban Tier" and "Agribusiness/RIMSE Tier" to "Civic Center", "Country Tier", and "Rural Estate Tier". Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016259) [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Roderick Sanchez, Director, Development Services]
Legislation Text
PA Map and Properties
PA 16076 Signed Resolution
Draft Ordinance.pdf
4G. 16-5575 ZONING CASE # Z2016259 (Council Districts 3 and 4): An Ordinance assigning Zoning for properties proposed for Annexation from "OCL" Outside City Limits to "NP-8 AHOD" Neighborhood Preservation Airport Hazard Overlay District, "NP-15 AHOD" Neighborhood Preservation Airport Hazard Overlay District, "RP AHOD" Resource Protection Airport Hazard Overlay District, "R-20 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District, and "RE" Residential Estate District on 388.9785 acres of land, located at 11893 Fischer Road, 12131 Fischer Road, 237.6255 acres on the East side of Somerset Road between Watson Road and Loop I-410 West, 10952 Espada Road, 10954 Espada Road, 10891 Southton Road, 11735 Blue Wing Road, 4415 Mickey Road, 3800 South Loop 1604 (Lot 3, Block 1, CB 4167A), and 3800 South Loop 1604 (Lot 8, Block 1, CB 4167A) within the South San Antonio Voluntary Annexation area. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment 16076) [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Roderick Sanchez, Director, Development Services]
Legislation Text
Z2016259 Map and Table - Zoning
Draft Ordinance.pdf
5. 16-5550 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of an Interlocal Funding and Service Agreement with VIA Metropolitan Transit authorizing City of San Antonio funding to VIA phased-in over a four year period with no funds in FY 2017, $2.2 million in FY 2018, $6.5 million in FY 2019 and $10 million in FY 2020 and beyond from funding sources to be identified during the annual budget process other than the City's Advanced Transportation District funds for bus frequency improvements on ten routes and travel times and capacity improvements on seven major corridors. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
6. 16-5358 An Ordinance authorizing a contract with SimplexGrinnell, L.P. to provide fire alarm system inspections, maintenance, testing and repair services to the City's Building and Equipment Services Department for an estimated cost of $81,000.00 annually, funded from FY2017 Operating Budget. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
Blank RFCSP Simplex Grinnell LP
Scoring Matrix
Draft Ordinance
7. 16-5509 An Ordinance authorizing an Interlocal Agreement with VIA Metropolitan Transit and an Integration Agreement with Longhorn Propane, LP to provide the Building and Equipment Services Department and various City departments with HD-5 Propane Motor Fuel for an estimated annual cost of $60,000.00, funded from the Building and Equipment Services Department Adopted Budget. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
Bid Tab
Draft Ordinance
8. 16-5410 An Ordinance authorizing the following contracts establishing unit prices for goods and services for an estimated annual cost of $1,381,680.00: (A) REV RTC, Inc. dba Hall-Mark RTC for E-One fire truck parts, (B) WebQA for WebQA software, (C) Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc. for Ferrara fire truck parts, (D) Waste Management of Texas, Inc. for an amendment to the contract for municipal commercial garbage collection, disposal and recycling services, and (E) Lytx, Inc. for vehicle event recorders. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-7564 Hallmark RTC
Bid Tab 101916
Addendum I
61-7782 Web QA
Bid Tab
61-7975 Ferrara
Bid Tab
61-1491 - Waste Management
Scoring Matrix
61-7991 Lytx, Inc.
Bid Tab
Draft Ordinance
9. 16-5478 An Ordinance consenting to the assignment and assumption agreement of the on-call general engineering consulting services agreement from URS Corporation to AECOM Technical Services, Inc. for the San Antonio Airport System. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Noel T. Jones, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
AECOM Form 1295
URS Form 1295
URS-AECOM - Assigment of Rights
Draft Ordinance
10. 16-5519 An Ordinance accepting two proposals to a Job Order Contract with Mechanical Technical Services, Inc. for the purchase of 10 HVAC units for the Terminal A Renovations Phase III Project in the total amount of $685,000.00 for the San Antonio International Airport. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Noel T. Jones, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Proposal for 3 AAON units
Proposal for 7 Chilled Water Air Handler Units
MTech Form 1295
Draft Ordinance
11. 16-5367 An Ordinance authorizing an amendment to the existing contract with Project Control of Texas, Inc. increasing the contract amount by $965,000.00, for a revised total contract value not to exceed $10,165,000.00, and appropriating $965,000.00 from the Redemption & Capital Reserve Fund for specialized technical construction inspections and other oversight functions for the Alamodome Renovation Project, located in Council District 2. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Alamodome Map
FI Sheet-Alamodome RFCA 16-5367
City of SA Form 1295
FI Form-Alamodome Renovations RFCA #16-5367
Draft Ordinance
12. 16-5259 An Ordinance authorizing the conveyance of a 0.330 acre perpetual conservation easement from the City of San Antonio to Mitigation Futures Conservancy related to the wetland mitigation area associated with the Bexar County Flood Control Perrin Beitel Channel Improvement Project in Council District 2. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Map Perrin Beitel Conservation easement
Exhibit P&FN Conservation Easement
Perrin Beitel - Project Layout 09162016
Draft Ordinance
13. 16-4681 An Ordinance exending a Parking Agreement with the University of Texas at San Antonio to allow continued use of 50 parking spaces by the Institute of Texan Cultures. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; John Jacks, Interim Director, Center City Development & Operations]
Legislation Text
First Amendment to UTSA Parking Agreement, updated August 30 by UTSA
Draft Ordinance
14. 16-5690 An Ordinance approving revisions to Chapter 29 of the Municipal Code which governs right-of-way management regulations to manage construction, excavation and placement of utilities to include language that will require contractors to have job site signage and on-person identification of the company for whom the right-of-way work is being performed. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
15. 16-5620 Consideration of the following Board, Commission and Committee appointments for the remainder of unexpired terms of office to expire May 31, 2017, to be effective immediately upon the receipt of eight affirmative votes, or, in the event eight affirmative votes are not received, ten days after appointment; or for terms and effectiveness as otherwise indicated below: [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
A) Appointing Norman Crader (District 7) to the City Commission on Veterans Affairs.
B) Appointing Lourdes Galvan (District 5) and Alfred Montoya (District 5) to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 30 - Westside.
C) Reappointing Judy A. Cruz (Mayoral) to the San Antonio Public Library Board of Trustees for the remainder of an unexpired term of office to expire September 30, 2018.
D) Appointing Paula J. McGee (Mayoral) to the Ethics Review Board for the remainder of an unexpired term of office to expire April 25, 2018.
Legislation Text
TIRZ 30_Galvan_Lourdes_2016.10.28
TIRZ 30_Montoya_Dr. Alfred_2016.10.28
ERB_APPT_McGee_Paula J._2016.11.04
16. 16-5540 An Ordinance approving the Third Amendment to the WSA Interlocal Agreement as recommended by the Committee of Six on August 29, 2016 and approving the Fourth Amendment to the WSA Partnership Agreement and appointments to the WSA Board of Directors as recommended by the Committee of Six October 19, 2016. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
WSA Board Appointment Resumes
WSA Interlocal Agreement 3rd Amendment Final w Attachments
WSA Partnership Agreement 4th Amendment Final w attachments
A Session 11 10 2016 - WSA
Draft Ordinance
17. 16-5617 A Resolution nominating Whataburger Restaurants LLC for consideration and designation as a State Enterprise Project qualifying the company for a potential refund of up to $1,250,000 over 5 years in state sales and use taxes based on a project investment exceeding $5 million, the creation of 20 new full-time jobs, and retention of 644 jobs. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Resolution
City Council A Session Nov 10 Whataburger TEZ Resolution PPT FINAL FOR UPLOAD 11 1 2016
18. 16-3884 An Ordinance authorizing a one-year extension of a professional services contract with Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings, dba LabCorp, to provide medical laboratory testing for the San Antonio Fire Department Wellness Center beginning January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00. [Erik J. Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Charles N. Hood, Fire Chief]
Legislation Text
Signed First Extension Lab Corp doc
2010-12-16-1102 wellness center lab testing contract
Draft Ordinance
19. 16-5108 An Ordinance authorizing a one-year extension of a professional services contract with VHS San Antonio Imaging Partners L.P., dba Baptist M&S Imaging, to provide medical imaging services for the San Antonio Fire Department Wellness Center beginning January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00. [Erik J. Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Charles N. Hood, Fire Chief]
Legislation Text
Contract VHS Baptist First Extension SAFD Signed by VHS
2010-12-16-1101 wellness center xrays contract
Draft Ordinance
20. 16-5161 An Ordinance authorizing an Interlocal Agreement with San Antonio Water System for assistance in enforcement of the coal tar sealant pavement product ban. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Draft Agreement
RFCA 16-5161 Presentation
Draft Ordinance.pdf
21. 16-5702 City Manager's Report
Legislation Text
Nov 10, 2016 City Council A Session on 2016-11-10 9:00 AM
1. 16-5663 Invocation by Ramon Vasquez, Head Elder, Native American Church of North America, guest of Councilmember Rebecca J. Viagran, District 3.
Legislation Text
2. 16-5664 Pledge of Allegiance
Legislation Text
3. 16-5665 Approval of Minutes for the Regular City Council Meeting of October 6, 2016
Legislation Text
Draft Minutes - OCTOBER 6 2016
4. 16-5696 A Public hearing and consideration of the following items related to the full purpose annexation of areas within the South San Antonio Area save and except areas designated for development agreements and an industrial district agreement; adopting Service Plans; adopting Plan Amendments; adopting Zoning District boundaries; and approving development agreements, an Industrial District Agreement; and a Basic Fire Services Agreement. 4A - 4G can be voted on individually or as a group.
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
4A. 16-5528 An Ordinance allowing Development Agreements between the City of San Antonio and seven owners of property appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural, wildlife management or timber use and removal from the South San Antonio Limited Purpose Annexation Areas 1 through 4 to guarantee continued extraterritorial status for a period of 7 years. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning and Community Development]
Legislation Text
SSA Ag Agreements DRAFT Ordinance
4B. 16-5524 An Ordinance removing a tract of land located at 4526 S. Loop 1604 from the South San Antonio Area 4 Limited Purpose Annexation Area, designating the site as the Halliburton Industrial District, and approving a 10-year Development Agreement and a Basic Fire Services Agreement with Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
4C. 16-5508 An Ordinance providing for the extension of the City of San Antonio limits by the Full Purpose Annexation of approximately 19.62 square miles of land known as the South San Antonio Annexation Area 1, Area 2, Area 3, and Area 4, generally located south of Loop 410, between Old Pearsall Road and State Highway 181, and establishing an effective date of December 31, 2016, and adopting a Service Plan for the area. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning and Community Development].
Legislation Text
5 FINAL Revised Ordinance SOUTH SA Areas1-4 11_01_2016
4D. 16-5493 An Ordinance extending the City of San Antonio limits by the Full Purpose Annexation of approximately 36.266 acres of land known as the FMC Technologies Tract effective December 31, 2016, and adopting a Service Plan for the area. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning and Community Development]
Legislation Text
Attachment A - FMC Tech Property Map
Attachment B - SSA Service Plan
FMC Technologies Tract Full Purpose Annexation DRAFT Ordinance
4E. 16-5491 An Ordinance extending the City of San Antonio Limits by the Full Purpose Voluntary Annexation of approximately 388.9 acres located within 10 tracts generally located north of Priest Road, South of Loop 410, East of I-35, and west of I-37 in the southern portion of San Antonio's extraterritorial jurisdiction, in accordance with the terms of Development Agreements, effective December 31, 2016, and providing a Municipal Service Plan for the areas. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning and Community Development].
Legislation Text
FINAL Voluntary Ordiance 10_27_2016
4F. 16-5605 PLAN AMENDMENT # 16076 (Council Districts 3 and 4): An Ordinance amending the Heritage South Sector Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City, by changing the future land use of approximately 235.98 acres of land, located at 10954 Espada Road, 10952 Espada Road, 4415 Mickey Road, and 204.2 acres of land on the East side of Somerset Road between Watson Road and Loop I-410 from "Suburban Tier" and "Agribusiness/RIMSE Tier" to "Civic Center", "Country Tier", and "Rural Estate Tier". Staff and Planning Commission recommend Approval. (Associated Zoning Case Z2016259) [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Roderick Sanchez, Director, Development Services]
Legislation Text
PA Map and Properties
PA 16076 Signed Resolution
Draft Ordinance.pdf
4G. 16-5575 ZONING CASE # Z2016259 (Council Districts 3 and 4): An Ordinance assigning Zoning for properties proposed for Annexation from "OCL" Outside City Limits to "NP-8 AHOD" Neighborhood Preservation Airport Hazard Overlay District, "NP-15 AHOD" Neighborhood Preservation Airport Hazard Overlay District, "RP AHOD" Resource Protection Airport Hazard Overlay District, "R-20 AHOD" Residential Single-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District, and "RE" Residential Estate District on 388.9785 acres of land, located at 11893 Fischer Road, 12131 Fischer Road, 237.6255 acres on the East side of Somerset Road between Watson Road and Loop I-410 West, 10952 Espada Road, 10954 Espada Road, 10891 Southton Road, 11735 Blue Wing Road, 4415 Mickey Road, 3800 South Loop 1604 (Lot 3, Block 1, CB 4167A), and 3800 South Loop 1604 (Lot 8, Block 1, CB 4167A) within the South San Antonio Voluntary Annexation area. Staff and Zoning Commission recommend Approval, pending Plan Amendment. (Associated Plan Amendment 16076) [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Roderick Sanchez, Director, Development Services]
Legislation Text
Z2016259 Map and Table - Zoning
Draft Ordinance.pdf
5. 16-5550 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of an Interlocal Funding and Service Agreement with VIA Metropolitan Transit authorizing City of San Antonio funding to VIA phased-in over a four year period with no funds in FY 2017, $2.2 million in FY 2018, $6.5 million in FY 2019 and $10 million in FY 2020 and beyond from funding sources to be identified during the annual budget process other than the City's Advanced Transportation District funds for bus frequency improvements on ten routes and travel times and capacity improvements on seven major corridors. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
6. 16-5358 An Ordinance authorizing a contract with SimplexGrinnell, L.P. to provide fire alarm system inspections, maintenance, testing and repair services to the City's Building and Equipment Services Department for an estimated cost of $81,000.00 annually, funded from FY2017 Operating Budget. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
Blank RFCSP Simplex Grinnell LP
Scoring Matrix
Draft Ordinance
7. 16-5509 An Ordinance authorizing an Interlocal Agreement with VIA Metropolitan Transit and an Integration Agreement with Longhorn Propane, LP to provide the Building and Equipment Services Department and various City departments with HD-5 Propane Motor Fuel for an estimated annual cost of $60,000.00, funded from the Building and Equipment Services Department Adopted Budget. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
Bid Tab
Draft Ordinance
8. 16-5410 An Ordinance authorizing the following contracts establishing unit prices for goods and services for an estimated annual cost of $1,381,680.00: (A) REV RTC, Inc. dba Hall-Mark RTC for E-One fire truck parts, (B) WebQA for WebQA software, (C) Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc. for Ferrara fire truck parts, (D) Waste Management of Texas, Inc. for an amendment to the contract for municipal commercial garbage collection, disposal and recycling services, and (E) Lytx, Inc. for vehicle event recorders. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-7564 Hallmark RTC
Bid Tab 101916
Addendum I
61-7782 Web QA
Bid Tab
61-7975 Ferrara
Bid Tab
61-1491 - Waste Management
Scoring Matrix
61-7991 Lytx, Inc.
Bid Tab
Draft Ordinance
9. 16-5478 An Ordinance consenting to the assignment and assumption agreement of the on-call general engineering consulting services agreement from URS Corporation to AECOM Technical Services, Inc. for the San Antonio Airport System. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Noel T. Jones, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
AECOM Form 1295
URS Form 1295
URS-AECOM - Assigment of Rights
Draft Ordinance
10. 16-5519 An Ordinance accepting two proposals to a Job Order Contract with Mechanical Technical Services, Inc. for the purchase of 10 HVAC units for the Terminal A Renovations Phase III Project in the total amount of $685,000.00 for the San Antonio International Airport. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Noel T. Jones, Director, Aviation]
Legislation Text
Proposal for 3 AAON units
Proposal for 7 Chilled Water Air Handler Units
MTech Form 1295
Draft Ordinance
11. 16-5367 An Ordinance authorizing an amendment to the existing contract with Project Control of Texas, Inc. increasing the contract amount by $965,000.00, for a revised total contract value not to exceed $10,165,000.00, and appropriating $965,000.00 from the Redemption & Capital Reserve Fund for specialized technical construction inspections and other oversight functions for the Alamodome Renovation Project, located in Council District 2. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Alamodome Map
FI Sheet-Alamodome RFCA 16-5367
City of SA Form 1295
FI Form-Alamodome Renovations RFCA #16-5367
Draft Ordinance
12. 16-5259 An Ordinance authorizing the conveyance of a 0.330 acre perpetual conservation easement from the City of San Antonio to Mitigation Futures Conservancy related to the wetland mitigation area associated with the Bexar County Flood Control Perrin Beitel Channel Improvement Project in Council District 2. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Map Perrin Beitel Conservation easement
Exhibit P&FN Conservation Easement
Perrin Beitel - Project Layout 09162016
Draft Ordinance
13. 16-4681 An Ordinance exending a Parking Agreement with the University of Texas at San Antonio to allow continued use of 50 parking spaces by the Institute of Texan Cultures. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; John Jacks, Interim Director, Center City Development & Operations]
Legislation Text
First Amendment to UTSA Parking Agreement, updated August 30 by UTSA
Draft Ordinance
14. 16-5690 An Ordinance approving revisions to Chapter 29 of the Municipal Code which governs right-of-way management regulations to manage construction, excavation and placement of utilities to include language that will require contractors to have job site signage and on-person identification of the company for whom the right-of-way work is being performed. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
15. 16-5620 Consideration of the following Board, Commission and Committee appointments for the remainder of unexpired terms of office to expire May 31, 2017, to be effective immediately upon the receipt of eight affirmative votes, or, in the event eight affirmative votes are not received, ten days after appointment; or for terms and effectiveness as otherwise indicated below: [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
A) Appointing Norman Crader (District 7) to the City Commission on Veterans Affairs.
B) Appointing Lourdes Galvan (District 5) and Alfred Montoya (District 5) to the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 30 - Westside.
C) Reappointing Judy A. Cruz (Mayoral) to the San Antonio Public Library Board of Trustees for the remainder of an unexpired term of office to expire September 30, 2018.
D) Appointing Paula J. McGee (Mayoral) to the Ethics Review Board for the remainder of an unexpired term of office to expire April 25, 2018.
Legislation Text
TIRZ 30_Galvan_Lourdes_2016.10.28
TIRZ 30_Montoya_Dr. Alfred_2016.10.28
ERB_APPT_McGee_Paula J._2016.11.04
16. 16-5540 An Ordinance approving the Third Amendment to the WSA Interlocal Agreement as recommended by the Committee of Six on August 29, 2016 and approving the Fourth Amendment to the WSA Partnership Agreement and appointments to the WSA Board of Directors as recommended by the Committee of Six October 19, 2016. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
WSA Board Appointment Resumes
WSA Interlocal Agreement 3rd Amendment Final w Attachments
WSA Partnership Agreement 4th Amendment Final w attachments
A Session 11 10 2016 - WSA
Draft Ordinance
17. 16-5617 A Resolution nominating Whataburger Restaurants LLC for consideration and designation as a State Enterprise Project qualifying the company for a potential refund of up to $1,250,000 over 5 years in state sales and use taxes based on a project investment exceeding $5 million, the creation of 20 new full-time jobs, and retention of 644 jobs. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Resolution
City Council A Session Nov 10 Whataburger TEZ Resolution PPT FINAL FOR UPLOAD 11 1 2016
18. 16-3884 An Ordinance authorizing a one-year extension of a professional services contract with Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings, dba LabCorp, to provide medical laboratory testing for the San Antonio Fire Department Wellness Center beginning January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00. [Erik J. Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Charles N. Hood, Fire Chief]
Legislation Text
Signed First Extension Lab Corp doc
2010-12-16-1102 wellness center lab testing contract
Draft Ordinance
19. 16-5108 An Ordinance authorizing a one-year extension of a professional services contract with VHS San Antonio Imaging Partners L.P., dba Baptist M&S Imaging, to provide medical imaging services for the San Antonio Fire Department Wellness Center beginning January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00. [Erik J. Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Charles N. Hood, Fire Chief]
Legislation Text
Contract VHS Baptist First Extension SAFD Signed by VHS
2010-12-16-1101 wellness center xrays contract
Draft Ordinance
20. 16-5161 An Ordinance authorizing an Interlocal Agreement with San Antonio Water System for assistance in enforcement of the coal tar sealant pavement product ban. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]