1. 16-6017 Invocation by Pastor Dave Murillo, St. Paul Lutheran Church, guest of Councilmember Shirley Gonzales, District 5.
Legislation Text
2. 16-6018 Pledge of Allegiance
Legislation Text
3. 16-6019 Approval of Minutes for the Regular City Council Meetings of October 19 - 20, 2016
Legislation Text
Draft Minutes - OCTOBER 19 2016
Draft Minutes - OCTOBER 20 2016
4. 16-5734 An Ordinance accepting the offer from Mac Haik Dodge Chrysler Jeep to provide one replacement medical special operations unit ambulance for a total cost of $277,050.00, funded from the Equipment Renewal and Replacement Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-8234 Mac Haik Dodge
Bid Tab _ 110716
Addendum I
Draft Ordinance
5. 16-5738 An Ordinance accepting the offer from Doggett Freightliner of South Texas, LLC to provide three replacement aerial trucks for a total cost of $460,043.69, funded from the Equipment Renewal and Replacement Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-8132 Doggett Freightliner of South Texas
Bid Tab
Addendum I
Addendum II
Draft Ordinance
6. 16-5755 An Ordinance accepting the offer from Creative Bus Sales to provide two replacement and one additional 23-passenger shuttle buses for a total cost of $371,140.00, funded from the Equipment Renewal and Replacement Fund and the Department of Human Services General Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-8130 Creative Bus Sales
Bid Tab
Addendum I
Draft Ordinance
7. 16-5700 An Ordinance authorizing the following contracts establishing unit prices for goods and services for an estimated annual cost of $495,000.00: (A) Tehco, Inc. for gasoline and diesel refueling parts and service, (B) Earth Networks, Inc. for WeatherBug Outdoor Lightning Alerting System services and equipment, and (C) KONE, Inc. for elevator and escalator preventative maintenance. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-7840 Tehco, Inc.
Bid Tab
61-8241 Earth Networks, Inc.
Bid Tab
61-1505 Kone, Inc.
Score Summary Matrix
Draft Ordinance
8. 16-5430 An Ordinance awarding the execution of a Professional Design Services Agreement with Bain Medina Bain, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $800,000.00 of which $140,000.00 will be reimbursed by SAWS for joint design services in order to develop a construction design plan for the West Commerce Economic Corridor Project, located in Council District 5. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation and Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Form 1295-W Commerce
Master Score Sheet- West Commerce Economic Development Corridor - numerical order
Map of Project Area
Form 1295-W Commerce
9. 16-5623 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a Construction Manager at Risk contract with Guido Brothers Construction Company Inc., in the amount not to exceed $13,000,000.00 for the Hemisfair Civic Park Project's Utility Infrastructure Phase, a Certificates of Obligation funded project, located in Council District 1. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
RFCA Project Map
RFQ_Guido_Early Wks_Hemisfair Civic Park 1295
Guido Discretionary Contracts Disclosure Form
Copy of Interview Score Summary - Civic Park (2)
Draft Ordinance
10. 16-5752 An Ordinance authorizing the negotiation and execution of a Developer Participation Agreement with PKB Development, LLC. in an amount not to exceed $220,000.00 for the construction of a roadway entrance into MLK Park from the access road of IH-10, a 2016 Certificates of Obligation funded project located in Council District 2. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Developer Participation Agreement - MLK Park - DRAFT for RFCA 11-17-16
MLK Park DPA Map
Draft Ordinance
11. 16-5661 Consideration of the following two items with USAA Realco to facilitate the installation/construction of various infrastructure improvements along La Cantera Parkway in Council District 8: [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Funding Agreement - USAA (CAOdraft1)
Permit (Draft)
Draft Ordinance A
Draft Ordinance B
Draft ordinance
USAA Exhibit
11A. 16-6021 An Ordinance authorizing a permit for the installation of signage within La Cantera Pkwy, public right of way between IH-10 and Loop 1604 in Council District 8, as requested by USAA Realco for a fee of $500.00; and waiving applicable sections of Chapter 28 and Chapter 37 of the City Code.
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Funding Agreement - USAA (CAOdraft1)
Permit (Draft)
Draft Ordinance A
Draft Ordinance B
Draft ordinance
11B. 16-6022 An Ordinance authorizing the negotiation and execution of a Funding Agreement with USAA Realco and providing funds up to 50% of the cost not to exceed $600,000 for the resurfacing of La Cantera Parkway between IH-10 and Loop 1604.
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Funding Agreement - USAA (CAOdraft1)
Permit (Draft)
Draft Ordinance A
Draft Ordinance B
Draft ordinance
12. 16-4644 An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition through condemnation of up to 7.939 acres in NCB 15010 located along Salado Creek in Council District 9 for the Linear Creekway Development Project, a 2010 Proposition 2 Sales Tax Initiative funded project; property being in the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas; declaring the Linear Creekway Development Project on aforementioned waterway to be a public project for public use; declaring public necessity for the acquisition of privately owned real property; and authorizing the City Attorney and/or designated special counsel to file eminent domain proceedings. [María Villagómez, Assistant City Manager; Xavier D. Urrutia, Director, Parks and Recreation]
Legislation Text
PowerPoint for Acquisition of Property for Linear Creekways Development Project 12-8-2016
Memo to be Read for Acquisition of Property for Linear Creekways Development Project 12-8-2016
Draft Ordinance
Exhibit A to Memo to be Read for Acquisition of Property for Linear Creekways Development Project
13. 16-5826 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a Sports License Agreement with Prospect Hill Yellow Jackets Athletic Club for use and maintenance of three sports fields and concession building at Rosedale Park located in Council District 5 for a five year term beginning January 1, 2017, and ending December 31, 2021; no City funds are associated with this action. [María Villagómez, Assistant City Manager; Xavier D. Urrutia, Director, Parks & Recreation]
Legislation Text
Sports License Agreement with Prospect Hill Yellow Jackets Athletic Club
Contracts Disclosure Form - Manuel V. Betancourt - Prospect Hill Yellow Jackets Athletic Club
Certificate of Interested Parties Form - Prospect Hill Yellow Jackets.pdf
Prospect Hill Yellow Jackets - Council PPT
Draft Ordinance
14. 16-5412 An Ordinance closing, vacating and abandoning 1.000 acre of Snell Drive Public Right of Way located at Ackerman Road in Council District 2 for a fee of $31,150.00. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Survey Field Notes
Survey Plat
Aerial Photo
POWERPOINT - 1911 - File ID 16-5412
Letter of Agreement
Draft Ordinance
15. 16-5417 An Ordinance closing, vacating and abandoning 0.007 of an acre of Newell Avenue Public Right of Way, abutting 226 Newell Avenue in Council District 1 for a fee of $7,545.00. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Exhibit A
Letter of Agreement
1295 Form
Aeial Photo
POWERPOINT - 1966 - File ID 16-5417
Draft Ordinance
16. 16-5990 Consideration of the following three items relating to Vehicles to Hire: [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; William McManus, Police Chief]
Legislation Text
Draft Operating Agreement
Chapter 33 Amendments
Chapter 3 Amendments
Draft Ordinance - A
Draft Ordinance - B
Draft Ordinance - C
16A. 16-6041 An Ordinance authorizing the City to enter into annual operating agreements with Transportation Network Companies beginning December 31, 2016 with 3 one year renewal options.
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance - A
Draft Operating Agreement
16B. 16-6042 An Ordinance amending Article I, General Provisions, Article V, Limousine Services, Article VII, Tour and Charter Service, and Article VIII, Taxicabs to Chapter 33 of the City Code of San Antonio, Texas, to amend the definitions, the fees, and the operating procedures and requirements.
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance - B
Chapter 33 Amendments
16C. 16-6043 An Ordinance amending Chapter 3, Article II, Section 3-180 of the City Code of San Antonio, Texas, to amend ground transportation fees.
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance - C
Chapter 3 Amendments
17. 16-5953 Appointing John P. Dice and Edward Patrick Magallanes to the Building Standards Board Healthcare Professional At-Large Category for the remainder of unexpired terms of office to expire May 31, 2017. [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
Legislation Text
18. 16-5637 An Ordinance authorizing a concessionaire contract with Sovereign Services of Houston for valet services in the downtown area. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; John Jacks, Interim Director, Center City Development & Operations Department]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Fiscal Impact Form (ValetService).pdf
Draft Ordinance
19. 16-5844 An Ordinance approving the First Amendment to the Property Redevelopment Agreement for the Agave Apartments at 633 S. Saint Mary's Street, located in Council District 1. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; John Jacks, Interim Director, Center City Development & Operations]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
EXHIBIT 1 - First Amendment to Property Redevelopment Agreement
EXHIBIT 2 - Property Redevelopment Agreement
EXHIBIT 3 - Ordinance 2013-06-20-0453
EXHIBIT 4 - Replat
EXHIBIT 5 - Public Street Easement
Draft ordinance
20. 16-5842 An Ordinance approving the Third Amendment to the Workforce Solutions Alamo Interlocal Agreement as recommended by the Committee of Six on August 29, 2016 and approving the Fourth Amendment to the WSA Partnership Agreement and appointments to the WSA Board of Directors as recommended by the Committee of Six on October 19, 2016. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
WSA Board Appointment Resumes
WSA Interlocal Agreement 3rd Amendment Final w Attachments
WSA Partnership Agreement 4th Amendment Final w attachments
Draft Ordinance
21. 16-5861 An Ordinance authorizing the issuance of approximately $52,000,000 "City of San Antonio, Texas Variable Rate Certificates of Obligation, Series 2016" (the "Certificates") and levying an annual ad valorem tax, within the limitations prescribed by law, for the payment of the Certificates; prescribing the form, terms, conditions, and resolving other matters incident and related to the issuance, sale, and delivery of the Certificates; authorizing the execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and a Purchase and Investment Letter; and providing for an effective date. [Ben Gorzell, Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Financial Officer]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
Memo to City Council regarding Issuance and Sale
22. 16-5619 An Ordinance authorizing an Interlocal Agreement with VIA Metropolitan Transit to provide Emergency Transportation Services for the City of San Antonio Office of Emergency Management during a State activation. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Charles N. Hood, Fire Chief]
Legislation Text
Emergency Transportation VIA Contract
Fiscal Impact Form
Interlocal Agreement
Draft Ordinance
23. 16-5850 An Ordinance authorizing a professional services contract with Pre-Employ.com, to provide post-offer criminal background check services consistent with the Fair Credit Reporting Act for a three year term beginning January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2019, with two one year renewal terms at the City's option, at an estimated annual expense of $30,000.00. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Lori Steward, Human Resources Director]
Legislation Text
1295 Preemploy.com
SCORE Summary_RFP Criminal Background Checks
Draft Agreement
Draft Ordinance
24. 16-5831 An Ordinance authorizing an Interlocal Agreement with the Edwards Aquifer Authority for a five year term ending December 2021 in an amount not to exceed $175,000.00 annually, for a total amount of $875,000.00 from the 2015 Proposition 1 Parks Development & Expansion Fund available in the Edwards Aquifer Protection Program Project. [María Villagómez, Assistant City Manager; Xavier D. Urrutia, Director, Parks and Recreation]
Legislation Text
ILACoSA EAA Conservation Easement 2016-2021
Draft Ordinance
Powerpoint for Edwards Aquifer Protection Program on 12-8-2016 - #16-5831
25. 16-5750 An Ordinance amending the boundary of the Northeast Corridor Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) #33 by adding approximately 595 parcel acres. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning & Community Development]
26. 16-5851 An Ordinance authorizing awards of trust assistance from the San Antonio Housing Trust totaling $930,000.00 to support four affordable housing projects located in Council Districts 1, 2, and 7; authorizing the duly authorized, representatives of the San Antonio Housing Trust and the City Of San Antonio to execute any and all documents and agreements in connection with these transactions; appropriating funds; and providing for payment. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning and Community Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
27. 16-5773 A Resolution of No Objection for NRP Lone Star Development, LLC's application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for non-competitive 4% Housing Tax Credits program for the development of Lord Road Apartments, a 324 unit multi-family rental housing development located at Lord Road and W.W. White Road in Council District 2. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning and Community Development]
Legislation Text
Lord Road Map
Draft Ordinance
28. 16-5848 A Resolution in Support of the San Antonio Housing Authority's application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for competitive 9% housing tax credits and identifying East Meadows Phase II Multi-Family Project, located in Council District 2, as contributing "most significantly to the concerted revitalization efforts" of the City of San Antonio. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning and Community Development]
Legislation Text
Wheatley-East Meadows Re-Development Map
Draft Resolution
29. 16-6020 City Manager's Report
Legislation Text
Dec 08, 2016 City Council A Session on 2016-12-08 9:00 AM
1. 16-6017 Invocation by Pastor Dave Murillo, St. Paul Lutheran Church, guest of Councilmember Shirley Gonzales, District 5.
Legislation Text
2. 16-6018 Pledge of Allegiance
Legislation Text
3. 16-6019 Approval of Minutes for the Regular City Council Meetings of October 19 - 20, 2016
Legislation Text
Draft Minutes - OCTOBER 19 2016
Draft Minutes - OCTOBER 20 2016
4. 16-5734 An Ordinance accepting the offer from Mac Haik Dodge Chrysler Jeep to provide one replacement medical special operations unit ambulance for a total cost of $277,050.00, funded from the Equipment Renewal and Replacement Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-8234 Mac Haik Dodge
Bid Tab _ 110716
Addendum I
Draft Ordinance
5. 16-5738 An Ordinance accepting the offer from Doggett Freightliner of South Texas, LLC to provide three replacement aerial trucks for a total cost of $460,043.69, funded from the Equipment Renewal and Replacement Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-8132 Doggett Freightliner of South Texas
Bid Tab
Addendum I
Addendum II
Draft Ordinance
6. 16-5755 An Ordinance accepting the offer from Creative Bus Sales to provide two replacement and one additional 23-passenger shuttle buses for a total cost of $371,140.00, funded from the Equipment Renewal and Replacement Fund and the Department of Human Services General Fund. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-8130 Creative Bus Sales
Bid Tab
Addendum I
Draft Ordinance
7. 16-5700 An Ordinance authorizing the following contracts establishing unit prices for goods and services for an estimated annual cost of $495,000.00: (A) Tehco, Inc. for gasoline and diesel refueling parts and service, (B) Earth Networks, Inc. for WeatherBug Outdoor Lightning Alerting System services and equipment, and (C) KONE, Inc. for elevator and escalator preventative maintenance. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance]
Legislation Text
61-7840 Tehco, Inc.
Bid Tab
61-8241 Earth Networks, Inc.
Bid Tab
61-1505 Kone, Inc.
Score Summary Matrix
Draft Ordinance
8. 16-5430 An Ordinance awarding the execution of a Professional Design Services Agreement with Bain Medina Bain, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $800,000.00 of which $140,000.00 will be reimbursed by SAWS for joint design services in order to develop a construction design plan for the West Commerce Economic Corridor Project, located in Council District 5. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation and Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Form 1295-W Commerce
Master Score Sheet- West Commerce Economic Development Corridor - numerical order
Map of Project Area
Form 1295-W Commerce
9. 16-5623 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a Construction Manager at Risk contract with Guido Brothers Construction Company Inc., in the amount not to exceed $13,000,000.00 for the Hemisfair Civic Park Project's Utility Infrastructure Phase, a Certificates of Obligation funded project, located in Council District 1. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
RFCA Project Map
RFQ_Guido_Early Wks_Hemisfair Civic Park 1295
Guido Discretionary Contracts Disclosure Form
Copy of Interview Score Summary - Civic Park (2)
Draft Ordinance
10. 16-5752 An Ordinance authorizing the negotiation and execution of a Developer Participation Agreement with PKB Development, LLC. in an amount not to exceed $220,000.00 for the construction of a roadway entrance into MLK Park from the access road of IH-10, a 2016 Certificates of Obligation funded project located in Council District 2. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Developer Participation Agreement - MLK Park - DRAFT for RFCA 11-17-16
MLK Park DPA Map
Draft Ordinance
11. 16-5661 Consideration of the following two items with USAA Realco to facilitate the installation/construction of various infrastructure improvements along La Cantera Parkway in Council District 8: [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Funding Agreement - USAA (CAOdraft1)
Permit (Draft)
Draft Ordinance A
Draft Ordinance B
Draft ordinance
USAA Exhibit
11A. 16-6021 An Ordinance authorizing a permit for the installation of signage within La Cantera Pkwy, public right of way between IH-10 and Loop 1604 in Council District 8, as requested by USAA Realco for a fee of $500.00; and waiving applicable sections of Chapter 28 and Chapter 37 of the City Code.
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Funding Agreement - USAA (CAOdraft1)
Permit (Draft)
Draft Ordinance A
Draft Ordinance B
Draft ordinance
11B. 16-6022 An Ordinance authorizing the negotiation and execution of a Funding Agreement with USAA Realco and providing funds up to 50% of the cost not to exceed $600,000 for the resurfacing of La Cantera Parkway between IH-10 and Loop 1604.
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Funding Agreement - USAA (CAOdraft1)
Permit (Draft)
Draft Ordinance A
Draft Ordinance B
Draft ordinance
12. 16-4644 An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition through condemnation of up to 7.939 acres in NCB 15010 located along Salado Creek in Council District 9 for the Linear Creekway Development Project, a 2010 Proposition 2 Sales Tax Initiative funded project; property being in the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas; declaring the Linear Creekway Development Project on aforementioned waterway to be a public project for public use; declaring public necessity for the acquisition of privately owned real property; and authorizing the City Attorney and/or designated special counsel to file eminent domain proceedings. [María Villagómez, Assistant City Manager; Xavier D. Urrutia, Director, Parks and Recreation]
Legislation Text
PowerPoint for Acquisition of Property for Linear Creekways Development Project 12-8-2016
Memo to be Read for Acquisition of Property for Linear Creekways Development Project 12-8-2016
Draft Ordinance
Exhibit A to Memo to be Read for Acquisition of Property for Linear Creekways Development Project
13. 16-5826 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a Sports License Agreement with Prospect Hill Yellow Jackets Athletic Club for use and maintenance of three sports fields and concession building at Rosedale Park located in Council District 5 for a five year term beginning January 1, 2017, and ending December 31, 2021; no City funds are associated with this action. [María Villagómez, Assistant City Manager; Xavier D. Urrutia, Director, Parks & Recreation]
Legislation Text
Sports License Agreement with Prospect Hill Yellow Jackets Athletic Club
Contracts Disclosure Form - Manuel V. Betancourt - Prospect Hill Yellow Jackets Athletic Club
Certificate of Interested Parties Form - Prospect Hill Yellow Jackets.pdf
Prospect Hill Yellow Jackets - Council PPT
Draft Ordinance
14. 16-5412 An Ordinance closing, vacating and abandoning 1.000 acre of Snell Drive Public Right of Way located at Ackerman Road in Council District 2 for a fee of $31,150.00. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Survey Field Notes
Survey Plat
Aerial Photo
POWERPOINT - 1911 - File ID 16-5412
Letter of Agreement
Draft Ordinance
15. 16-5417 An Ordinance closing, vacating and abandoning 0.007 of an acre of Newell Avenue Public Right of Way, abutting 226 Newell Avenue in Council District 1 for a fee of $7,545.00. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Mike Frisbie, Director, Transportation & Capital Improvements]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Exhibit A
Letter of Agreement
1295 Form
Aeial Photo
POWERPOINT - 1966 - File ID 16-5417
Draft Ordinance
16. 16-5990 Consideration of the following three items relating to Vehicles to Hire: [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; William McManus, Police Chief]
Legislation Text
Draft Operating Agreement
Chapter 33 Amendments
Chapter 3 Amendments
Draft Ordinance - A
Draft Ordinance - B
Draft Ordinance - C
16A. 16-6041 An Ordinance authorizing the City to enter into annual operating agreements with Transportation Network Companies beginning December 31, 2016 with 3 one year renewal options.
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance - A
Draft Operating Agreement
16B. 16-6042 An Ordinance amending Article I, General Provisions, Article V, Limousine Services, Article VII, Tour and Charter Service, and Article VIII, Taxicabs to Chapter 33 of the City Code of San Antonio, Texas, to amend the definitions, the fees, and the operating procedures and requirements.
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance - B
Chapter 33 Amendments
16C. 16-6043 An Ordinance amending Chapter 3, Article II, Section 3-180 of the City Code of San Antonio, Texas, to amend ground transportation fees.
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance - C
Chapter 3 Amendments
17. 16-5953 Appointing John P. Dice and Edward Patrick Magallanes to the Building Standards Board Healthcare Professional At-Large Category for the remainder of unexpired terms of office to expire May 31, 2017. [Leticia M. Vacek, City Clerk]
Legislation Text
18. 16-5637 An Ordinance authorizing a concessionaire contract with Sovereign Services of Houston for valet services in the downtown area. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; John Jacks, Interim Director, Center City Development & Operations Department]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
Fiscal Impact Form (ValetService).pdf
Draft Ordinance
19. 16-5844 An Ordinance approving the First Amendment to the Property Redevelopment Agreement for the Agave Apartments at 633 S. Saint Mary's Street, located in Council District 1. [Lori Houston, Assistant City Manager; John Jacks, Interim Director, Center City Development & Operations]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
EXHIBIT 1 - First Amendment to Property Redevelopment Agreement
EXHIBIT 2 - Property Redevelopment Agreement
EXHIBIT 3 - Ordinance 2013-06-20-0453
EXHIBIT 4 - Replat
EXHIBIT 5 - Public Street Easement
Draft ordinance
20. 16-5842 An Ordinance approving the Third Amendment to the Workforce Solutions Alamo Interlocal Agreement as recommended by the Committee of Six on August 29, 2016 and approving the Fourth Amendment to the WSA Partnership Agreement and appointments to the WSA Board of Directors as recommended by the Committee of Six on October 19, 2016. [Carlos Contreras, Assistant City Manager; Rene Dominguez, Director, Economic Development]
Legislation Text
Staff Presentation
WSA Board Appointment Resumes
WSA Interlocal Agreement 3rd Amendment Final w Attachments
WSA Partnership Agreement 4th Amendment Final w attachments
Draft Ordinance
21. 16-5861 An Ordinance authorizing the issuance of approximately $52,000,000 "City of San Antonio, Texas Variable Rate Certificates of Obligation, Series 2016" (the "Certificates") and levying an annual ad valorem tax, within the limitations prescribed by law, for the payment of the Certificates; prescribing the form, terms, conditions, and resolving other matters incident and related to the issuance, sale, and delivery of the Certificates; authorizing the execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and a Purchase and Investment Letter; and providing for an effective date. [Ben Gorzell, Jr., Chief Financial Officer; Troy Elliott, Deputy Financial Officer]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
Memo to City Council regarding Issuance and Sale
22. 16-5619 An Ordinance authorizing an Interlocal Agreement with VIA Metropolitan Transit to provide Emergency Transportation Services for the City of San Antonio Office of Emergency Management during a State activation. [Erik Walsh, Deputy City Manager; Charles N. Hood, Fire Chief]
Legislation Text
Emergency Transportation VIA Contract
Fiscal Impact Form
Interlocal Agreement
Draft Ordinance
23. 16-5850 An Ordinance authorizing a professional services contract with Pre-Employ.com, to provide post-offer criminal background check services consistent with the Fair Credit Reporting Act for a three year term beginning January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2019, with two one year renewal terms at the City's option, at an estimated annual expense of $30,000.00. [Ben Gorzell, Chief Financial Officer; Lori Steward, Human Resources Director]
Legislation Text
1295 Preemploy.com
SCORE Summary_RFP Criminal Background Checks
Draft Agreement
Draft Ordinance
24. 16-5831 An Ordinance authorizing an Interlocal Agreement with the Edwards Aquifer Authority for a five year term ending December 2021 in an amount not to exceed $175,000.00 annually, for a total amount of $875,000.00 from the 2015 Proposition 1 Parks Development & Expansion Fund available in the Edwards Aquifer Protection Program Project. [María Villagómez, Assistant City Manager; Xavier D. Urrutia, Director, Parks and Recreation]
Legislation Text
ILACoSA EAA Conservation Easement 2016-2021
Draft Ordinance
Powerpoint for Edwards Aquifer Protection Program on 12-8-2016 - #16-5831
25. 16-5750 An Ordinance amending the boundary of the Northeast Corridor Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) #33 by adding approximately 595 parcel acres. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning & Community Development]
26. 16-5851 An Ordinance authorizing awards of trust assistance from the San Antonio Housing Trust totaling $930,000.00 to support four affordable housing projects located in Council Districts 1, 2, and 7; authorizing the duly authorized, representatives of the San Antonio Housing Trust and the City Of San Antonio to execute any and all documents and agreements in connection with these transactions; appropriating funds; and providing for payment. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning and Community Development]
Legislation Text
Draft Ordinance
27. 16-5773 A Resolution of No Objection for NRP Lone Star Development, LLC's application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for non-competitive 4% Housing Tax Credits program for the development of Lord Road Apartments, a 324 unit multi-family rental housing development located at Lord Road and W.W. White Road in Council District 2. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning and Community Development]
Legislation Text
Lord Road Map
Draft Ordinance
28. 16-5848 A Resolution in Support of the San Antonio Housing Authority's application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for competitive 9% housing tax credits and identifying East Meadows Phase II Multi-Family Project, located in Council District 2, as contributing "most significantly to the concerted revitalization efforts" of the City of San Antonio. [Peter Zanoni, Deputy City Manager; Bridgett White, Director, Planning and Community Development]