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Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
Hold Harmless Agreement (CD-5) 2909 Guadalupe St
3. 20-4682 (CD-5) 1110 Grand Alley
1. 20-4687 (CD-5) 3511 El Paso St
2. 20-4688 (CD-5) 3041 Chihuahua St
4. 20-4683 (CD-4) 7710 Somerset Rd
5. 20-4684 (CD-1) 1247 Culebra Rd
7. 20-4686 (CD-6) 334 Westoak Rd
6. 20-4685 (CD-2) 903 Pine St S
Administrative Items
Aug 13, 2020 Building Standards Board on 2020-08-13 9:00 AM
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Full agenda
Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
Hold Harmless Agreement (CD-5) 2909 Guadalupe St
3. 20-4682 (CD-5) 1110 Grand Alley
1. 20-4687 (CD-5) 3511 El Paso St
2. 20-4688 (CD-5) 3041 Chihuahua St
4. 20-4683 (CD-4) 7710 Somerset Rd
5. 20-4684 (CD-1) 1247 Culebra Rd
7. 20-4686 (CD-6) 334 Westoak Rd
6. 20-4685 (CD-2) 903 Pine St S
Administrative Items
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