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Roll Call
Items 3 - 6, 8
3. 20-6058 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700182 CD (Council District 2)
4. 20-6053 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700202 (Council District 3)
5. 20-6084 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700205 (Council District 1)
6. 20-6129 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700206 (Council District 5)
8. 20-6087 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700210 (Council District 8)
2. 20-6128 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700163 S ERZD (Council District 8)
7. 20-5867 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700208 (Council District 5)
9. 20-6054 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700212 (Council District 1): A request for a change in zoning from "FBZD T4-2 HS AHOD" Form Based Zone District Transect 4 Historic Landmark Airport Hazard Overlay District to "D HS AHOD" Downtown Historic Landmark Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 2, Lots 4 through 9, and Lot 11, Block 6, NCB 442, 0.664 acres out of NCB 442, and 0.994 acres out of NCB 442, generally located at 624 North Alamo Street and 609 Avenue E. Staff recommends Denial. (Michael Pepe, Planner, (210) 207-8208,, Development Services Department)
10. 20-6085 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700214 (Council District 8)
Items 11 & 12
11. 20-6127 Consideration and Approval of the September 15, 2020 Meeting Minutes
12. 20-6126 Consideration and Approval of the October 6, 2020 Meeting Minutes
Oct 20, 2020 Zoning Commission on 2020-10-20 1:00 PM
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Roll Call
Items 3 - 6, 8
3. 20-6058 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700182 CD (Council District 2)
4. 20-6053 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700202 (Council District 3)
5. 20-6084 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700205 (Council District 1)
6. 20-6129 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700206 (Council District 5)
8. 20-6087 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700210 (Council District 8)
2. 20-6128 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700163 S ERZD (Council District 8)
7. 20-5867 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700208 (Council District 5)
9. 20-6054 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700212 (Council District 1): A request for a change in zoning from "FBZD T4-2 HS AHOD" Form Based Zone District Transect 4 Historic Landmark Airport Hazard Overlay District to "D HS AHOD" Downtown Historic Landmark Airport Hazard Overlay District on Lot 2, Lots 4 through 9, and Lot 11, Block 6, NCB 442, 0.664 acres out of NCB 442, and 0.994 acres out of NCB 442, generally located at 624 North Alamo Street and 609 Avenue E. Staff recommends Denial. (Michael Pepe, Planner, (210) 207-8208,, Development Services Department)
10. 20-6085 ZONING CASE Z-2020-10700214 (Council District 8)
Items 11 & 12
11. 20-6127 Consideration and Approval of the September 15, 2020 Meeting Minutes
12. 20-6126 Consideration and Approval of the October 6, 2020 Meeting Minutes
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